President’s Message January 2025

President, The Right Men’s Club

Coming off a successful 2024, we are not resting on our laurels for 2025. The board recently met to finalize our goals for the year. You can view them here. We’d encourage you to lend a helping hand.

Last year, we awarded over $20,000 in scholarships to Republican students. However, we aim to do more than assist a limited number of students. Our focus is on engaging young people and maintaining their involvement by supporting existing organizations and creating new ones for sustained success in upholding our shared values into the future.

The election of Donald J. Trump has paved the way for young people to witness the benefits of policies that build on our country’s founding ideals. By actively involving the next generation, we can further solidify these principles.

Join us at our February breakfast to explore upcoming technologies and learn how to integrate them into your life. Learn more here.

Join us January 28th for our Right Connections Social, where we provide the treats, and you provide the drinks, and we meet in a casual setting. See details below.

January Breakfast Meeting Photo Gallery

December Breakfast with Ed Martin Photo Gallery

2025 Board of Directors Candidates

Glenn Brown
The Right Men’s Club

The term of one of our Directors, Randy Cash, will expire in December. Randy has provided amazing support and service as a Director of our club for many years, and we express our heartfelt appreciation to him for all he has done. Randy is also very active with the VFW in the state of Florida, and will soon become the State Commander. We wish Randy continued success in all he does.

In order to fill this vacancy, all Regular Members in good standing (dues are paid) will have an opportunity to vote for a new Director to serve a three-year term. Three well qualified candidates, Gene Barrett, Rob Paul and Ed Thompson, have expressed interest in joining the board, and their names will appear on a ballot to be voted on at our December 6 breakfast meeting. Prior to voting, each candidate will have an opportunity to say a few words. The candidate receiving the most votes will be elected to serve a three-year term.

In recent weeks another of our Directors, Barry Denton, has indicated that due to his business obligations he needs to step down from the Board. We also thank Barry for his dedicated service to our club, and wish him every success. Our Club Bylaws authorize the Board of Directors to appoint a member to complete the remaining term of a Director vacancy, and our Board has decided that it will appoint the candidate who receives the second-highest number of votes at our December Meeting to complete the one-year remaining on Barry’s term.

See Candidate Bio’s Below:


Gene Barrett

Gene Barrett

1650 Crayton Road Naples FL 34102
(610) 750-1934
Born: Stillwater, OK
Grew-up/High School: Sacramento, CA; then Ada, OK; then Fairfax County, VA – Lake Braddock high school
Undergraduate University of Virginia – BS Commerce
Campaign Work Fundraising for CCREC
Charity Board member and president, Aston Middletown Little League (Philadelphia suburbs)
Professional Executive management with IBM 1999 – 2023

Statement from Gene Barrett

I am a lifelong Republican. My father campaigned for Barry Goldwater and, like him, I continue to be a limited-government conservative.

My political approach is to practice sustained outreach to people of all perspectives, to try to win them over to an America-First, limited-government viewpoint. I have participated in the RMCCC’s Membership Committee over the past year and have worked to consolidate and clean up the membership list, while also working to convert it into a modern customer relationship management (CRM) system.

Separately, I became a committeeman for the CCREC in March, and organized and emceed the CCREC’s Lincoln-Reagan dinner, its largest annual fundraiser, netting $175,000. I also organized and ran the 2nd Annual Oakes Farms Classic golf fundraiser in June, which netted $45,000. I am currently serving as the CCREC’s events director, and as the GOTV leader for Collier County District 4.

Robert Paul

Robert Paul

9310 Marino Circle, Unit 303, Naples 34114


Born: Boston Mass

Grew-up/High School Sharon High School

Undergraduate: Bryant College

Campaign Work: Tim Guerrette

Other: Big Brothers Big Sisters board member, Various Veteran Charities

Professional: President of Swagworld & SwagUSA

Statement from Robert Paul

I’m a business leader and entrepreneur with 35 years of B-to-B sales experience and my #1 goal is to improve clients’ return on investment through delivering quality products and transparent communications. I’ve built two office supply companies from the ground up, and am known for my organizational abilities and management skills. Taking a consultative approach, I provide clients with solutions that speak to their specific issues and goals. I have a reputation for being straightforward and solving potential issues before they become your issues. We enjoy partnering with non profits to help support their missions.

With so many companies offering promotional products, it’s hard to know who to trust. Will they get your logo, right? Deliver on time for that important event? Is the price, right? Will you get the personal attention you need? So why should you trust SwagWorld? Our #1 priority is to make you and your organization shine and we’ve got the people to back it up. Finding the perfect product to represent your brand is our expertise, from unique corporate gifts to inexpensive giveaways, we’ve got what you’re looking for, including many brands you won’t find anywhere else.

SwagWorld’s success is based on the success of our clients and why we offer personal face-to-face and virtual service. By eliminating the automated operator and confusing online product searches, your company can trust SwagWorld to provide the highest quality of service in the market.

Ed Thompson

Ed Thompson

Contact Information:

September 10, 2024

Ed Thompson

3129 Andorra Court, Naples FL 34109

Phone: 646-388-1771



Born: Brunswick, ME August 22, 1949

Grew up/High School: Cold Spring, NY, Evander Childs High School, Bronx NY



Republican Party Association and Activities:

Life-long Republican. Unofficial campaign work for CCPS school board 2022 and 2024.


Charities: The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI)

Causes: 1) Education reform—see below. 2) Longstanding activist for Social Security reform (privatizing). Worked on privatizing Social Security in the 90s and 00s with Cato, Heritage, et al. Currently have a call in to Senator Scott and others—the trifecta presents an opportunity for progress.

I am extremely interested in solving the nation’s dismal education system. I see America in a downward spiral, intellectually, morally and politically. If we fix the educational system, we ultimately fix all areas of concern—it all begins in kindergarten, so to speak.

I am so dedicated to this that I have put my money where my mouth is. In 2021 I founded the Conceptual Education Fellowship at ARI. My initial fellow in doing brilliantly. This year I founded the Conceptual Education Program, expanding on the fellowship.

Furthermore, I am well acquainted with all five CCPS board members at a personal level. I am also personally acquainted with Superintendent Dr. Leslie Ricciardelli and major staff individuals. I have met with the CFO numerous times with a view to my learning the budget intimately; I have submitted a proposal to cut ~$15.5M.

Of note, more in keeping with my quest to reform the educational process, I initiated a program with the Chief Academic Officer called “Refocusing: Introspectively-Guided Volitional Attention to Key Concepts.” The first session was held on September 16, in which participants learned how their students can go deeper in their thinking by focusing more specifically on introspectively identified key concepts. The purpose of education is to teach the child how to think.


I am the founder and CEO of the Forox Corporation, Stamford CT, manufacturer of ~$50,000 photographic equipment of my own design—35mm cameras for the audio-visual trade. I managed all aspects of the business including international sales, manufacturing, personnel, etc. Alas, the advent of digital and video ended the era of film photography and I sold the business.

As an entrepreneur, one almost of necessity gets involved in real estate. I owned the manufacturing facility I designed and built as well as a number of residential units and other properties, so I became a property manager and landlord. I have since sold all real estate holdings. I am presently self-employed as an investor for my personal accounts and a trust fund.

I am a former chairman of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER). I am a member of the prestigious Mont Pelerin Society. Sailor, private pilot.

Veterans Day Message

To understand a Military Veteran you must know:

  1. We left home as teenagers or in our early twenties for an unknown adventure.
  2. We loved our country enough to defend it and protect it with our own lives.
  3. We said goodbye to friends and family and everything we knew.
  4. We learned the basics and then we scattered in the wind to the far corners of the Earth.
  5. We found new friends and new family.
  6. We became brothers and sisters regardless of color, race or creed.
  7. We had plenty of good times, and plenty of bad times.
  8. We didn’t get enough sleep.
  9. We smoked and drank too much.
  10. We picked up both good and bad habits.
  11. We worked hard and played harder.
  12. We didn’t earn a great wage.
  13. We experienced the happiness of mail call and the sadness of missing important events.
  14. We didn’t know when, or even if, we were ever going to see home again.
  15. We grew up fast, and yet somehow, we never grew up at all.
  16. We fought for our freedom, as well as the freedom of others.
  17. Some of us saw actual combat, and some of us didn’t.
  18. Some of us saw the world, and some of us didn’t.
  19. Some of us dealt with physical warfare, most of us dealt with psychological warfare.
  20. We have seen and experienced and dealt with things that we can’t fully describe or explain, as not all of our sacrifices were physical.
  21. We participated in time honored ceremonies and rituals with each other, strengthening our bonds and camaraderie.
  22. We counted on each other to get our job done and sometimes to survive it at all.
  23. We have dealt with victory and tragedy.
  24. We have celebrated and mourned.
  25. We lost a few along the way.
  26. When our adventure was over, some of us went back home, some of us started somewhere new and some of us never came home at all.
  27. We have told amazing and hilarious stories of our exploits and adventures.
  28. We share an unspoken bond with each other, that most people don’t experience, and few will understand.
  29. We speak highly of our own branch of service, and poke fun at the other branches.
  30. We know however, that, if needed, we will be there for our brothers and sisters and stand together as one, in a heartbeat.

Being a Veteran is something that had to be earned, and it can never be taken away. It has no monetary value, but at the same time it is a priceless gift.

People see a Veteran and they thank them for their service. When we see each other, we give that little upwards head nod, or a slight smile, knowing that we have shared and experienced things that most people have not. I give a sharp salute to elderly veterans.

So, from myself to the rest of the veterans out there, I commend and thank you for all that you have done and sacrificed for your country. Try to remember the good times and make peace with the bad times. Share your stories. But most importantly, stand tall and proud, for you have earned the right to be called a Veteran.


I’m a Untied States Coast Guard VETERAN. 4 years served.

30 June 1983 to 11 December 1987

Have a nice Veterans Day weekend!

(Copied from unknown author)

Republican Performance on 2024 Elections in Collier County

How exciting are the opportunities ahead for the country with the recent election. Many are outright Giddy. That excitement includes Local, State and National election results. We’re seeing a new wave of enthusiasm and optimism as we are witnessing a shift in policies and values that resonate with everyday Americans.

Normal thoughts can return that don’t seem “weird”, such as not paying for transgender operations for prisoners, men can’t dominate and beat up on women in sports, men not having periods or having babies, blowing terrorists up that try to shoot at us and kill us, and a list that can go on and on.

Constitutional Amendments Success

To change the constitution of the US requires a 2/3 vote from each of the house and 3/4 of the states. It should not be easy to change our constitution.

Florida requires a 60% margin of the electorate. Not meeting the 60% margin needed to pass amendments, blocked recreational marijuana and limitless open abortions (Amendments 3 and 4 respectively). Had a 60% margin needed in the past, we wouldn’t have constitutional amendments passing on items such as protections on pregnant pigs. Most things should be done legislatively, and not included in our constitution. In addition, other amendments passed included Floridians to retain the right to hunt and fish with amendment 2, inflation protections on property taxes with Amendment 5.

In addition, the Collier school district can operate without raising taxes due to the ability to transfer funds from capital to operating funds by voting in a local amendment to allow it.

How did we do in Collier County Keeping Florida Red?

Often, Collier County Republican Margins carry candidates across the finish line, such as in Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in extremely close elections.

Presidential Election Republican Voter Turnout in Collier

  • 2024 – 86.8%
  • 2020 – 93.5%
  • 2016 0 90.6%
  • 2012 – 88.5% (Mitt Romney was the candidate)

With an 86.8% turnout, Collier County fell short of previous election cycles. While 260 poll watchers were appointed—a commendable effort by the local Republican Party—more focus on “get out the vote” (GOTV) initiatives might have boosted turnout further. Internal divisions within the party also discouraged some long-time participants, contributing to a quieter-than-usual presence at the polls.

Additionally, since the legislature passed the provisional ballot measure, voter confrontation at the polls was minimal. In total, Collier County recorded 337 provisional ballots—a sign that voting was more organized and less contentious.

Reflecting on this election, it’s clear that Collier County Republicans remain a powerful force in shaping Florida’s political landscape. As we look forward, let’s focus on building unity, strengthening our outreach, and continuing to uphold the values that matter to Floridians.

A noted trend in individuals in how the vote in Collier County?

It used to be about a third voted by mail, a third by early voting, and a third on election day. That has change, and now over half of Collier Voters vote early, and fewer vote by mail.

Note the trend from 2020 to 2024


  • Election Day Voter Percentage Turnout – 14.2%
  • Early Voting Percentage Turnout – 41.2%
  • Vote-by-Mail Voter Percentage Turnout – 44.5%


  • Election Day Voter Percentage Turnout – 17.6%
  • Early Voting Percentage Turnout – 51.6%
  • Vote-by-Mail Voter Percentage Turnout – 30.85%

Voter Turnout By Party

REP Voters 2024 2020 DEM Voters 2024 2020 NPA/Other 2024 2020
Election Day 21705 15676 Election Day 7447 5148 Election Day 11651 7919
Early 63747 45479 Early 16898 15416 Early 2591 16693
Mail 38014 48976 Mail 19275 31063 Mail 16992 23234
Total 123466 110131 Total 43620 51627 Total 31234 47846
Registered 142164 117837 Registered 53544 56885 Registered 68382 56792
Turnout % 86.8% 93.5% Turnout % 81.5% 90.8% Turnout % 45.7% 84.2%

Get Out The Vote – Win With Republicans – You Can Help

Let’s Get Republicans back in charge

We need to take back the White House and get back to sanity. How do we do that?

We do it by getting your neighbors out to vote so we can get Republican Donald J Trump, Senator Rick Scott, Congressmen Byron Donalds, Mario Diaz-Balart and Scott Franklin re-elected at the federal level.

At the local level we need to ensure State Representatives Lauren Melo, and Adam Botana keep their positions, and Yvette Benarroch to win her State Representative position. Republicans have done a poor job of turning out for elections the past few years. We need to change that.

Let’s Get Out The Vote

You can help as the local Republican centered clubs are hosting a Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Workship, scheduled for September 24th, from 5:30 to 8:30pm.

It will include a buffet dinner at Naples Hilton, and only costs $10. You Do Not Need to Be A Member of a Club – Open to All Republicans

The 2024 National GOTV Program is a series of nationwide workshops put on by the Leadership Institute that will teach attendees modern GOTV strategies and tactics for canvassing, phone banking, texting, using voter data, and volunteering.

You will also learn the best practices for absentee and early voting, election integrity, and poll watching/greeting. These trainings will give you the tools to participate effectively in our democratic process, hone and expand your GOTV skillset, and help save America.

This GOTV Workshop is ideal for elected officials, current or future candidates for political office, campaign operatives, party officials, and campaign volunteers. You will also have opportunities to put what you learn into practice:

·     Door Knocking Fundamentals Role-Play Session

·     Phone Banking Role-Play Session

·     • Poll Greeting Role-Play and Discussion

Learn more by clicking here.

Save The Date for Salute to Veterans