Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review 4/10/21

Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review

Last week, President Biden, so-called social and community leaders and corporations alike caved to lies about Georgia’s new election law. President Biden supports moving the MLB game out of Georgia, yet refuses to call on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to move the Olympics out of Communist China – which is committing a genocide against the Uyghurs.

This week, Senator Rick Scott called on President Biden to demand the relocation of the 2022 Olympic Games out of Communist China and offer to host the games in the United States. For over a year, Senator Scott has called on the IOC to move the 2022 Games to a nation that respects freedom, democracy and human rights. The U.S. is more than equipped to host the Games, and Senator Scott looks forward to President Biden doing everything possible to move the Games out of Beijing.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott to CDC: Our Cruise Industry Still Waiting on a Timeline for Safe Resumption

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released updated guidance for cruise lines under the Framework for Conditional Sailing Order. In March, Senator Scott sent a letter to Jeffrey Zients, the White House COVID Response Coordinator, urging the Biden Administration to immediately issue clear guidance for the resumption of operations for the cruise industry. The CDC still has not responded to his letter or provided the cruise line industry with a timeline of when they can begin sailing, which is urgently needed.

Senator Scott also introduced the Set Sail Safely Act last year, which would establish a Maritime Task Force, in coordination with a Private Sector Advisory Committee, to address the health, safety, security, and logistical changes needed to allow for cruise lines and ports to resume operations.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Our cruise lines have waited months for updated guidance from the CDC, while so many other industries were able to reopen safely. While the CDC finally released some updated guidance for this important industry, they still haven’t answered my call to provide the cruise line industry with a timeline of when they can begin sailing, which is urgently needed. The cruise industry is critical to the success of Florida’s economy, as well as other states, and should be able to safely resume operations. This is about more than one industry, it’s about our ports, our restaurants, and an entire economic chain throughout the United States with thousands of jobs on the line. The cruise industry, and the communities that rely on it, deserve a clear timeline from the CDC on when they can resume operations. I’ll continue working with my colleagues on real solutions to bring back our cruise industry safely.” Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio Urge Secretary Blinken to Work With Bahamian Government to Ensure Joint Preparedness in Case of Future Oil Exploration

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging him to work with the government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to ensure preparedness for any possible exploratory drilling in the Bahamian waters. Read more from Senator Rubio’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Colleagues to Introduce Legislation Targeting Beijing’s Influence at American Colleges

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, Kevin Cramer, Tommy Tuberville, Mike Braun and Josh Hawley to introduce the Transparency for Confucius Institutes Act. Confucius Institutes, which are run and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party, currently operate at 55 American colleges and universities. The Transparency for Confucius Institutes Act would amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require program participation agreements between the Chinese Communist Party agency which administers educational programs, known as the Hanban, and American institutions to address the ways in which Beijing exerts undue influence through Confucius Institutes.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China, led by General Secretary Xi, continues to steal U.S. technology and intellectual property in their quest for world domination. We have to acknowledge the threat Confucius Institutes pose to our students, and I’m proud to join the Transparency for Confucius Institutes Act to protect our universities and our national security.” Read more from Senator Blackburn’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden Must Demand Relocation of 2022 Olympic Games to United States

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement calling on President Joe Biden to demand the relocation of the 2022 Olympic Games out of Communist China and offer to host the games in the United States. Senator Scott’s call to action follows his February letter to President Biden detailing the horrific human rights abuses being perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party under the direction of General Secretary Xi and the need to move the 2022 Olympic Games to a nation that respects freedom, democracy and human rights.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Last week, we saw President Biden, so-called social and community leaders and corporations alike cave to lies about Georgia’s new election law. Lies being spread by radical Democrats and the woke left mob. Biden supports moving the MLB game out of Georgia, yet refuses to call on the International Olympic Committee to move the Olympics out of Communist China – which is committing a genocide against the Uyghurs.

“Biden and the Democrats need to be called out for their hypocrisy and face some pretty basic facts: Election security is not racist. Genocide is wrong. General Secretary Xi’s atrocious acts can’t be ignored and Communist China can’t be allowed to whitewash its crimes on an international stage. President Biden has immense power to help facilitate the relocation of the games, which I have urged him to do. If Biden truly stands for human rights, he will immediately begin this process by offering to host the games in the United States and providing the necessary federal resources to get this done. The American spirit is undefeated and there is no limit to what this great nation can accomplish when united under a common cause. It is now time for President Biden to lead America and the world and make clear that the United States will never tolerate the oppression and genocide occurring in Communist China.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: We Can’t Allow the IOC to Turn a Blind Eye to Communist China’s Genocide

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following reports that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) gave a uniform contract for the Tokyo 2021 Summer Olympics and the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics to Hengyuanxiang (HYX) Group, a Chinese textiles company. Reports indicate that HYX Group has an affiliated factory in Xinjiang, which is known for its use of forced labor, and openly advertises its use of Xinjiang cotton. These disturbing reports came just hours after Senator Scott called for President Biden to lead international efforts to relocate the 2022 Olympic Games to the United States.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For over a year, I’ve been calling on the IOC to stand up against Communist China’s genocide of the Uyghurs, and find a new host for the 2022 Olympic Games. Not only have they turned a blind eye to human rights, they are supporting General Secretary Xi’s genocidal campaign by contracting with a Chinese company that may use Uyghur forced labor. This is a new reprehensible low for the IOC. Every freedom-loving nation must stand up and condemn the IOC’s support of Communist China’s abuses, and demand the 2022 Games be moved to a nation that respects human rights.

“I called on President Biden to lead the world and offer to host the games in the United States. Communist China cannot be allowed an international platform to whitewash their crimes. The U.S. is more than equipped to host the Games, and I look forward to President Biden doing everything possible to move the games out of Beijing.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to President Biden: Prioritize National Security; Refuse Reckless Iran Deal

Senator Rick Scott released the statement below as negotiations take place on how the United States can re-join the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran nuclear deal, including reports that the United States may lift sanctions on the Iranian regime in exchange for a return to the Iran Deal. Senator Scott, along with Senators Joni Ernst and Kevin Cramer, introduced a resolution in February expressing opposition to the Iran nuclear deal.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The disastrous Iran nuclear deal was President Obama’s mistake and President Trump was right to abandon this reckless agreement. Iran has shown time and time again that it cannot be trusted. President Biden must prioritize U.S. national security and the interests of America and our great ally Israel and oppose re-joining this deal. The sanctions the Trump administration levied on Iran are working, and must remain in place until Iran fully cooperates and their ability to develop nuclear weapons and produce ballistic missiles is permanently removed.” Red more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden-Yellen Tax Plan Hurts American Jobs, Gives Away America’s Economic Sovereignty

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following remarks by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen this week advocating for a global minimum corporate tax rate. In addition to his proposal to raise America’s corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, President Biden is also proposing to double the taxes paid by corporations on foreign income from 10.5% to 21%.

Senator Rick Scott said, “President Biden has made his vision for America clear: the days of exceptionalism are gone – welcome to the age of America Averageness. As a former governor, I know how important tax policy is to growing the economy and creating jobs. In Florida, we cut taxes 100 times and in the eight years I was Governor, businesses created 1.7 million new private sector jobs – each helping a Floridian and their family live their dreams in our state. The United States should serve as the world’s leader in business, innovation and growth, but under the Biden-Yellen economic regime, we are in a race to mediocrity while surrendering America’s economic sovereignty. These taxes will directly hurt American families. As our nation recovers from this devastating global pandemic, the last thing we need is Joe Biden raising taxes at home and encouraging others to do so abroad. I will not support these radical anti-American policies and will do everything in my power to lead the efforts to defeat these bad ideas in the Unites States Senate.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Urges French President Macron to Join Call to Move 2022 Olympics Out of Communist China

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron urging him to join global efforts to move the 2022 Olympic Games out of Communist China and to a nation that respects human rights. Senator Scott has made similar requests of President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Jacky Rosen Announce Inaugural Hearing for the Subcommittee on Tourism, Trade, and Export Promotion

Senator Rick Scott, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation’s newly formed Subcommittee on Tourism, Trade, and Export Promotion, joined Senator Jacky Rosen, Chair of the Subcommittee, in announcing the Subcommittee’s first hearing on the state of travel and tourism during COVID-19.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’m honored to join Chair Rosen to lead the first hearing of the Subcommittee on Tourism, Trade, and Export Promotion and discuss how to safely and fully bring back the tourism industry after the devastating impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. During my time as Governor of Florida, the Sunshine State welcomed hundreds of millions of visitors, shattering tourism records. Tourism supports our communities and small businesses, fuels job growth, and is critical to the economic success of our states and nation. I will never stop fighting to support our tourism industry in Florida and across the United States, and look forward to hearing from industry leaders on how we can support their success.” Read more from Senator Rosen’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Letter Demanding Information from DOJ, DHS and FBI on Portland Violence

Senators Rick Scott, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray to ask what their agencies are doing to protect the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, Oregon. The Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse has been the target of repeated attacks by left-wing extremists over the past year. The Senators are also requesting information on efforts the agencies have made to investigate, arrest and prosecute the individuals who have terrorized the city of Portland for the past year. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Honors Life of Jereima “Jeri” Bustamante on 3rd Anniversary of Her Passing

Senator Rick Scott announced a resolution honoring the memory of Jereima ‘’Jeri’’ Bustamante, Senator Scott’s long-time press secretary, who was lost in a tragic accident three years ago.

Senator Rick Scott said, “This past year has been a challenge for our nation, and a constant reminder to enjoy every minute we have with friends, family and loved ones – something Jeri always did. Jeri was kind, with a warm smile, and she always tried to make your day better. She cherished life and put her whole heart in every opportunity she had to help others. Jeri lived the American Dream, growing up in Panama and moving to the United States as a child with her family, speaking only Spanish. She grew up in Miami where she attended Miami Beach High, Miami-Dade Community College and Florida International University. After starting work at a Miami TV station, she moved up the ranks and became my Press Secretary in the Governor’s office, my Spanish tutor and my friend. As we traveled the state together, I was amazed at how everyone who met Jeri loved and respected her. While the world will never be the same without Jeri Bustamante, she lives forever in my heart, the hearts of my family, my staff and everyone who had the pleasure of meeting her. It’s with a very heavy heart that I honor Jeri Bustamante today, and recognize her far too short, but so meaningful and impactful life.” Read more HERE.

El Senador Rick Scott honra la vida de Jereima “Jeri” Bustamante en el tercer aniversario de su fallecimiento

El Senador Rick Scott anunció una resolución en honor a la memoria de Jereima “Jeri” Bustamante, Secretaria de Prensa del Senador Scott, quien hace tres años falleció en un trágico accidente.

El Senador Rick Scott dijo: “El año pasado ha sido un desafío para nuestra nación y un recordatorio constante de disfrutar cada minuto que tenemos con amigos, familiares y seres queridos, algo que Jeri siempre hizo. Jeri fue amable y con su cálida sonrisa siempre trató de hacer que tu día fuera mejor. Apreciaba la vida y ponía todo su corazón en cada oportunidad que tenía para ayudar a los demás. Jeri vivió el sueño americano, se mudó desde Panamá a los Estados Unidos junto a su familia cuando era niña y solo hablando español. Creció en Miami, donde asistió a Miami Beach High, Miami-Dade Community College y Florida International University. Después de comenzar a trabajar en una estación de televisión de Miami, ascendió de rango y se convirtió en mi Secretaria de Prensa en la oficina de la Gobernación, mi tutora de español y mi amiga. Mientras viajábamos juntos por el estado, me sorprendió cómo todos los que conocieron a Jeri la amaban y la respetaban. Si bien el mundo nunca volverá a ser el mismo sin Jeri Bustamante, ella vivirá para siempre en mi corazón, en el corazón de mi familia, de mi personal y de todos los que tuvieron el placer de conocerla. Hoy con un gran pesar honro a Jeri Bustamante y reconozco su corta pero tan significativa e impactante vida”. Leer más AQUÍ

Sen. Rick Scott: Gov. Cuomo’s Decision to Send $15,000 Checks to Illegal Aliens is a Shameful Misuse of American Taxpayer Dollars

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after the State of New York revealed its plans to spend $2.1 billion to provide up to $15,600 to illegal aliens who lost work during the pandemic. New York is using funding it received from President Biden’s wasteful, untargeted $1.9 trillion “COVID” spending bill, which dedicated less than 10% of its overall price tag to fighting COVID-19, and included $360 billion for state and local bailouts that predominantly benefits liberal states. Senator Scott has led the fight against wasteful blue state bailouts and repeatedly voiced his strong opposition to this reckless spending.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The federal government should reimburse states and local governments for expenses related to COVID-19 response, but it is irresponsible and reckless of Biden and the Democrats to take billions from American taxpayers and use it for handouts so liberal politicians like Andrew Cuomo in New York can fund their radical priorities. New York’s decision to take taxpayer money from citizens of fiscally responsible states like Florida and send $15,600 checks to illegal aliens is unfathomable. It is a disgusting and shameful misuse of taxpayer dollars. Every American should be outraged that Joe Biden and New York liberals are using their taxpayer money to flout our laws.

“Andrew Cuomo and Democrats in New York must answer to American taxpayers on how this is even legal. As our nation recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, this insane plan cannot be allowed to move forward.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Inflation Ignorance is Unacceptable, Hurts Families

Following the latest Producer Price Index release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Senator Rick Scott released the below statement demanding that President Biden and Congressional Democrats take immediate action to combat the impacts of rising inflation which disproportionately hurts small businesses and low and fixed-income families. The BLS data shows clearly that American producers are charging more for their goods, thereby increasing the prices American families and small businesses will pay for everything from basic business supplies to groceries. According to the BLS, the final demand index moved up 4.2% for the 12 months ended in March, the largest advance since rising 4.5% for the 12 months ended September 2011.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For months I have been calling on President Biden, members of his administration and the Federal Reserve to face the facts and lay out a plan to fight inflation and its negative impacts on American families and small businesses. When inflation rises, the prices of every day goods, like groceries and essential business supplies, go up making it harder for folks to make ends meet. I grew up poor and watched my parents struggle to put food on the table. I know just how much a slight rise in prices can hurt a family because I saw it every day growing up.

“Biden’s ignorance on inflation is not only wrong, it’s dangerous. The president’s refusal to address this critical issue has a direct negative effect on Floridians and families across our nation, and hurts low and fixed-income Americans the most. It’s time for Biden to wake up from his liberal dream and realize that reckless spending has consequences, inflation is real and America’s debt crisis is growing. Inflation is rising and Americans deserve answers from Biden now.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Urges Chancellor Angela Merkel to Join Call to Move 2022 Olympics Out of Communist China

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel urging her to join efforts to move the 2022 Olympic Games out of Communist China and to a nation that respects human rights. Senator Scott has made similar requests of President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and French President Emmanuel Macron. Earlier this week, Senator Scott also called for President Biden to lead international efforts to relocate the 2022 Olympic Games to the United States. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to CDC: We Must Understand Social Media’s Impact on Children and Young Adults

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky requesting information on CDC studies and actions to address the extended use of social media by American children and young adults, and its potential impact on their health and well-being. Read more HERE.

Fox News: Sen. Rick Scott slams Biden for backing MLB Georgia boycott, being silent on moving Olympics out of China

Fox News: GOP lawmakers urge clampdown on Confucius Institutes at American colleges and universities

The Epoch Times: US Sen. Rick Scott Calls on Australian PM to Support Relocating Winter Olympics

Newsmax: Rick Scott: NY Plan to Aid Illegal Immigrants Is ‘Insane’

Taipei News: US must work with allies to protect Taiwan: Senator

WSVN: Sen. Rick Scott announces resolution honoring life of Jereima “Jeri” Bustamante

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Continues to Push the Federal Government on Letting Cruise Ships Sail Again

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Leads Republicans on New Senate Tourism, Trade, and Export Promotion Subcommittee

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Leads the Fight on Capitol Hill Against Bringing Back Nuclear Deal With Iran

The Floridian: Scott Slams Cuomo’s “Shameful Misuse” of COVID Funds

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