Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian:

Happy New Year! 2023 was a great year and I’m looking forward to another productive year fighting for Florida families. Just last month, we passed the National Defense Authorization Act with huge wins for Florida, which means big wins for our national security, including a 5.2% pay raise we secured for our men and women in uniform and $598 million for Florida bases. This included my American Security Drone Act to block Chinese drones from being used by federal agencies. I’ve been fighting for this for years and it’s finally becoming law.

While we got a lot done for Florida in 2023, it was still a year marked by undo pain for Sunshine State families due to President Biden’s raging inflation, reckless spending, and the crisis he’s caused at the southern border. Because President Biden and Congressional Democrats have failed to act, I’ve introduced and am working to pass major legislation that holds the Biden administration accountable, and helps make a difference in the lives of Floridians – ensuring they have the opportunity to get a great a great job, get a good education and raise their families in a safe community, including:

  • My END FENTANYL Act, which passed the Senate, requires Customs and Border Protection to review and update policies to better to respond to illegal activity, such as the trafficking of drugs and humans, along the border. My School Access to Naloxone Act ensures that our schools have the resources they need to help stop the deadly fentanyl crisis and provide local authorities the resources they need to fight this epidemic. Joe Biden’s open border policies have allowed deadly drugs, like fentanyl, to enter our country and threaten every community in America. Too many lives have been lost and it must be stopped.
  • My Debt Cancellation Accountability Act to require Congressional approval for the administration to grant any mass cancellation of federal student loan debts to stop Biden from shifting the burden of others onto hardworking Americans. I’m also working to address the root problem of student debt, which is the rising costs of higher education, through my COLLEGE Act to hold higher education institutions responsible for students’ outcomes.
  • I also reintroduced my Let’s Get to Work Act to encourage those who can work to do so, instead of relying on taxpayer-funded programs that should be safety nets and my Protect Our Seniors Act to help preserve and protect this program for current and future generations.
  • My School Guardian Act, to continue my work to ensure kids in schools throughout the nation are safe, and my Ask Act to protect kids from the dangers of AI. Every child is worth protecting and we should never make the job harder for parents. As a father and grandfather I understand the importance of keeping our kids safe and will never stop fighting to do so.

My team was also named the best Constituent Services team in the nation working throughout ten offices in Florida and DC who are committed to serving Florida families and connecting them with federal resources – we are here to WORK FOR YOU.  Visit our website,

I’m proud to be your United States Senator. Representing hardworking Florida families is the greatest job in the world. My team and I love what we do, and we are going to keep fighting every day of 2024 to MAKE WASHINGTON WORK.



Rick Scott

United States Senator

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.



Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

As families struggle to recover from the expensive holiday season, Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation by highlighting how families are struggling to make ends meet as costs continue to rise thanks to Bidenomics. As the Senate returns for the second half of the 118th Congress, Senator Scott is continuing his fight to make Washington work for Florida families and bring down the rising inflation caused by the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sens. Rick Scott & Bob Casey to NYSE & NASDAQ: SHEIN IPO Dangerous for American Consumers

Senators Rick Scott and Bob Casey sent a letter to U.S. exchanges, specifically Chair of The New York Stock Exchange Sharon Bowen and Chair and CEO of NASDAQ Adena Friedman, warning of risks to American investors posed by Communist Chinese fast-fashion retailer SHEIN’s filing for a U.S. initial public offering (IPO). The senators raise concerns regarding Communist China using slave labor, and unethical business practices with zero transparency, to highlight the risks an IPO would be to American consumers. The senators are requesting the IPO be halted until SHEIN is transparent about the labor conditions conducted in their business as well as increase transparency into their questionable financial records.

Additionally, Senator Scott sent a letter to SEC Commissioner Gary Gensler expressing similar concerns. Read the letter HERE.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott shared a video and weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. This holiday season, Bidenomics continues to stretch Florida families’ budgets to the max and making the American dream feel out of reach. Through the holiday season and into the new year, Senator Scott will not stop fighting the Bidenomics agenda and will continue to hold this administration accountable for their reckless tax-and-spend spree that is causing record-breaking inflation. Watch the video HERE.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in Wall Street Journal: The Fed’s Radical Shift Lets Main Street Down

In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott responded to a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal with a letter to the editor blasting the Federal Reserve and Chairman Jerome Powell for losing over one trillion dollars and contributing to skyrocketing inflation that is robbing hardworking Americans’ paychecks.

Read more HERE.

Fox News: Sen. Rick Scott, others victims of ‘swatting’

Florida Politics: Rick Scott touts year of law enforcement endorsements, leadership fights

10 Tampa Bay: U.S. Sen. Rick Scott hosts roundtable in Tampa, pledges support to battle rising antisemitism

WFLA: ‘Sick attempt to terrorize my family’: Sen. Rick Scott says Florida home was ‘swatted’ while he was dining with wife

West Orlando News: Sen. Scott to America’s Grocery Stores: Stop Selling Sewage Garlic from Communist China

West Orlando News: Sen. Rick Scott to Commerce: Mexico’s Tomato Dumping Hurts Florida Farmers

NewsRadio WFLA: Sen. Scott Signs Pledge To Hold Off Government Funding Until Border Secure


Senator Scott in Tampa


This week, Senator Rick Scott hosted a roundtable with Jewish leaders in Tampa to reiterate his support to the Jewish community and our ally, Israel.

Senator Scott’s Team in Naples


This week, Senator Scott’s team attended the retirement for Captain Jeremiah Carroll of the Collier County Sheriff’s Office after 35 years of service.

Senator Scott’s Team at Kennedy Space Center


Senator Scott’s team also attended the UCF Townes Institute Science and Technology Experimentation Facility’s Laser Demonstration at Kennedy Space Center.









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