Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review




Dear Fellow Floridian,

Each quarter, I am grateful for the opportunity to support the incredible organizations serving our state and community by donating my Senate salary.

This quarter, Ann and I have the privilege of supporting the work of Second Harvest of the Big Bend, Citrus County Family Resource Center and the Cedar Key Food Pantry, and all these organizations have done for their communities and families after Hurricane Idalia.

After any major storm like Idalia, you see devastation and destruction, but among the stories of heartbreak, you see incredible acts of heroism, love and selflessness. That’s what makes Floridians so resilient, and these organizations and their volunteers are the perfect example of that. Despite facing impacts to their own homes and belongings, they jumped into action to open their doors and serve others in need. I have seen the good that their work has done firsthand during my visits to impacted communities after the storm.

I’m not done fighting to get those impacted by Ian and Idalia the relief they need to recover, starting with my Federal Disaster Responsibility Act, which ensures FEMA’s disaster relief fund is fully funded and our farmers get the block grants they deserve.

One note on the ongoing funding fight in Washington. We need to end the shutdown hostage taking. That’s why I’m fighting to pass the Prevent Government Shutdowns Act, which would make sure the government never shuts down again, and No Budget, No Pay, requiring Congress to pass an annual budget & meet appropriations bill deadlines or forgo their taxpayer-funded salaries until the job is done.

When I came to Washington, I was hired by Florida families to make Washington work for them, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.

Read more about my fight to help Florida families recover HERE.




Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.


Sen. Rick Scott Discusses Fight for Florida Ag During Roundtable with Sen. John Boozman & Ag Comm. Wilton Simpson

Senator Rick Scott hosted a roundtable to discuss issues facing Florida’s agriculture industry and his priorities for the upcoming Farm Bill. Senator John Boozman, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson and Florida farmers joined Senator Scott for the discussion at Parkesdale Farm in Dover, Florida.

For nearly a year, Senator Scott has been fighting to deliver resources to Florida’s growers and ranchers by getting his bipartisan Block Grant Assistance Act to President Biden’s desk. This urgently needed legislation provides authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to issue block grants to Florida’s growers and all U.S. agriculture producers devastated by recent natural disasters. Following the devastating landfall of major Category 3 Hurricane Idalia, Senator Scott introduced his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act, which includes the Block Grant Assistance Act, to fully fund FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund and deliver support to America’s growers and ranchers.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today, I was proud to welcome Senator Boozman to the Sunshine State so he could hear directly from Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson and our state’s hardworking growers about what they need to succeed. As the Senate considers the upcoming Farm Bill, I am focused on helping our growers and ranchers by cutting red tape, encouraging buy-America requirements, and strengthening disaster relief aid so folks can recover from natural disasters that have impacted Florida’s farmland. Today’s roundtable made clear that while Florida’s agriculture industry is known around the world, things are tough for hardworking families in our state right now. Our growers and ranchers keep food on our tables and drive our economy forward – we must make sure that they have the resources needed to recover from the many challenges they’ve recently faced and thrive in the years ahead. That’s why I’ll be fighting hard to deliver for our growers in the Farm Bill and to make sure Congress finally passes my Federal Disaster Responsibility Act.”  

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Rumored Disaster Aid in CR isn’t Enough, Senate Must Pass My Disaster Relief Bill

After months of fighting to secure disaster relief funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), Senator Rick Scott released the following statement demanding passage of his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act. This bill would fund FEMA’s DRF with $16.5 billion in addition to any funding the DRF receives in a continuing resolution, and deliver urgently needed disaster aid to America’s growers and ranchers. Reporting from earlier this month suggested that the continuing resolution being crafted behind closed doors by Senate leadership would provide $20 billion for FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, $16 billion less than the agency has said it needs for disaster response and recovery efforts.

Last week, Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse blocked Senator Scott’s request on the Senate floor to schedule a vote on his bill because it didn’t have Ukraine aid. With Senator Whitehouse’s objection, Senate Democrats denied the Senate an opportunity to vote on and pass this bill.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For months, Senate Democrats have stood in the way of my commonsense legislation to make sure that FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund is fully funded and American growers and ranchers can access the block grants they need to recover from natural disasters. Democrats said no to this proposal again last week when I asked on the Senate floor for a simple vote on this bill. Here’s the deal—Florida families aren’t taking no for an answer and neither am I. I’ve heard rumors that the continuing resolution will have $20 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund. That’s $16 billion less than what FEMA has told us it needs to be whole and continue showing up for disasters. That’s why my bill would authorize additional funding—on top of whatever funding is in the CR—so we can deliver urgently needed supplemental disaster funding for families in Florida, California, Hawaii and other states recently impacted by disasters, as well as block grants for American farmers. FEMA said it needs $36 billion and anything less than that is simply inadequate and will cause more pain for hardworking Americans. I will not yield to more Washington dysfunction. I will raise hell until the Senate does right by American families and puts Americans above foreign aid and votes on my commonsense disaster relief bill.”

Read more HERE.

Following Bipartisan Push from Senators Rick Scott & Jacky Rosen, Israel Admitted to Visa Waiver Program

Senators Rick Scott and Jacky Rosen applauded the announcement of Israel’s inclusion in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program following their bipartisan push. The Visa Waiver Program allows individuals from participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today’s announcement of Israel’s admittance into the Visa Waiver Program is great news and the product of months of strong, bipartisan support for Israel in Congress. I have been proud to work alongside Senator Jacky Rosen to urge the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security to take this action, which further strengthens the bond between the United States and our great ally, Israel, through increased tourism and business travel. Every step toward increased partnership between the American and Israeli people only reinforces the special relationship between our nations. I look forward to seeing the positive cultural and economic outcomes this development will bring.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Reintroduction of Unnecessary Agency Regulations Reduction Act

Senator Rick Scott was joined by Senators Tom Cotton, Thom Tillis, James Risch, Mike Crapo, Ron Johnson, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Eric Schmitt to reintroduce the Unnecessary Agency Regulations Reduction Act to reduce burdensome government regulations and more efficiently dispose of outdated, duplicative or unnecessary agency regulations. This legislation will create a mechanism to eliminate multiple regulations originating from federal executive branch agencies in a joint resolution.

The Unnecessary Agency Regulations Reduction Act is endorsed by Heritage Action, FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the National Taxpayers Union, the R Street Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Washington’s complete dysfunction is on full display. Everywhere you look you see a confusing web of outdated regulations, duplicative processes and burdensome red tape within our federal agencies, some of which haven’t been reviewed or used by these agencies for decades. It’s inefficient and a complete waste of tax dollars. Our Unnecessary Agency Regulations Reduction Act will streamline the federal government to make it work better for the American people. We did this in Florida when I was governor, cutting more than 5,000 burdensome regulations, and businesses thrived. With Joe Biden and Democrats’ overreaching and inflation-fueling policies hurting American families, it’s about time we bring this commonsense approach nationwide.”

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Donates Quarterly Salary to Organizations Helping Floridians Impacted by Hurricane Idalia

Senator Rick Scott and Mrs. Ann Scott announced that the senator is donating his quarterly Senate salary to Second Harvest of the Big Bend, the Citrus County Family Resource Center and the Cedar Key Food Pantry. These organizations have played major roles in their communities to support families and businesses following the devastating impacts of Hurricane Idalia. Senator Scott has donated his Senate salary every quarter since taking office in 2019.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Ann and I are grateful for the opportunity to support the work of Second Harvest of the Big Bend, Citrus County Family Resource Center and the Cedar Key Food Pantry and all these organizations have done for their communities and families after Hurricane Idalia. After any major storm like Idalia, you see devastation and destruction, but among the stories of heartbreak, you see incredible acts of heroism, love and selflessness. That’s what makes Floridians so resilient and these organizations and their volunteers are the perfect example of that. Despite facing impacts to their own homes and belongings, they jumped into action to open their doors and serve others in need. I have seen the good that their work has done firsthand during my visits to impacted communities after the storm. As I fight to make sure the federal government continues to show up until the job is done, these organizations are having a direct positive impact for Floridians every day and we are so grateful for their work.”

Read more HERE. 

On Hurricane Ian Anniversary, Sen. Rick Scott Demands Relief for Florida Families, Farmers

On the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Ian, Senator Rick Scott released the following video sharing an update and demanding the passage of his Federal Disaster Responsibility ActThis urgently-needed bill, which Senator Scott announced just days after Hurricane Idalia made its catastrophic landfall in Florida’s Big Bend, includes key authorizations and funding to make sure the federal government is a reliable partner to those fighting to recover from natural disasters.


Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues on Bill to Keep Border Agents Paid During Government Shutdowns

As the border crisis continues to rage out of control and the federal government approaches a possible shutdown, Senator Rick Scott led his colleagues in introducing the Keep Our Border Agents Paid Act. This bill would ensure U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and contractors are paid in the unfortunate case of a government shutdown. This legislation is cosponsored by Senators Jim Risch, Tim Scott, Roger Wicker, Dan Sullivan and Ron Johnson, and endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council. Read more from Fox News HERE.

Senator Rick Scott is also a cosponsor of the Pay Our Military Act and the Pay Our Coast Guard Act to ensure the military and Coast Guard are paid as well in the event of a government shutdown. Unfortunately, Senate Democrats blocked both efforts to ensure these members are paid for their work and held harmless.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I have been to the southern border three times since President Biden took office, and the crisis is worse each time I visit. Failed leadership created this crisis and we cannot allow the border to go unchecked, and our border patrol agents to go unpaid, due to a failure of Washington to fund government.”

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Demanding Mayorkas Rescind Appointments of Known Disinformation Spreaders to Intelligence Group

Senators Rick Scott, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson and Roger Marshall, all members of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas urging him to immediately rescind the appointments of James Clapper, John Brennan and Paul Kolbe to the newly formed Homeland Intelligence Experts Group. The senators are also demanding answers on how these appointment decisions were made. These individuals are known purveyors of disinformation who asserted, without evidence, that the abandoned laptop of Joe Biden’s son and the voluminous records of incriminating information it contained were “Russian disinformation.”

Read the full letter HERE.Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

 Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. This week, Senator Rick Scott hosted a roundtable discussion with Florida farmers who are feeling the pain of Washington’s dysfunction and reckless spending spree amid rising inflation and the failure of the federal government to provide block grants to Florida’s growers and all U.S. agriculture producers devastated by recent natural disasters. Senator Scott recently spoke on the Senate floor calling for passage of his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act, which includes his Block Grant Assistance Act, but Senate Democrats blocked it.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I was with Florida farmers earlier this week and they’re all feeling the pain of Washington’s reckless spending spree. Instead of fighting inflation and providing crucial disaster block grants to these folks, Democrats are leaving our farmers out to dry as they face soaring costs. While Senate Democrats While have been happy to green light TRILLIONS in reckless spending, their refusal to stand with American farmers makes you mad. It’s CRAZY and a slap in the face to these hardworking Americans who put food on our tables and keep America’s economy moving. Our farmers, growers and ranchers deserve better than to be used as a political pawn to get aid for a foreign cause. It’s past time to put the folks fueling our economy and feeding our families first. We must pass my Federal Disaster Responsibility Act NOW!”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


10 Tampa Bay: Sen. Rick Scott Continues Fight to Deliver Disaster Relief for Florida Ag Community

Senator Rick Scott hosted a roundtable in Dover to discuss issues facing Florida’s agriculture industry, his priorities for the upcoming Farm Bill and the urgent need for Congress to pass his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act and deliver federal disaster aid following major Hurricanes Ian and Idalia. Senator John Boozman, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson and Florida farmers joined Senator Scott for the discussion at Parkesdale Farm.

For nearly a year, Senator Scott has been fighting to deliver resources to Florida’s growers and ranchers by getting his bipartisan Block Grant Assistance Act to President Biden’s desk. This urgently needed legislation provides authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to issue block grants to Florida’s growers and all U.S. agriculture producers devastated by recent natural disasters. Following the devastating landfall of major Category 3 Hurricane Idalia, Senator Scott introduced his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act, which includes the Block Grant Assistance Act, to fully fund FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund and deliver support to America’s growers and ranchers.

Watch more HERE 

Fox News: Senator Rick Scott to roll out measure to ‘keep our border agents paid’ during possible government shutdown

Florida’s Voice: Patronis, Scott plan to host roundtable to combat Biden’s IRS

Florida’s Voice: Commissioner Simpson works with Rick Scott on passing pro-farmer legislation

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Jackie Rosen Helped Get White House to Include Israel in Visa Waiver Program

The Floridian: Scott Celebrates Israel’s Inclusion to the Visa Waiver Program

The Floridian: Scott Reintroduces Bill to Cut Down on Govt. Agency Regulations

The Floridian: With the Farm Bill Looming, Scott Addresses Florida’s Agriculture Problems

The Floridian: Florida Congressional Delegation Remembers Dianne Feinstein


Senator Scott in Plant City

Senator Scott stopped by Johnson BBQ to hear Owen Johnson’s story of how his business started and continues to grow 60 years later.


Senator Scott in Dover

Senator Scott hosted a roundtable to discuss issues facing Florida’s agriculture industry and his priorities for the upcoming Farm Bill. Senator John Boozman, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson and Florida farmers joined Senator Scott for the discussion at Parkesdale Farm.


Senator Scott in Marianna

Senator Scott also had the privilege of visiting Jackson County Sheriff Donnie Edenfield and meeting with local law enforcement officers to thank them for all they do to keep the community safe.


Senator Scott in Jackson County

Senator Scott also joined Jackson County officials for the dedication of Governor Rick Scott Drive and to thank them for the honor.










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