The Curve is Flattening

Message From RPOF Chairman Joe Gruters

Thanks to the hard work and efforts of Floridians like you across our state, data shows we are flattening the curve! The media reported we would be like Italy and New York, but today, we are not. We have more work to do, but Governor DeSantis is encouraged by the results.

Governor Ron DeSantis made fact based and data backed decisions to help flatten the curve and protect Floridians.

Watch the official video from Governor DeSantis highlighting what our state has done so far:

Governor DeSantis declared a state of emergency and activated the Florida National Guard, suspended visitation to nursing homes and assisted living facilities and required strict screening procedures for all associated staff. He moved students to virtual learning, enacted a mandatory 14 day quarantine for visitors from coronavirus hotspots, and expanded testing. Florida has now tested nearly 260,000 people! Our state is currently running the biggest emergency operation in state history! Florida hired 100 additional epidemiologists to support the Department of Health’s contact tracing, opened field offices, and has over 400 medical professionals on standby, not including the national guards medical unit.

Data shows the efforts of Governor DeSantis, our state leaders, and Floridans across our state are working, especially compared to what experts expected many weeks ago.

Today, our hospital and ICU bed space has been INCREASING, not decreasing, and our field hospitals remain EMPTY. Data also shows the number of hospitalizations per 100,000 people are 15 times higher in New York than in Florida.

We have more work to do, but this is promising news for Floridians across our state. Thank you for social distancing and working hard to stop the spread.

– Joe Gruters

Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida

Watch Official Video Here:


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