Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian,

Since the horrific Iran-backed Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel that took the lives of more than 1,400 innocent Israelis and others, including 32 Americans, I have been in constant communication and meetings with Jewish and community leaders in Florida. As I have told them, my focus is on keeping Jewish Floridians safe, ensuring that America fully supports Israel to destroy Hamas and bringing home every hostage being held in Gaza.

Let me be clear: Iran-backed Hamas terrorists have already killed at least 32 Americans and AMERICAN LIVES ARE STILL AT STAKE. I was glad to hear that two American hostages have been released today, but more must be done. Instead of offering humanitarian aid to Hamas-controlled Gaza knowing it will only fuel more terror and death by Hamas, I urge President Biden to immediately address the nation to make clear that he has an immediate and actionable plan to get every American home.

As the fight in Israel continues, I’ve been meeting with Jewish and community leaders back home in Florida. Following my meeting last Friday in Aventura, I again met with Rabbis and Jewish leaders and hosted a roundtable yesterday at the Chabad of Central Boca Raton to stand in solidarity with Israel and Florida’s Jewish community. Before I left Washington yesterday, I also met with a young woman named Natalie, who survived Hamas’ brutal attack at the music festival in Southern Israel. Her story must be heard and we must do everything we can to support Israel with whatever it needs, including munitions for its Iron Dome, to defend itself and destroy evil Hamas.

But supporting Israel’s fight to destroy Iran-backed Hamas takes more than just weapons. It’s also making sure no American taxpayer dollars are being used to help these terrorist organizations in the first place. It’s why I introduced my Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act earlier this Congress following Biden’s State Department’s admission in 2021 that American taxpayer dollars for humanitarian aid in Gaza could potentially fund Iran-backed Hamas terrorists. Just as they did in 2021, Senate Democrats again blocked the passage of this bill THIS WEEK. Watch my full speech HERE. 

It’s a disgusting admission of where Democrats really stand, and I plan to fight like hell to stop them from helping Hamas or sending a single taxpayer dollar to these evil terrorists.

The most important thing for America and Florida to do right now is STAND WITH ISRAEL and get Americans being held hostage in Gaza home safely. End of story.

Read more HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.



Sen. Rick Scott to Biden: Bring All American Hostages Home Now

Following President Biden’s address to the nation last night, and news of two American hostages being released into Egypt, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement demanding that President Biden focus solely on immediately executing a plan to get Americans held hostage by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists home to the United States, and providing Israel everything it needs to destroy Hamas terrorists. Since the October 7th attack on Israel, Iran-backed Hamas terrorists have taken the lives of more than 1,400 Israelis and others, including at least 32 Americans.

Senator Rick Scott said, “President Biden’s address to the nation from the Oval Office mentioned Ukraine 23 times, but hostages only twice. In his 15 minute speech, President Biden spent only 15 seconds discussing American hostages and 0 seconds on an actionable plan to get them home safely. Biden claimed that getting hostages home is his top priority, but that’s hard to believe when it was just 2.1% of this speech. Let me be clear: Iran-backed Hamas terrorists have already killed at least 32 Americans and AMERICAN LIVES ARE STILL AT STAKE. I was glad to hear that two American hostages have been released into Egypt today, but more must be done. Instead of offering humanitarian aid to Hamas-controlled Gaza knowing it will only fuel more terror and death by Hamas, I urge President Biden to immediately address the nation to make clear that he has an immediate and actionable plan to get every American home.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues: We Stand With Israel, Demand Immediate Rescue of American Hostages

As President Biden commits that the U.S. will provide $100 million in humanitarian aid for Gaza and the West Bank, Senator Rick Scott spoke at a press conference in support of Israel and to demand immediate action to protect U.S. tax dollars from benefitting Iran-backed Hamas terrorists which are currently holding American hostages. Later today at 4:50 p.m., Senator Scott will be on the Senate floor asking that the Senate immediately pass his Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act to ensure no American taxpayer dollars will be authorized to the territory of Gaza until the president certifies to Congress that these funds can be spent without benefitting terrorist organizations and that there are no hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza.

Senator Rick Scott said, “This morning, President Biden announced $100 million in U.S. aid for Gaza and the West Bank, and I am here to ensure not a single penny is a donation to the despicable Iran-backed Hamas terrorists responsible for the torture and death of more than 1,400 in Israel, including at least 31 Americans. Today, I’ll be asking the Senate to pass my Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act to make sure the president certifies that no hostages are being held by terrorists in Gaza and that not a single dollar of U.S. taxpayer money is going to Hamas before any humanitarian aid for Gaza is authorized. HAMAS HAS KILLED AT LEAST 31 AMERICANS AND IS CURRENTLY HOLDING AMERICAN HOSTAGES. We’ve seen complete terror and devastation unleashed on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists. Innocent families were murdered in their homes. Babies were beheaded. Children were burned alive. Teenage girls were raped and then burned alive. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We must pass my Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act TODAY.”

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sens. Joni Ernst & Cory Booker: President Biden Must Do Everything in His Power to Rescue American Hostages

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) in leading 46 bipartisan colleagues to demand President Biden continue putting his full attention on the freeing of American hostages that were taken by Hamas during the terrorist organization’s October 7th attacks on Israel and supporting Israel’s efforts to dismantle the threat of Hamas.

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Demands that Biden Permanently Rescind $6 Billion Payment to Hamas-Supporting Iranian Regime


Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and their Republican colleagues at a press conference to support Israel and demand that President Biden immediately and permanently rescind the $6 billion payment he previously authorized to Iran. On October 9th, two days after the attack by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists began in Israel, Senator Scott joined Senator Blackburn in leading 18 of their Senate Republican colleagues in calling on President Biden and the State Department to immediately rescind the waivers that allowed Iranian funds to be converted and moved to more accessible bank accounts, as well as work with Qatar to immediately freeze the accounts containing these funds.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The terror and devastation unleashed on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists has rightly horrified the world. More than 1,400 innocent people, including at least 30 Americans, were brutally murdered. Not since the Holocaust has the world witnessed such a brutal attack on the Jewish people. The most important thing for America to do right now is to STAND WITH ISRAEL. It was foolish for the U.S. to ever move this money, and now we need to formally rescind these funds so they never get to the evil Iranian regime and make clear that the United States of America WILL NEVER tolerate terrorism and anyone that supports it. Anyone who says Iran couldn’t use this $6 BILLION to support terrorism is lying to you. It’s time to take these funds off the table for good, slam Iran with the most severe sanctions imaginable and hold this evil regime accountable for the terror it has unleashed on the world.”

Read more HERE. 


Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio & Colleagues: Ban Oil and Natural Gas Imports From Venezuela and Iran

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio and their colleagues in reintroducing the Preempting Misguided Appeasement and Financing of Destabilizing Regimes Act to prohibit the importation of Venezuelan and Iranian crude oil, petroleum, petroleum products, and liquefied natural gas into the United States following reports from earlier this week that indicated that the Biden Administration had agreed to lift sectoral sanctions on the Maduro regime’s petroleum industry.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It is about time we strengthen our oil and natural gas sanctions against genocidal regimes like Iran and Venezuela, and I applaud the previous administration for leading the charge in this fight. It’s a no-brainer. The current administration is turning to genocidal regimes, like Maduro in Venezuela and Iran, in an attempt to bring in more oil, when Biden should put America first and build up our own energy independence. The U.S. cannot depend on one murderous dictator over another, we must depend on ourselves.”

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott: Reported Biden-Maduro Deal Disastrous for Freedom & Democracy in Venezuela

Following reporting about a new deal between the Biden administration and Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro to ease oil sanctions on the Maduro regime, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The reported deal that President Biden is offering to Nicolás Maduro is horrific for the United States and the people of Venezuela. Once again, this president has run into the arms of a ruthless, murdering dictator and done exactly what they wanted. Maduro works with Iran, Russia, Middle East extremist terror groups, Communist China and Cuba. All evil regimes that hate America. He, just like his comrades in those countries, is a genocidal tyrant and a liar. Yet, this is who Joe Biden has decided to trust. Lifting U.S. sanctions and allowing money to flow into Venezuela because you’re counting on the word of a mad dictator is the most moronic thing I could have imagined from this president. Maduro should never be allowed to run for office again. He’s only held onto power through sham elections and brutal oppression and now, he’s getting access to tons of cash to fund his regime thanks to the weakness of Joe Biden. We must be clear: when you give thugs like Maduro access to capital like this, it further destabilizes the region, as he will only enrich himself and continue to steal the Venezuelan people’s natural resources and silence opposition. If Biden thinks that he has solved the Venezuela problem with this ridiculous deal, he is dead wrong. The fight for freedom and democracy in Venezuela took a massive step backward today, but we will continue working alongside the freedom-loving Venezuelan people to bring democracy back to their country.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marsha Blackburn and Colleagues Introduce Bill to End U.S. Aid to U.N. in Hamas-Controlled Gaza

Ahead of President Biden’s trip to Israel, Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) in introducing legislation to halt all funding for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Iran-backed Hamas terrorists have a long history of stealing U.N. resources to support its attacks on Israel. Joining Senators Scott and Blackburn are Senators Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Katie Britt (R-Ala.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah).

Senator Rick Scott said, “I have long opposed American taxpayer funds going to the UN, which gives a global stage to the world’s worst human rights abusers and terror sponsors, was a puppet for Communist China as it worked to cover-up COVID origins, and has for years supported Iran-backed Hamas terrorism through its Agency for Palestine Refugees. America did the right thing under President Trump to stop U.S. funding for the UNRWA. We must pass this good bill to hold Iran accountable, stop Biden’s appeasement and halt this funding once again.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott & Tim Scott Lead Colleagues in Bill to Freeze $6 Billion to Iran, Probe Additional Iranian Assets

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.), along with Senators Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), JD Vance (R-Ohio), Katie Britt (R-Ala.), and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.), to introduce the Revoke Iranian Funding Act to rescind the general licenses that enabled the release of the $6 billion to Iran and prevent the Iranian regime from accessing and using the funds held in Qatar to finance terrorist attacks against Israel or any other nation. In addition, the bill directs the Treasury Secretary to study all high-value Iranian assets around the world that are currently blocked by U.S. sanctions and provide that information to Congress, ensuring Congress has the information necessary to enact further targeted legislation, if necessary.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It was foolish for the Biden administration to ever move this money, and now we need to make sure these funds never get to the evil Iranian regime and make clear that the United States of America will never play nice with terrorists. Anyone who says the Iranians and their terrorist proxies couldn’t use this $6 billion to support terrorism is lying to you. It’s time to take these funds off the table for good, slam Iran with the most severe sanctions imaginable and hold this evil regime accountable for the terror it has unleashed on the world.”

Read more HERE. 

Senate Democrats Protect Hamas, Block Sen. Rick Scott’s Bill to Prevent U.S. Tax Dollars From Funding Iran-Backed Terrorists

Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor to request unanimous consent of his Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas ActThis legislation will ensure no American taxpayer dollars will be authorized to the territory of Gaza until the president certifies to Congress that these funds can be spent without benefitting terrorist organizations and that there are no hostages being held by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Senator Scott reintroduced this bill earlier this Congress following Biden’s State Department’s admission in 2021 that American taxpayer dollars for humanitarian aid in Gaza could potentially fund Iran-backed Hamas terrorists. Just as they did in 2021, Senate Democrats again blocked the passage of this bill today.

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Meets with Jewish Leaders, Hosts Roundtable on Standing with Israel in Boca Raton

Senator Rick Scott met with Jewish and community leaders and hosted a roundtable at the Chabad of Central Boca Raton to stand in solidarity with Israel and Florida’s Jewish community following the horrendous attacks from Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists that have taken the lives of more than 1,400 innocent Israelis and people, including 32 Americans.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Since the horrific Iran-backed Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, that took the lives of more than 1,400 innocent Israelis and others, including 32 Americans, I have been in constant communication with Jewish and community leaders in Florida. My focus right now is on keeping Jewish Floridians safe, ensuring that America gives its full support to Israel to destroy Hamas and bringing home every hostage being held in Gaza. Earlier today, I met with a young woman named Natalie who survived Hamas’ brutal attack at the music festival in Southern Israel. Her story, just like those I have heard here today, makes it abundantly clear we cannot give up the fight, and we must continue urging the Biden administration to support Israel with whatever it needs, including munitions for its Iron Dome, to defend itself and destroy evil Hamas. The most important thing for America, and Florida, to do right now is STAND WITH ISRAEL.”

Read more HERE. 

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio & Colleagues Demand Biden Expand Border Wall Construction

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio led their colleagues in sending a letter to President Joe Biden encouraging the administration to resume and expand construction of the border wall. The letter requests that the Biden administration resubmit its supplemental funding request to include specific resources for border construction following years of inaction, and amid a crisis at our southern border, the administration indicating it will proceed with the construction of approximately 20 miles of the border wall. In August, the administration sought funding from Congress to address the migration crisis on the border, but did not request resources to construct a border wall. The senators believe if the administration wants to actually combat illegal immigration, it must resubmit the August request with a specific request to expand border wall construction.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Senators Rick Scott & Roger Marshall Demand Any Aid Package to Israel Not be Jammed With More Ukraine Funding

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. in leading a letter to Senate Leadership requesting any federal assistance to Israel not be leveraged for more Ukraine funding. It has been reported that President Biden plans to pair tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine with any new request for federal assistance for Israel.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.


Fox News:  Iran needs to be held accountable, Hamas needs to be obliterated: Sen. Rick Scott

Real Clear Politics: Sen. Rick Scott: I Will Do Everything I Can To Prevent Jack Lew From Becoming Ambassador to Israel, He Is An Appeaser 

Newsmax:  Sen. Rick Scott to Newsmax: US Must ‘Hold Iran Accountable’ 

CBS News Miami: “It’s crazy,” Sen. Rick Scott balks at giving $100 million in aid to people of Gaza

CBS News Miami: Jewish group rallies in Coral Gables, calling for Israel to call off attacks in Gaza

Florida’s VoiceScott, Rubio file to ban natural gas, oil imports from Venezuela and Iran 

Florida Daily: Rick Scott on Hamas Terrorism: ‘We Know Iran is Behind These Brutal Attacks’

Florida Daily:  Marco Rubio, Rick Scott Want to Prohibit Importing Oil, Natural Gas From Iran and Venezuela

NBC Miami: ‘You may not do this in our name’: 4 in custody as Jewish demonstrators rally in support of Gaza

The Floridian Press: Scott Addresses ‘Bidenflation’ and White House Failures

The Floridian Press: Scott Leads Senate Republicans Asking Biden to Rescind $6 Billion Iran Hostage Deal

Hernando Sun: Sen. Scott Pushes for Probe of Alleged Iranian Spy Ring


Senator Scott in Aventura

Senator Rick Scott met with Jewish and community leaders and hosted a press conference at the Turnberry Jewish Center & Tauber Academy in Aventura to stand in solidarity with Israel and Florida’s Jewish community following the horrendous attacks from Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists that have taken the lives of more than 1,300 Israelis and at least 27 Americans. Senator Scott was joined by Consul General of Israel to Florida Maor Elbaz-Starinsky, Rabbi Mark Rosenberg, Rabbi Jonathan Berkun and other Jewish and community leaders.


Senator Scott in Boca Raton

Senator Rick Scott met with Jewish and community leaders and hosted a roundtable at the Chabad of Central Boca Raton to stand in solidarity with Israel and Florida’s Jewish community following the horrendous attacks from Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists.


Senator Scott’s Team in Leesburg

Senator Scott’s team toured the Christian Care Center campus to learn about their services to the community.


Senator Scott’s Team in  Kissimmee

Senator Scott’s team attended the Osceola County Communicators Network Meeting.


Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando

Additionally, Senator Scott’s team attended the Orlando Jewish Unity Day-Stand With Israel Memorial, Prayer, and Solidarity Ceremony.


















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