Senator Rick Scott News Alert!


Rising Inflation, Wasteful Government Spending Hurts Florida Families

Washington’s wasteful spending means the nation’s federal debt is nearly $30 TRILLION.

Under the Biden administration, inflation has grown every month. Senator Rick Scott has been clear that the Biden administration needs to take responsibility for its reckless spending and develop a plan to curb the impacts of rising inflation on American families. Senator Rick Scott has fought for immediate action and spending reform and recently introduced the Federal Debt Emergency Control Act to rein in Washington’s out-of-control spending.

Since being elected to the U.S. Senate, Senator Scott has repeatedly urged action to address America’s debt crisis. He will continue to fight against reckless spending that is fueling the raging inflation crisis hurting American families — especially poor families like his growing up.

Sen. Rick Scott: The “Infrastructure” Bill Will Only Grow America’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott joined his colleagues in a press conference to discuss how the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” package the Senate is currently considering is not fully paid for, and how reckless government spending drives inflation, hurting families in Florida and across the nation.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I support spending on real infrastructure, like roads, bridges, airports and seaports. When I was governor of Florida, we invested $85 billion in real infrastructure. I think we should make big investments at the federal level too, but it has to be fully paid for with real money. I was told this bill was going to be fully paid for, but it’s not. The American people are already feeling the pressure of rising inflation and are having to change their buying habits. We have to stop this reckless spending and live within our means. This bill is not paid for, and that’s wrong.”

Sen. Rick Scott on “Infrastructure” CBO Score: The American People Deserve Better

Following the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) releasing its analysis of the Senate’s proposed $1.2 TRILLION “infrastructure” spending bill, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Last night, Senate Democrats blocked my proposal to ensure reckless government spending does not increase inflation and raise prices even higher for American families. Now, we see in this new CBO report that the proposed ‘infrastructure’ spending bill, which isn’t paid for, will add $256 BILLION to our national deficit, further fueling President Biden’s inflation crisis. I fully support spending on infrastructure. We did it when I was Governor of Florida and we should do it at the federal level – but it has to be paid for. We can’t forget, this is just the first part of Senator Schumer’s $5.5 TRILLION tax and spending spree. We cannot afford this reckless spending. Florida families cannot afford even more inflation and higher prices. The American people deserve better.”

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Rule Change to Expose the Impacts of Reckless Government Spending on Inflation

Senators Rick Scott, Jim Risch, Thom Tillis, Roger Marshall, Marco Rubio and Joni Ernst introduced an amendment to the Senate Rules to require that all bills passed by Senate committees include inflationary impact statements so Americans can see the true impacts of government spending. Congressman Jim Banks introduced the companion bill in the House last month.

Senator Rick Scott said, “American families are worried about growing inflation. I’ve heard countless stories from families across Florida that are having to cut back on purchases because of rising costs. We know that reckless government spending causes inflation, but President Biden and the Democrats have absolutely no plans to slow down spending or get our debt under control. It’s shameful and I won’t just stand by while they try to drive our nation further into the ground with these horrible policies. Congress must get real about the true cost on every American family that this recklessness brings and start spending responsibly. That’s why I’m introducing a proposed rule change in the Senate today to require every piece of legislation passed by a committee to include a report on how it will impact inflation. The American people deserve to know how their tax dollars are being spent and each bill’s impact on inflation. I look forward to my colleagues supporting this measure to increase spending transparency.”

Democrats Block Sen. Rick Scott Proposal to Expose the Impacts of Reckless Government Spending on Inflation

Senator Rick Scott asked for unanimous consent on the Senate floor to pass his amendment to require that all bills passed by the Senate committees include inflationary impact statements so Americans can see the true impacts of government spending. Senate Democrats blocked its passage. Congressman Jim Banks introduced the companion bill in the House last month.

Sen. Rick Scott and The Heritage Foundation Launch ‘Road Trip on a Budget’ Video Series to Highlight Washington’s Debt Crisis

Senator Rick Scott and The Heritage Foundation announced a new video short series: Road Trip on a Budget. This new series highlights Washington’s nearly $30 trillion debt crisis and what it means for American families. Senator Scott is working to rein in Washington’s out-of-control spending and provide a concrete path forward to tackle the nation’s debt, including his Federal Debt Emergency Control Act to start paying down the debt and hold Congress accountable for its awful spending habits.

Senator Rick Scott said, “America is in a debt crisis thanks to decades of wasteful Washington spending. As our national debt nears $30 trillion, we are seeing substantial increases in inflation, which means the prices of every day goods are going up for families in Florida and across the nation. Government shouldn’t work this way. We can get this spending and debt under control and make sure that our debt doesn’t continue to stack up without accountability. It’s all up to us, and I’m proud to partner with the Heritage Foundation for a new series: Road Trip on a Budget, to highlight how we can work together to put America back on a fiscally responsible path forward. Tune in!”

Sen. Rick Scott: Congress Cannot Increase the Debt Ceiling Without Major Spending Reform

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement demanding Congress take action to get America’s nearly $30 trillion federal debt under control and urging his colleagues to refuse to increase the debt ceiling without also enacting true spending reform. For months, Senator Scott has been warning of the dangerous consequences of Washington’s reckless spending and the nation’s rapidly growing debt. The Congressional Budget Office released a report highlighting the dire nature of the federal debt crisis.

Senator Rick Scott said, “America’s nearly $30 TRILLION debt crisis cannot be ignored. Today, I am urging every member of Congress to protect the fiscal security of our nation by refusing to increase the debt ceiling unless it is accompanied by true structural spending reform. We must end the reckless waste of taxpayer dollars.

“We need real spending reform before we consider increasing the debt ceiling. We need reform like my Federal Debt Emergency Control Act, which prevents Washington politicians from mindlessly spending by requiring that two-thirds of the Senate vote to increase the debt before approving any bill. This isn’t political, it’s good government and it’s commonsense. Every fiscally responsible Republican and Democrat should be focused on the debt crisis before us. We cannot allow Congress to continue mortgaging the futures of our children and grandchildren.”

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Reckless Spending Spree Could Cost American Taxpayers More than $5 Trillion

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following an analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget showing that the Democrats’ spending plan could cost between $5 trillion and $5.5 trillion over 10 years – far more than the $3.5 trillion in spending they are advertising. For months, Senator Scott has been warning that reckless spending pushed by President Joe Biden and Washington Democrats is causing growing inflation, rising prices on everyday goods, which hurts all American families and is especially devastating to those on low and fixed-incomes.

Senator Rick Scott said, “President Joe Biden and Washington Democrats led by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi will stop at nothing to jam their reckless tax-and-spend proposals through Congress. President Biden and the Democrats don’t care that wasteful government spending causes inflation, which is hurting families across our country. Now we find out that the massive $3.5 TRILLION spending spree, funded by higher taxes on American families, is actually going to cost taxpayers as much as $5.5 TRILLION over the next decade. That is insane, but Biden and the Democrats don’t care. The only thing that matters to the White House, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is appeasing the radical left by fulfilling its insane socialist wish list that increases government dependency and drowns our nation in even more debt.

“We know America can’t afford this. We know that this isn’t what families in Florida want. There is a day of reckoning coming if we don’t get our fiscal house in order, and I will keep fighting every day to rein in the reckless spending that threatens the future of our children and grandchildren.”

Sen. Rick Scott to Secretary Yellen: With Debt Limit Suspension Expiring, Americans Deserve Transparency on U.S. Debt Crisis

As Democrats in Congress continue to fuel America’s debt crisis with reckless and wasteful spending, Senator Rick Scott wrote to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen requesting details on the Biden administration’s plans to address the nation’s out-of-control, nearly $30 trillion national debt. With the current suspension of the federal debt limit set to expire on July 31, the administration continues to withhold critically important information from Congress and the American people about the state of our government’s finances.

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Federal Debt Emergency Control Act to Fight Washington’s Spending & Debt Crisis

Senator Rick Scott led Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Braun, Marsha Blackburn, Ron Johnson, John Barrasso, Joni Ernst and Tommy Tuberville in introducing the Federal Debt Emergency Control Act to rein in Washington’s out-of-control spending and provide a concrete path forward to tackle the nation’s nearly $30 trillion debt. The Federal Debt Emergency Control Act is endorsed by the National Taxpayers Union, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, Americans for Tax Reform, Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, and Club for Growth.

The Federal Debt Emergency Control Act:

Requires the Office of Management and Budget to declare a “Federal Debt Emergency” in any fiscal year where the federal debt exceeds 100% of that year’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
This emergency designation would trigger several provisions to help control and reduce the federal debt to levels below 100% of GDP, including:
Terminating any unobligated funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, and any previous stimulus bills, and sending it back to the Treasury General Fund immediately for deficit reduction.
Requiring all legislation that increases the federal deficit, as determined by the Congressional Budget Office, to carry its own offsets. If it does not, the legislation shall be considered out of order and will require at least two-thirds of all Senators to vote to increase federal debt before even being able to consider the bill.
Fast-tracking any legislation that would reduce the federal deficit by at least 5 percent over ten years.
Senator Rick Scott said, “America is in a debt crisis. Our nation is barreling toward $30 trillion in debt – an unimaginable $233,000 in debt for every family in America. It’s a crisis caused by decades of wasteful and reckless spending by Washington politicians. Now, President Biden is continuing this way of governing by pushing for trillions in wasteful spending, raising the U.S. federal debt by 60% to $39 trillion and the debt-to-GDP ratio to 117% in 2030, the highest level ever recorded in American history. Spending beyond our means has consequences. We’re already seeing rising inflation, which disproportionately hurts the poorest families, like mine growing up.

“That’s why today, I am leading my colleagues in introducing the Federal Debt Emergency Control Act to rein in Washington’s out of control spending. This includes preventing Washington politicians from mindlessly spending by requiring that two-thirds of the Senate vote to increase the debt before approving any bill. I look forward to every fiscally responsible Republican and Democrat working with me to quickly pass the Federal Debt Emergency Control Act.”

Watch Senator Scott introduce the Federal debt Emergency Control Act on the Senate floor HERE or below.

Sen. Rick Scott, FGA President in Tampa Bay Times: Approaching debt limit deadline presents golden opportunity for fiscal responsibility

Senator Rick Scott and Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) President and CEO Tarren Bragdon wrote an op-ed for the Tampa Bay Times on how Senator Scott’s Federal Debt Emergency Control Act can rein in Washington’s out-of-control spending and provide a concrete path forward to tackle the nation’s nearly $30 trillion debt.

Read the full op-ed HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Cynthia Lummis in Fox News: Our national debt is almost $30 trillion – let conservative states lead on reducing it

Senators Rick Scott and Cynthia Lummis wrote an op-ed on how Washington’s status quo of reckless and wasteful spending, which is leading our nation to $30 trillion in debt and rising inflation, isn’t working. In their op-ed, Senators Scott and Lummis detail what must be done to address America’s debt crisis and how their legislation, the Pay Down the Debt Act, will help fix it.

In the op-ed, Senators Rick Scott and Cynthia Lummis wrote, “With our national debt nearing a staggering $30 trillion, one would think that President Joe Biden would be ready to take a hard look at our spending and find ways to reduce it. Instead, in the just over 100 days that Joe Biden has been president, he’s proposed more than $6 trillion in new spending.

Even more troubling is that Biden refuses to address the basic question we and many Americans keep asking: ‘How do you plan to pay for all of this, Joe?’

We know that Biden can’t tax his way out of his own massive spending problem – but that won’t stop him from trying. His proposed tax increases would do more to wreck our economy than pay this tab. Clearly, something must change.

It is up to all of us to do our part to reduce the national debt.

As part of our commitment to taxpayers in our home states of Florida and Wyoming, as well as the entire nation, we’ve just introduced legislation to change the status quo.

Our bill, the Pay Down the Debt Act, would prevent any federal grant funds refused by a fiscally responsible state government from going to another state. Instead, our bill would require those funds to go to reduce our national debt.

Fiscally conservative citizens and elected officials must do everything in our power to reverse the direction of our deficit and debt spending. The future of our children and grandchildren depend on our actions.

This legislation is a real step to start reining in spending and reducing our debt.

For every dollar this legislation saves today, it is one less one that we have to pay back tomorrow.”

Read the full op-ed in Fox News HERE.

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