March 2017 Active Shooter Recap and Photo Gallery

Active Shooter Presentation


The Collier County Republican Men’s Club enjoyed another informative briefing during our usual 1st Friday of the month breakfast at the Pelican Marsh Country Club.  The packed audience warmly received Lt. Hampton and Sgt. Neal Bohannon of the Collier County Sheriff’s Office

The theme of their presentation was “Run, Hide, and Fight.”   Sgt. Bohannon informed the senior audience that active shooter encounters are usually over in 10 to 15 minutes and that before law enforcement arrives, individuals must be prepared to deal with the situation to protect their own life or those of their loved ones.  We were advised to consider three plans of action.  Whenever possible, it’s best to simply run from an active shooter encounter.  If that is not a practical option, then look for cover or concealment and to try to hide from the shooter.  A “fight” situation may occur when there is no other alternative and a life or death choice is unavoidable.  Never surrender or negotiate with the shooter.

We were also reminded of the importance of always being aware of our surroundings and to mentally consider important escape routes and options in the unlikely event of an active shooter encounter.

These monthly speaker events that Chairman Jim Carter coordinates for all of to enjoy are always interesting.  It’s a terrific way to share the company of other likeminded citizens who also want America to be Great Again!

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