The Mello Minute

The Melo Minute
January, 21st 2022
Regular Session – Week 2
Issue No. 47
Legislative Alerts!
My fellow House Representatives introduced these major pieces of legislation this week in committee. Keep these bills on your radar during Regular Session. Also, don’t forget to share the Melo Minute with your friends and family. Make sure they click the link at the bottom of the Melo Minute to subscribe so they can keep up with all of the other important legislation being considered for passage.
Rounding Up Resources
Thank you to my friends Liesa Priddy from JB Ranch and Donny Crawford of Florida Cattlemen’s Association for visiting our office in the Tallahassee. It is vital that we protect our natural resources and ensure that both our agriculture and our environment have a sustainable and lasting future.
Engaging For Employment
If you or someone you know and love is transitioning out of active service and switching to civilian life, it may sometimes be a culture shock. While there are many tasks to complete while transitioning to civilian life one of the more challenging factors one might face is employment. Fortunately, there are many great programs to assist our military members in this task. One way to help determine what course to take is with a Military Skills Translator. Which can be found here. This resource helps filter jobs based on the branch of military service as well as the position held while on active duty.
Proper Priorities
This Week I had the privilege of speaking with members of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly. We spoke about their legislative priorities for 2022 and how we can continue to keep Florida free. Thank you to the members of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly for stopping by I look forward to working with you all in protecting the freedoms we enjoy in this great state.
What We’re Reading
This Week’s Words Of Wisdom
The Song Of The Week
This week’s Song of the Week is
Only two weeks into session and we can feel things heating up!
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Have Any Suggestions?
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If you have a question you would like us to address within The Melo Minute, send us an email:
Representative Lauren Melo
Florida House District 80
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