Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review

This week, following the horrific collapse of Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Senator Rick Scott visited the area to meet with first responders, families and Jewish community leaders affected by this heartbreaking tragedy. Senator Scott and his wife, Ann, continue to pray for these families, the entire Surfside community and all of the brave first responders working search and rescue.

Senator Scott’s office will remain stationed at the Family Reunification Center to offer assistance to affected families, and he will continue working with local, state and federal officials to ensure needed resources are deployed as quickly as possible.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott: I’ll Continue to Hold the Biden Administration Accountable on the Border

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following reports that Vice President Harris will finally visit the United States southern border. For months, Senator Scott has been calling for President Biden and Vice President Harris to visit the border and see firsthand the national security and humanitarian crisis that their failed open borders and amnesty policies have created.

Senator Scott will maintain his holds on President Biden’s nominees to fill political positions at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) until Vice President Harris arrives at the border.

Senator Rick Scott said, “More than 90 days after being named as the Biden administration’s lead to handle the massive border crisis it has created, it looks like Vice President Harris is finally going to make the trip. I hope that this actually happens, and doesn’t fall flat like its other promises to not raise taxes on American families, or reopen schools quickly, or be tough on Communist China. Last month, I said that I would hold all DHS political nominees until the White House got down to the border. I’m glad that I finally got their attention and some accountability for the American people. I’ll never stop fighting for border security and will continue to do everything in my power to hold this administration accountable for its border crisis.” Read more HERE.

Democrats Block Senator Rick Scott’s Science-Backed Bill to End Federal Mask Mandates on Public Transportation

Senator Rick Scott was joined by Senator Lee on the Senate floor to speak about the Stop Mandating Additional Requirements for Travel (SMART) Act, and ask for its passage by unanimous consent. The SMART Act would prohibit the federal government from requiring Americans to wear masks on public transportation. Senate Democrats blocked its passage. Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) is introducing companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Senator Rick Scott said, “While we choose to listen to the science, all the Democrats care about is following their political science. The CDC itself has been clear mask mandates aren’t needed. So, why is the CDC singling out airlines and public transportation? It doesn’t make sense. Just like the federal government should not be in the business of requiring Americans to turn over their vaccination records, the federal government should not be mandating citizens wear masks on public transportation. Americans should be free to make choices they feel are in the best interest of their own health and the health of their loved ones. We have to listen to the science and work together to move America forward.” See more in the video HERE or below.

Sen. Rick Scott Meets with Venezuelan Delegation of the Interim President Juan Guaido

Senator Rick Scott held a meeting with the members of the interim government of Venezuela, represented by Ambassador Carlos Vecchio, opposition leader Leopoldo López, Congresswoman Nora Bracho and Congressman Luis Emilio Rondón Hernández to discuss the urgent need for a democratic and peaceful transition of power in Venezuela.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Nicolas Maduro is a dictator that is committing genocide in Venezuela. The only thing we have to negotiate with Maduro and his thugs is when and how they are stepping down from power. Today, I met with the Venezuelan Delegation of interim President Juan Guaidó to discuss a path forward away from Maduro’s dictatorship and achieve a democratic and peaceful transition of power. We can never let up in the fight for freedom and democracy in Venezuela and we cannot go back to the Obama-Biden appeasement policies, that only empower the dictatorship. All of my efforts will continue to focus on ending Maduro’s regime, protecting human rights and helping the Venezuelan people achieve freedom and democracy.” Read more HERE.

El Senador Rick Scott se reúne con la delegación venezolana del Presidente interino Juan Guaidó

El Senador Rick Scott sostuvo hoy una reunión con los miembros del gobierno interino de Venezuela, representados por el Embajador Carlos Vecchio, el líder opositor Leopoldo López, la Diputada Nora Bracho y el Diputado Luis Emilio Rondón Hernández para discutir la urgente necesidad de una democracia y transición pacífica del poder en Venezuela.

El Senador Rick Scott dijo: “Nicolás Maduro es un dictador que está cometiendo genocidio en Venezuela. Lo único que tenemos que negociar con Maduro y sus matones es cuándo y cómo dejarán el poder. Hoy me reuní con la delegación venezolana del Presidente interino Juan Guaidó para discutir el camino a seguir para acabar con la dictadura de Maduro y lograr una transición democrática y pacífica. No podemos ceder en la lucha por la libertad y la democracia en Venezuela y ni volver a las políticas de apaciguamiento de Obama-Biden, que solo empoderan a la dictadura. Todos mis esfuerzos continuarán enfocándose en poner fin al régimen de Maduro, proteger los derechos humanos y ayudar al pueblo venezolano a lograr la libertad y la democracia “. Lea más AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott on VP Harris Border Visit: It’s About Time She Does Her Job

Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor outlining his expectations for Vice President Harris ahead of her planned visit to the United States southern border.

Senator Scott will maintain his holds on President Biden’s nominees to fill political positions at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) until Vice President Harris arrives at the border.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s about time that Vice President Harris does her job. It’s embarrassing how long the Vice President avoided the crisis she and Biden created. Now, she needs to see the crisis she’s helped create firsthand. She needs to meet with our CBP and ICE agents, and the local law enforcement officers who are working every day to keep us safe. She needs to meet with families who have been the victims of trafficking and hears the horrific stories they have and what they’ve been through because of this crisis. She needs to talk with families who have tragically lost loved ones from the massive amounts of fentanyl that the cartels are moving across our border. The American people deserve better than just another political stunt. I’ll never stop fighting for border security and will continue to do everything in my power to hold this administration accountable for its border crisis.” See more in the video HERE or below.

Sen. Rick Scott: Congress Must Pass the Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following news of a decision by the Biden administration to place new restrictions on Chinese companies guilty of using Uyghur forced labor in their manufacturing process of raw materials used for solar panels.

In March, Senator Scott led his colleagues in introducing the Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act, which would prohibit federal funds from being used to buy solar panels manufactured or assembled in Communist China, specifically the Xinjiang province, which is known for its use of forced labor

Senator Rick Scott said, “I am glad to see action by the Biden administration recognizing the connection between Communist China’s solar panel production and the genocide it is committing in Xinjiang. No company using Uyghur forced labor in its supply chains should be allowed to sell its products in the United States, and while this action is welcomed, we must go further. Congress must immediately pass my Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act and I urge President Biden and his administration to put their full support behind this legislation. Washington must work to make sure no taxpayer dollars are used to prop up the Communist Party of China and its horrific human rights abuses.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Companies Can’t Stay Quiet on Human Rights Abuses in Communist China

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the news that several clothing manufacturers altered or removed statements on their websites critical of Communist China’s forced labor in Xinjiang over fears of backlash.

In March, Senator Scott praised companies, including H&M, for standing up to Communist China’s genocide of Uyghur Muslims. Senator Scott also sponsored the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act to ensure that goods made with Uyghur forced labor in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region do not enter the United States.

Senator Rick Scott said, “General Secretary Xi is a thug who intimidates companies into silence over his genocide in Xinjiang and his takeover of Hong Kong. More retailers must take a stand for human rights, even in the face of criticism from Communist China. More retailers should be willing to follow the example of companies like H&M, that did the right thing by publicly expressing concern over forced labor and auditing their supply chains to ensure they are not complicit in this genocide and torture of Uyghurs. In the face of such great atrocities, there is no room for ambiguity. I encourage every American to signal their opposition to this genocide, stop buying products made in Communist China and support companies that stand up for human rights.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Iran Appeasement Threatens American Security

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement calling on President Biden to refuse to re-join the disastrous Iran deal. Senator Scott’s statement follows months of urging President Biden to walk away from this failed deal and after Iran’s new president-elect said he will not meet with President Biden or negotiate over Tehran’s ballistic missile program and its support of regional militias. Iran’s president-elect, Ebrahim Raisi, was sanctioned by the Trump Administration for human rights abuses while running a judicial system in Iran that remains one of the world’s top executioners.

Earlier this year, Senator Scott led his colleagues in the Senate in a resolution expressing opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and urging President Biden to work with Congress and refuse to re-join the deal without significant reform.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Dangerous regimes around the world are taking advantage of President Biden’s appeasement tactics. Iran is our adversary and cannot be trusted. Now, Iran’s president-elect, who is known for mass executions, is trying to take advantage of Biden’s weaknesses. We can’t allow it. With the change of leadership in Iran, President Biden needs to make it clear that the United States will not ease sanctions and will ensure consequences for their continued support of terrorists that threaten our great ally Israel. It’s about time Biden walks away from his feeble attempts to re-enter the failed Iran deal and puts the interest of our national security and our allies like Israel over appeasement.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Resolution to Stand with U.S. Military; Condemn Biden’s Defense Spending Cuts

Senators Rick Scott, Roger Wicker, Tom Cotton and John Cornyn introduced a resolution condemning President Biden’s inadequate defense spending proposal and urging the administration to work with Congress to ensure that the U.S. military has every resource needed to protect national security and our allies from increased threats around the world. U.S. military readiness was diminished by budget cuts and the sequester under President Obama. Now, President Biden’s proposed budget request includes a mere 1.7% increase in defense spending – which doesn’t even keep up with inflation, let alone provide for the nation’s defense.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida has 20 military bases and three unified commands, more than almost any other state. We know how important our military readiness is to our national security. President Biden’s weak and inadequate defense spending proposal is dangerous and weakens our standing on the global stage, especially as our greatest adversary, Communist China, has increased its defense spending more than seven-fold over the last decade. We will not stand by and let our military might be diminished. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I will always fight for our men and women in uniform, and I’m proud to stand with my colleagues today to do everything possible to protect and serve the families of our nation.” Read more HERE.

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio Join Florida House Delegation to Reintroduce Bipartisan VA Bill

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio reintroduced legislation to name the new Clay County Veterans Affairs Clinic, in Middleburg, FL, the “Andrew K. Baker Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic.” Representative Kat Cammack, along with the entire Florida delegation, reintroduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives. Senators Scott and Rubio first introduced this bill in September 2020. U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Andrew Kenneth Baker served our country bravely for seventeen years before losing his life in a helicopter crash on March 13, 1997 while trying to land on a Naval frigate during a training event.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’m proud to join my colleagues in this legislation to honor the legacy of a local hero, U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Andrew Kenneth Baker, by naming the Clay County Veterans Affairs Clinic, in Middleburg, FL, the ‘Andrew K. Baker Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic.’ Chief Baker served as a search and rescue swimmer, helping train hundreds of service members before his passing in a tragic training accident. This designation will pay tribute to his incredible service.” Read more from Senator Rubio’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on Fox Business: We Must Fund – Not Defund – the Police to Keep Communities Safe
Watch the full interview HERE or below.

COLlive: Senator Scott Joins Rabbis to Comfort Families of Building Collapse

Fox Business: Rick Scott: Crime surge caused by radical Democrat policies

The Hill: Rick Scott blocks Senate vote on top cyber nominee until Harris visits border

The Hill: Democrats block GOP bill to lift mask mandate on public transportation

Townhall: Anti-Science Democrats Block GOP Bill to End Federal Mask Mandate for Travelers

Newsmax: Rick Scott on Harris’ Border Trip: ‘It’s About Time’

Miami Herald: Venezuelan opposition visits Washington looking to discuss U.S. sanctions

Villages-News: U.S. Sen. Scott blasts Biden Administration’s ‘inadequate defense spending proposal’

WEAR: Sen. Scott sponsors bill to do away with masks on public transportation

Florida Daily: Florida Delegation Backing Resolution to Support Colombia

Florida Daily: Florida’s Senators Resume the Push to Let Canadians Stay Longer in the U.S.

Florida Daily: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott Get Bill Targeting Algal Blooms to Senate Floor

Diario las Americas: Rick Scott respalda Acuerdo de Salvación Nacional de Guaidó

TVV Noticias: Senador Scott: “El régimen de Maduro es genocida”

VPI TV: Senador Scott: “Maduro y su régimen han demostrado que son peligrosos y violentos”

Noticia al Dia: Delegación de oposición venezolana se reunió con el senador estadounidense Rick Scott

El Nacional: Delegación opositora se reunió con el senador Rick Scott para presentarle el Acuerdo de Salvación Nacional

111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161

716 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274

Fax: (202) 228-4535

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