Chairman’s message

Chairman’s Message

Florida continues to lead on school choice for parents and students

The Legislature has passed bills maximizing parental choice by expanding eligibility and streamlining school choice scholarship programs for students with unique abilities and students from lower income families. The Senate passed House Bill 7045, School Choice, sponsored in the Senate by Senator Manny Diaz, Jr.

“I’m pleased to see the Senate stand with Florida parents who overwhelmingly support expanding eligibility for these popular school choice programs. We know that parents are their children’s first and best educators, a fact that has certainly been highlighted over the last year,” Senate President Wilton Simpson said. “We want school choice to be an option for every family. This important legislation further streamlines our existing school choice scholarships, and expands eligibility for lower income families, families of students with unique abilities, adopted children, and children whose parents serve in our military.”

The legislation expands school choice to allow a family of four earning less than $100,000 to receive full funding for K-12 education costs at a school of their choice under an expansion of the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program. Eligibility is expanded to students who are not enrolled in a public school, students of parents serving in the military, and students who are in foster care or adopted.

Read much more here:

The Wall Street Journal ran a terrific editorial on Florida’s school choice bill, the final line of which is: Florida is a haven for overtaxed northerners, but it’s also an education refuge for low- and middle-income families.

Read more here:


Holding Big Tech accountable. Both chambers of the Florida Legislature have now approved legislation barring social media companies from deplatforming political candidates. It’s a classic free speech, anti-censorship, equal access and protection bill for all Floridians.

Republicans and free-speech advocates — and just a lot of Americans — were outraged after the sitting President of the United States, President Donald Trump, was suspended and then banned from Facebook and Twitter in January on the spurious accusation that his content had the potential to incite violence. It did not, but plenty of content that the social media platforms do allow does have the potential, and expectation, to incite violence — such as Antifa organizing on their platforms.

After the appalling, partisan ban of the President,the New York Post, Parler, and Republican candidates such as Laura Loomer, Governor Ron DeSantis called for laws stopping the social media giants from doing this again. After all, for better or worse, they are the public square now and access to them is required for free speech to flourish. Under the measure, social media giants would be forbidden to suspend the accounts of candidates for more than 60 days before an election has been resolved.

Read more here:–voting-drop-boxes-


The Florida House and Senate have agreed to a budget that is balanced, while making record investments in flood mitigation, education and leaving $6 billion in budget reserves. The 2021 General Appropriations Act prepares Florida today for a better tomorrow. In reconciling the House and Senate budgets, both sides praised the other for their spirit of cooperation throughout the process.

“Working together with our partners in the Senate, we were able to craft a budget that funds immediate needs and also long-term priorities for the future,” House Speaker Chris Sprowls said. “In the greenest budget in Florida’s history, we respond to the needs of our state in areas like flooding mitigation, state park maintenance and water quality. We provide unprecedented levels of budget reserves, make record investments in higher-education funding, fund an overhaul of our workforce system and extend postpartum Medicaid coverage from two months to a full year.”

House Appropriations Committee Chair Trumbull said: “We make smart, good-government investments into programs that provide lasting benefits for generations. From unprecedented infrastructure funding to record investments into beach renourishment to bonuses for teachers and front-line workers, we make the right decisions for Florida’s future.”

The $101.5 billion budget includes $6.9 billion in federal funding from Medicaid increases and federal education stimulus funds. If those funds were not included, the budget would be $94.6 billion, slightly above the $92.3 billion budget approved last year.

Read more here:

Florida Update

Governor DeSantis announced a historic gaming compact between the State of Florida and the Seminole Tribe of Florida. The agreement will generate a minimum of $2.5 billion in new state revenue over the next five years, and an estimated $6 billion through 2030.

“This historic compact expands economic opportunity, tourism, and recreation, and bolsters the fiscal success of our state in one fell swoop for the benefit of all Floridians and Seminoles alike,” Governor DeSantis said. “Our agreement establishes the framework to generate billions in new revenue and untold waves of positive economic impact.”

Larger and more expansive than any other gaming compact in U.S. history, the agreement increases the revenue to the State of Florida from the Seminole Tribe from no revenue to over $6 billion over the next decade, with a guaranteed minimum of $2.5 billion during the first five years. Most notably, the compact modernizes the gaming industry through the authorization of sports betting in Florida through the Tribe. The agreement also provides protections for pari-mutuel operations and the opportunity to participate in sports betting offered by the Tribe.

Read more here:


Governor DeSantis announced significant progress in the Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir Project in a press conference where he was joined by Florida Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Noah Valenstein and the South Florida Water Management District to announce significant progress on the Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir Project.

The SFWMD Governing Board unanimously approved an agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that keeps the Corps on track to begin federal construction on the reservoir component this year. In April 2020, Governor DeSantis announced that the South Florida Water Management District began construction on the State of Florida’s component of the project, the stormwater treatment area, 12 months ahead of schedule.

“Today marks a critical milestone for Everglades restoration and achieving our state’s long-term environmental goals,” Governor DeSantis said.

Read more:


Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis needled Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer with a letter this week in response to ongoing revelations that she and a top staffer visited Florida recently after telling Michigan residents they should not travel — particularly to Florida. CFO Patronis provided the governor and her staff with tourism materials from the state’s “Visit Florida” marketing board to “help plan” their next trip down.

“Now that you and your COO have personally experienced what the Sunshine State has to offer, I encourage you to share your experiences publicly. More importantly, however, don’t be a stranger!”

Read more here:

REMEMBER: @FloridaGOP and retweet and share. The Republican message must be spread around the state and you are integral to making that happen.

Florida Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Ron DeSantis Joins Us Friday

Come out to meet Congressman Ron DeSantis Friday as he will be joining us for breakfast and will give a short introduction before our legislative session.

DeSantis is running for the Republican ticket for the Governor of Florida against Adam Putnam, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture.

DeSantis priorities include more school choice initiatives, recruiting new industry in finance and technology (particularly recruiting from Israel) and remaking the court system and advocating tort reform.

This month’s breakfast meeting will feature a panel of representatives providing an Annual Post Legislative Update.

The panelist will include local Representatives including State Senator Kathleen Passidomo, State Representative Byron Donalds District 80, and State Representative Bob Rommel District 106.

You can also expect to see many of the candidates running for election this fall, including school board candidates, County Commission Candidates, District and County Judges, Fire Commissioners, and State Attorney candidates.

Get to know your legislators and view the new ones waiting to get elected.

Buy Tickets or RSVP- Click Here

The Origins of Reagan’s Missile Defense Shield Turn 50

Article by our February speaker Gene Kopelson

As President Trump returns home from his successful trip to Asia, America and her Asian allies face the continued specter of North Korea fulfilling its threats to launch nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles.

A major component of our present defenses is the latest generation of our antimissile defense shield, proposed by President Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s as his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). But few realize just how long Reagan had pushed for America to create such a workable defense shield: In fact, it was 50 years ago this month.

In late September 1967, California’s Republican governor, Ronald Reagan, was flying east after a successful campaign stop in his home state of Illinois. Reagan was some ten months into his first presidential campaign, which had begun only a few weeks after winning the governorship the prior November. Reagan was to meet the all-important senator from South Carolina, Strom Thurmond, who was about to release his own autobiography, edited by conservative icon Lee Edwards. One of Thurmond’s favorite topics was antiballistic missiles.

As Reagan landed, Time hit the newsstands with a cover story on a possible American defensive missile shield aimed to protect the United States. Both land-based and space-based defensive missiles were envisioned. The article also revealed that Soviets were already completing their own defensive missile shield around Moscow, and the Johnson administration felt that all that America could do was to design our own system to prevent a Chinese attack. Thurmond later would tell candidate Richard Nixon that his, Thurmond’s support, was dependent on whether Nixon would agree to fund such a defense program, so it is highly likely that Thurmond discussed it with Reagan as well.

A few weeks later at a campaign stop in Seattle on November 10, the press asked Reagan as to whether America should match the Soviets’ expenditure for weapons in space. Reagan’s answer is noteworthy:

“I am one who has followed with interest the discussion in the press, and in magazine articles, and so forth, statements and interviews by various people associated with both the military and space … Perhaps we are understating and underspending in the space program with regard to the military possibilities of space.”

Clearly, Reagan had been processing the idea of a missile defense shield over many weeks. But as a potential president of the United States come January 1969, he wanted to learn much more. He had read voraciously on the subject but wanted to see things first hand. Fortunately, the exact cutting edge research center was just around the corner from the gubernatorial mansion in Sacramento. Reagan had his staff arrange a private gubernatorial visit to America’s Lawrence-Livermore National Laboratory.

Dr. Edward Teller was the physicist in charge of developing America’s possible defensive missile shield.

Reagan’s visit was not a publicity stunt for a brief time. Instead, Reagan spent many hours there and was without the press. Teller showed Reagan all the various projects. Teller recalled that Reagan was a careful listener who asked a dozen questions which were thoughtful and to the point.

During the third week of July 1968, a short national debate occurred about America signing an Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty with the Soviet Union. In the treaty, Moscow could keep its missile shield but the U.S. would forgo any further development. Dr. Teller testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and urged that America not give up its plans to develop an antimissile shield. But the strongest words came in Amarillo from candidate Reagan:

“In recent days there have been big smiles in the Kremlin… But I wonder if they are smiling or laughing at us? We are now ready to talk a nuclear weapon treaty that will stop us from protecting our cities, as theirs are already protected on an anti-ballistic missile program.”
Reagan went on tearing into the Soviet Union as a country that has broken “more than 50 treaties” and feels it can break any treaty when it fits its national interests. He almost used the words, “Evil Empire.”

For candidate Reagan in 1968, the ABM treaty would pass, and Reagan’s idea of a missile defense shield would lie dormant for a decade and a half until President Reagan again would meet with Dr. Teller and SDI would be proposed. Despite Democrats’ scoffing at the idea and attempts to defeat any funding for it, resolute Reagan would stand firm for his idea, even when it would mean the breakdown of negotiations with Gorbachev in Reykjavik.

In the second decade of the twenty-first century, America is facing the twin nuclear-tipped missile threats from North Korea and Iran. The heart of our and our allies’ defenses owes its existence to the foresight of Ronald Reagan fifty years ago.

Gene Kopelson is the author of “Reagan’s 1968 Dress Rehearsal: Ike, RFK, and Reagan’s Emergence as a World Statesman” (Figueroa Press, 2016) and has published about Reagan’s 1966 successful gubernatorial campaign with Americans of Mexican descent. To read more of his reports, Go Here Now.

Posts by Gene Kopelson

December 2018 Breakfast Meeting with Thomas Tyrrell

America and the Realities of Big Power Politics

Thomas Terrell joins us with a dynamic program. His British wit , humor and fast paced program is one you don’t want to miss!

Thomas Tyrrell is an international lawyer, historian and genealogist.  He has been lecturing in Southwest Florida about the geopolitics of World Events since 2003.  He is a British citizen with an American father and English mother. Thomas brings a fresh ‘Transatlantic Perspective’ to his presentations that encourages active participation by audience members.  He seeks to place modern events in their historical context thereby perhaps giving his American audience reason to pause and think.

He has been a guest presenter at the Collier County Public Libraries, the Renaissance Academy at Florida Gulf Coast University, Shell Point Retirement Community, the English Speaking Union, the Naples Press Club,  the International Men’s  Club of America, as well as several local men’s and women’s clubs and church societies.

To Register – Click Here


  • Thomas Tyrrell was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge University, from which he holds a Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Economics and Law and a Master’s Degree.
  • He also holds a Bachelor of Law from London University and a Fellowship of the Genealogical Society.


  • Barrister at Law and International Banker in London.
  • Deputy Chairman of the overseas subsidiary of Banque Sarasin of Basle, one of Switzerland’s oldest private banks and overseas director of La Baloise, a leading Swiss insurance company and PK banken of Sweden.
  • Economic Advisor to the British Government in the National Economic Development Office (NEDO). 
  • Practiced  international law in Luxembourg and Geneva.
  • Established Fiduciaire Tyrrell Higham as an independent traditional European fiduciary.
  • Founded with others in Europe and America, an international trust company in Auckland, New Zealand. 


  • The International Bar Association
  • International Associate of The American Bar Association
  • Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners of London
  • International Director of the Association of Professional Genealogists
  • The National Genealogical Society in Washington, DC
  • The Genealogical Society of London
  • ‘OSCE’ Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Vienna
  • ‘Chatham House’–The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London
  •  ‘RUSI’–The Royal United Services Institute for International and Defense Studies, London
  •  ‘RIAC’ Russian International Affairs Council, Moscow
  • EUISS’–European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris
  •  ‘EUISS’ European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris
  •  ‘ECFR’ European Council on Foreign Relations.


President’s Message – July 2017

Jim Carter

I hope you are enjoying your summer! It was a terrific Independence Day in Naples. The 4th of July parade was a big success .

While we didn’t meet in July, August will start another full year of great programs as we go into election year 2018. Hard to believe!! Another round of critical elections as Governor Scott is termed out and running for the U.S.Senate against incumbent Democrat Bill Nelson. I’m already contacting candidates who are expected to run for Governor.

This fall our Salute to Veterans NOVEMBER 3, at the Hilton, will be an awesome event. Keni Thomas, an Army Ranger who fought in the battle of Mogadishu known to us by the movie BLACK HAWK Down based on the book by the same title. He was a consultant to the movie production as he relived that 18 hour fire fight where 19 Americans died an 78 were wounded. Sgt. Thomas stayed in the Army for three more years as a Ranger team leader Keni got out of the Army to pursue his music career. He is an award winning Nashville recording artist. His band Cornbread was featured in the film Sweet Home in Alabama and regularly tours with the CSO to entertain our troops.

Keni Thomas

His book “Get It On” is already a best seller. His message is powerful and has been engaged by many Fortune 100 companies as an outstanding Motivational speaker.
This is going to be a memorable Salute to Veterans Event. You don’t want to miss it. Tickets will go on sale August 1. The fee is $35.for everyone, EXCEPT the first 50 Veterans, who register out side of our membership, will be our guests. This is a major community out reach. Sponsor packages will be announced August 1. Preferred seating is available for table purchases of 8.

Go to our web site or Facebook page to keep updated on this event. Yes, Keni is the son of our own John Thomas, Col.US Army(ret). If it wasn’t for John , this event wouldn’t happen. View the event here.
Jim Carter,

June 2017 Speaker Meeting – Legislative Update

Note – The meeting will be held at Hilton Naples

Our Florida State Senator, Kathleen Passidomo, and State Representatives Byron Donalds and Bob Rommel, join us for this annual panel discussion to keep us informed about legislative actions that affect our community.

To Register – Click Here

About Senator Kathleen Passidomo

Senator Kathleen Passidomo was elected to the Florida Senate in November 2016 after having served in the Florida House of Representatives since 2010.

She represents all of Collier and Hendry Counties and parts of Lee County.

In her personal and professional life she firmly believes in giving back to her community. Senator Passidomo and her husband, John, have lived and worked in Naples for 37 years.

About Representative Byron Donalds
Rep. Byron Donalds is member of the Florida House of Representatives representing District 80. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Byron Donalds is the product of a single parent household. As a young man, his mother made every sacrifice possible to give him the best opportunity at the American Dream. Byron attended Florida State University and graduated with Bachelor of Arts degrees in Finance and Marketing in 2002. Since moving to Naples in 2003, Byron has worked in banking and insurance. Currently he is a Financial Advisor at Wells Fargo Advisors.

Previously, Donalds has served SWFL as a member of the Board of Trustees for Florida Southwestern State College and a founding Board member for Mason Classical Academy, a public charter school in Naples.

Byron Donalds lives in Naples, Florida with his wife, Erika, and his three sons, Damon, Darin, and Mason.

About Representative Bob Rommel
Rep. Bob Rommel was born and raised in Keyport New Jersey. In 2002, he sold his mortgage company that he and a partner had founded. The company had offices in New Jersey, Florida, California and Pennsylvania and grew to 120 employees in just 5 years. Bob’s business in the region led he and his wife Sandra to spend more time in Southwest Florida until eventually they made Naples their full-time home.

Bob and his business partner currently own three restaurants; Bistro 41 in Fort Myers, Bayfront Bistro in Fort Myers Beach and Bills Olde Tavern in Hamilton, New Jersey where they pride themselves on offering each customer consistent culinary cuisine and accommodating professional service.

Bob is the past President of the Caxambas Republican Club and a member of the Collier County Republican Party. He is very active in numerous charities.

Cost for Breakfast:

  • $20 Members
  • $25 Non-Members


Hilton Naples

5111 Tamiami Trail No.

Naples, FL 34103

May Meeting – Cyber Security Systems – Greg Scasny

Cybersecurity education and awareness is your first line of defense against attacks.

Get ready for a mind blowing session on how attackers gain access to your computer, with Gregory P. Scasny on Cyber Security.

Scasny is the CEO of Cybersecurity Defense Solutions

The best security technology in the world can’t help you unless you understand how to safeguard sensitive data and protect resources. This will involve putting practices and policies in place that promote security be able to identify and avoid risks.

Tips to be Covered

  • Keeping a clean machine: You should have clear rules for you will install and keep on your computers.
  • Following good password practices: Making passwords long and strong, with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols, along with changing them routinely and keeping them private are the easiest and most effective steps you can take to protect your data.
  • When in doubt, throw it out: Do not to open suspicious links in email, tweets, posts, online ads, messages or attachments – even if you know the source.
  • Backing up your work: Whether you set your computers to backup automatically or do it yourselves, employees should be instructed on their role in protecting your work.

Register Now – Click Here

Gregory Scasny

Bio: Gregory P. Scasny

Cyber Security Systems

Greg is currently the CEO of CDS. He leads the strategic and technological
vision for the Network Security business solutions within CDS.
Greg is a graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical
Engineering and Technology, with a focus on networking and
communications. A native of Northwest Indiana, Greg was employed out of
college as a ICS/Systems Engineer for Bethlehem Steel, where he worked and
was trained on securing various communication and control systems,
including very large scale ICS networks, SCADA Systems and VAX/VMS

From Bethlehem, Greg started a Managed IT services company that provided IT and Information Security
services to businesses. in addition to his management duties, Greg led the information security side of
the IT business, designing several network security platforms that are installed at hundreds of sites still

Upon exiting that business, Greg started CDS in 2014 to focus on information security as the core
business. At CDS, Greg is responsible for leading the consulting and product development of the
business, which includes in-depth cyber-security assessments, penetration testing, security program
implementation, virtual CISO services, SOC implementation, Intrusion Detection and Analysis, Threat
Intelligence and Deceptive Blue Team Defense Tactics. We truly take a “purple team” approach to our
client cyber security needs.

Greg is very active in the Southwest Florida Community. Greg has served on the Board of Directors for
the Southwest Florida Regional Technology Partnership, serves on the Business Advisory Committee for
Dunbar High School, The Advisory Board for The Rocket Lounge, The Cybersecurity Advisory Board for
Fort Myers Technical College, The Hodges University School of Technology Advisory Board and is also a
returning alumni for the News Press Young Professionals Advisory Board.

Greg has served as a mentor to the Ft Myers High School Cyber-Patriot Program and also has served on
the Citizen’s Editorial Board for The News Press. Recently, Greg has been named Cybersecurity Advisor
for Florida Gulf Coast University to assist in building a “Cyber-Lab” for their Cybersecurity Program.
Greg is a regular guest on WINK News, Fox 4 News, ABC-7 News and NBC-2 News in Fort Myers Florida
for Cybersecurity, Hacking stories and expertise. In addition, Greg has provided Cybersecurity Awareness
Training for the entire City of Cape Coral and for the IRS Cybercrimes Division in Tampa Fl. Greg has also
presented at the Cyber Ready conference at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa Florida on Incident

Greg regularly volunteers to do speaking engagements, TV appearances and panel discussions on
Information Security, Hacking, Best Practices and Incident Response.

April Meeting

STEM and NAACP Advances

Speakers: David L. Hinds and  J. Webb Horton

Collier County NAACP and FGCU team up to advance STEM in Collier County to advance the students to a brighter future.

Meeting date Friday April 7th.


Views From Our April Meeting


David L. Hinds

David Hinds is a retired Banker with over 30 years of banking experience.

David had a distinguished management career, which included leading operations and technology divisions and global marketing and sales organizations for two global financial services firms.  David was considered an expert in turn-around management, process  re-engineering and crisis management.  He served on many industry committees and was a guest speaker at several global banking conferences.

David was a Partner of Bankers Trust and a Managing Director of Deutsche Bank.

David also served in the military as a lieutenant/Captain in the Army from 1966-1970.

David retired from Banking in May of 2000.

Over the past several years, David has served as a member of the Board of Directors for several New York Financial Services Companies. As a Director, he served as a member of the Asset Liability Committee, Chairman of the Audit and Finance Committee, and a member of other Board Committees.

David was also on the Board of Directors for the Greater New York City YMCA and Chairman of the New York City NAACP ACT-SO Advisory Board.

Currently, he serves as a member of the Executive Committee of the Collier County NAACP. Working with other members of the NAACP, he has worked to develop several educational programs for the students of Collier County. These programs

include a two -week S.T.E.M. Summer Camp at Florida Gulf Coast University, a Career Conversations program and most recently a College Prep Program.

David was recently recognized by Governor Scott for his work to improve the educational aspirations of the children of Collier County.

J. Webb Horton

Professional Summary

  • Presently Chair of Collegiate Varsity Committee, USTA.
  • Four years as Vice Chair Collegiate Varsity Committee, USTA.
  • Highly motivated individual with thirty years professional tennis experience and ten years of athletic administrative experience in a variety of settings. Involvement with the start-up and building of the athletic program at Florida Gulf Coast University.
  • Excellent teaching and people skills. Motivational speaker for many local community organizations to promote higher education and personal excellence within an athletic environment.
  • Fund raising for university and community athletic and academic programs to enrich students’ lives from elementary through college level.
  • Accomplished facilitator for:
    • ITA tournaments with over 300 participates
    • On campus events for 300 to 500 attendances
    • Off campus programs for area tennis clubs
    • Coordination of personnel and facilities for numerous additional academic and athletic events
    • Development of minority coaching workshop for ITA Convention (as vice chair of the collegiate committee )

Work Experience

2011 – 2015   Assistant Director of Community Outreach FGCU (Present)

Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL

2001 – 2011   Assistant Athletic Director and Men’s and Women’s Head Tennis Coach

                          Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL

2000 – 2001   Head Women’s Tennis Coach and Director, Diversity Outreach Counselor                                       Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky


1996 – 2000   Head Men’s and Women’s Tennis Coach and Admissions Counselor

Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, Indiana

1988 – 1996   Midwest Sales Representative

Head Sports, Chicago, Illinois

1985 – 1988   Tournament Director

Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department, Fort Wayne, Indiana


1982 – 1988   Head Women’s Tennis Coach                                          

                          University of St. Francis, Fort Wayne, Indiana

1980 – 1985   Investigator in Public Defender’s Office

Allen County Courthouse, Fort Wayne, Indiana

1972 – 1980   Coordinator for Department of Human Development Special Projects

Fort Wayne Community Schools, Magnet School, Fort Wayne, Indiana

1971 – 1972   Deputy Director

Metropolitan Human Relations Commission, Fort Wayne, Indiana

1970 – 1971   Executive Director and Compliance Officer

Erie Human Relations Commission, Erie, Pennsylvania


Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsylvania

B.A. Political Science 1964- 1970

College Sports: Varsity player- Tennis, Basketball, Track


Professional Tennis Registry (PGR) Certification- Highest Rating

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (1983)

Professional Awards

2003 – 2004    ITA – Coach of Year

2000 – 2001    GLVC Coach of Year- Northern Kentucky University

1986 – 1987    NAIA District 18 State Champions- University of St. Francis

1985 – 1986    NAIA District 18 State Champions- University of St. Francis

NAIA District 18 Coach of the Year- University of St. Francis

Community Service

2012 to present           Broadcaster, ESPN3 television for Men/Women FCCU basketball

2001 to present           Facilitate and lead numerous tennis clinics for minority students in the southwest Florida

2001 to present           Member Lee County, Florida- Community Tennis Association CTA

2003 to 2012               Broadcaster, Atlantic Sun Conference television for Men/Women FCGU basketball

2007 – 2013                Chair, Atlantic Sun Conference Men’s Tennis Committee

2003                            Hosted Hearing Impaired Olympic Team Tryouts at FGCU

1977 – 1981                Host of “Majority of One” television show, WPTA-TV, Fort Wayne, Indiana

A half hour program that highlighted minority leaders and their contributions and covered  topics of interest to the minority community.

March Meeting – Active Shooter Preparation

Topic: Active Shooter Training

The goal of this training, regardless of whether it is provided in a classroom setting or by viewing the video, is not to create unnecessary fear. The goal is to empower our community members with the knowledge and practical options so they may avoid, minimize or deter this type of threat should it ever happen to them or their loved ones, no matter where they may be.

Sgt. Neal Bohannon will be the presenter.

In addition to Sgt. Bohannon’s presentation, Sheriff Rambosk will be in attendance. Sherriff Rambosk would like to provide the audience with a state of the agency briefing.

RSVP – Click Here

Beginning at 7:30am

Cost:  $20 for Members $25 for Non-Members
Buffet Breakfast

Place:  Pelican Marsh Golf Club
Address: 1810 Persimmon Dr, Naples, FL
Club Phone:(239) 293-2399

Directions – Click Here

Watch The Video:

February Meeting “Thinking Outside the Box”

The Topic: Iran, Europe and Russia

“Thinking Outside the Box”

Thomas Tyrell, a British International Lawyer, Banker and Historian.

A Transatlantic Perspective.

Dynamic and fast moving presentation.

Thomas Tyrrell is an international lawyer, historian and genealogist.  He has been lecturing in Southwest Florida about the geopolitics of World Events since 2003.  He is a British citizen with an American father and English mother. Thomas brings a fresh ‘Transatlantic Perspective’ to his presentations that encourages active participation by audience members.  He seeks to place modern events in their historical context thereby perhaps giving his American audience reason to pause and think.

Beginning at 7:30am

Cost:  $20 for Members $25 for Non-Members
Buffet Breakfast

Place:  Pelican Marsh Golf Club
Address: 1810 Persimmon Dr, Naples, FL
Club Phone:(239) 293-2399

Directions – Click Here

To RSVP – Click Here



  • Thomas Tyrrell was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge University, from which he holds a Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Economics and Law and a Master’s Degree.
  • He also holds a Bachelor of Law from London University and a Fellowship of the Genealogical Society.


  • Barrister at Law and International Banker in London.
  • Deputy Chairman of the overseas subsidiary of Banque Sarasin of Basle, one of Switzerland’s oldest private banks and overseas director of La Baloise, a leading Swiss insurance company and PK banken of Sweden.
  • Economic Advisor to the British Government in the National Economic Development Office (NEDO). 
  • Practiced  international law in Luxembourg and Geneva.
  • Established Fiduciaire Tyrrell Higham as an independent traditional European fiduciary.
  • Founded with others in Europe and America, an international trust company in Auckland, New Zealand. 


  • The International Bar Association
  • International Associate of The American Bar Association
  • Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners of London
  • International Director of the Association of Professional Genealogists
  • The National Genealogical Society in Washington, DC
  • The Genealogical Society of London
  • ‘OSCE’ Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Vienna
  • ‘Chatham House’–The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London
  •  ‘RUSI’–The Royal United Services Institute for International and Defense Studies, London
  •  ‘RIAC’ Russian International Affairs Council, Moscow
  • EUISS’–European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris
  •  ‘EUISS’ European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris
  •  ‘ECFR’ European Council on Foreign Relations.