Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian,

As your U.S. Senator, I work every day to Make Washington Work for Florida families and fight for what matters most to you. That starts with ensuring the policies in place up here to restore fiscal sanity in Washington, stand for what’s right and keep your communities safe.

Restoring Fiscal Sanity

On Wednesday, I led 18 of my Republican colleagues in a press conference amid debt ceiling negotiations on Capitol Hill, where we continued our calls for substantial reforms that return Washington to fiscal sanity the American people deserve.

For a recap of the press conference, click HERE. To watch the full event click HERE.

Standing up for Human Rights

This week, I led the effort in the Senate to rescind a recent Biden administration rule that allowed Chinese solar manufacturers, many of which are proven to use child and slave labor, to circumvent U.S. tariffs. This change will support American solar manufacturers and workers, stand up for human rights and hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for breaking American trade laws. I was proud to this measure pass with bipartisan support and see the U.S. Senate affirm that the United States will never tolerate a hostile takeover of our industries and will always stand against slave and child labor. Now, this legislation heads to the president’s desk, and I urge President Biden to stand up to Communist China and sign it.

Read more HERE.

Keeping our Communities Safe by Securing the Southern Border

With Title 42 expected to expire next week, I was in Texas to receive a briefing from Customs and Border Protection officials in the Del Rio Sector about the migrant crisis on our southern border. I wanted to see the problem firsthand and ask them what we could do to help since Joe Biden won’t.

For an update from the border and what I saw, click HERE.




Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.


Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues Send Letter to Biden Administration Blasting Proposal to Punish Borrowers with High Credit Scores

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Roger Marshall, Thom Tillis and 15 of their colleagues in leading a letter to the Biden administration’s Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Director Sandra Thompson. This letter expressed the senators’ outrage at Thompson’s proposal to penalize Americans who have managed their money responsibly in order to subsidize high-risk borrowers with low credit.

Proposals like these set a dangerous precedent. In their letter, the senators wrote, “This shortsighted and counterproductive policy demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the necessity of accurately tailoring housing finance products to credit risk and establishes a perverse incentive that punishes hardworking Americans for their fiscal prudence,” the letter said. “Under your leadership, FHFA has pushed forward a number of policy proposals and changes that seek to social-engineer the U.S. housing market in ways that increase riskiness and promote discrimination…The fact that a proposal flaunting credit risk is being openly pushed by FHFA just a decade-and-a-half after the housing-led 2008 financial crisis is staggering…The housing market should not be exploited as a means to pander to targeted demographics that you have chosen, nor an instrument to secure political favoritism.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on Senate Republicans’ Role in Debt Ceiling Negotiations: Stand United with House and Demand Fiscal Sanity

Senator Rick Scott led 18 of his Republican colleagues in a press conference as debt ceiling negotiations continue on Capitol Hill where he continued his calls for substantial reforms that return Washington to fiscal sanity the American people deserve. Senator Scott fully supports Speaker McCarthy’s sweeping debt limit package that repeals President Biden and Washington Democrats’ obsession with over-taxing and over-spending while reforming the wasteful practices responsible for bringing America’s debt to $31 trillion.

Watch more HERE.

U.S. Senate Passes Sen. Rick Scott’s Bipartisan Measure to Eliminate Biden Waiver for Chinese Solar Companies Using Slave and Child Labor

The United States Senate passed bipartisan legislation to support American solar manufacturers and workers and to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for breaking American trade laws and using slave and child labor to produce these products. Senator Scott led the measure in the Senate where it passed with bipartisan support. Today’s vote follows the House passage of this measure last week, which was led by Congressman Bill Posey. The measure now heads to President Joe Biden’s desk.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China’s solar panel manufacturing is based on slave and child labor, government subsidies and trade abuses. Today, in a bipartisan vote, the U.S. Senate affirmed that the United States will never tolerate a hostile takeover of our industries and will always stand against slave and child labor. Today’s vote is good for American jobs, protects U.S. national security and holds accountable those who commit horrific human rights abuses. When you break American trade laws and use slave labor, you pay the price. I want to thank all my colleagues who supported this CRA and Congressman Bill Posey for his hard work getting it passed in the House of Representatives. Now, this CRA heads to the president’s desk, and I urge President Biden to sign it and stand up to Communist China.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Bill to Stop Human Trafficking of Migrant Children

Senators Rick Scott, Tom Cotton and Marco Rubio introduced the Stop Human Trafficking of Unaccompanied Migrant Children Act. This bill addresses the recent reports of unaccompanied migrant children being released to sponsors who have not received proper screening from the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

Senator Rick Scott said, “No one is safe from the suffering caused by President Biden’s border crisis, especially children. The savage cartels don’t care about a child’s life, they happily traffic them across Biden’s wide open border and collect the payment without a minute of regret. That must end NOW. I have seven grandkids and I cannot imagine them ever being put at risk. Every child is worth protecting. Hundreds of thousands of migrant children have entered the federal government’s shelter system and President Biden’s administration is not doing nearly enough to keep them safe. We must ensure that these unaccompanied children placed with a sponsor by this administration are not being trafficked. I’m proud to lead my colleagues in introducing this good bill and implement real vetting that protects kids.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Joe Biden is Missing in Action on Debt Ceiling Talks

Senator Rick Scott led 18 of his Senate Republican colleagues in a press conference showing unified support of the House Republicans’ proposal to address the debt ceiling with a responsible solution that reins in spending, reduces waste and lowers costs. Yesterday, Senator Scott and his colleagues made clear that Senate Republicans will be active players in this fight.

While Republicans are putting forward solutions that return fiscal sanity to the nation, Joe Biden and Senate Democrats are refusing to negotiate or change their broken ways of high taxes and reckless spending that are putting the American dream at risk.

Watch the video HERE.

As Title 42 Nears Expiration, Sen. Rick Scott Visits Southern Border in Del Rio

Senator Rick Scott visited the United States’ border with Mexico near Del Rio, Texas. Senator Scott received a briefing from state and federal law enforcement officers, including U.S. Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Air & Marine Operations and the Texas Department of Public Safety, on the massive national security and humanitarian crisis along the southern border being fueled by President Biden’s disastrous policies of amnesty and open borders. He also participated in an aerial tour with CBP of the Del Rio sector. Due to Biden’s open-border policies and refusal to uphold our laws, Title 42 is one of our last defenses at the border. Unfortunately, President Biden is allowing it to expire in the middle of this crisis.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I have been to the southern border three times since President Biden took office, and the crisis is worse each time I visit. It is a fact that the horrific amnesty policies and open border agenda of President Biden, along with the incompetent leadership of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, has caused a humanitarian crisis. America’s brave border patrol is working around the clock to keep Americans safe, and today I got to see that work firsthand. Unfortunately, they have zero support from Washington and now the one tool that was doing some good, Title 42, is going away. Fentanyl is flowing into U.S. communities and killing tens of thousands of our citizens. Reports continue to come in about migrants illegally entering our country committing horrifying crimes and known terrorists are walking into American communities. Joe Biden has surrendered control of America’s border to the savage cartels and this is the result. Enough is enough. It’s time for the Biden administration to secure the border and send a clear message of law and order. It would be great for Biden to make that announcement himself and come here and see the crisis he’s created.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation

Senator Rick Scott led 18 of his Senate Republican colleagues in a press conference showing unified support for the House Republicans’ proposal to address the debt ceiling with a responsible solution that reins in spending, reduces waste and lowers costs. The Senator and his colleagues made clear that Senate Republicans will be active players in this fight.

See more in the video HERE. Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


Fox News: Republicans unleash effort making it easier to fire federal bureaucrats

Fox News: Rick Scott’s advice to McCarthy on the debt ceiling talks: Remember the American public

Fox News: Senate passes bipartisan bill to override Biden’s handout to Chinese solar companies

Washington Examiner: Rick Scott calls for greater Senate GOP involvement in debt ceiling fight

Daily Caller: Senate Votes To Bring Back China Tariffs That Biden Blocked

The Hill: Senate set for bipartisan rebuke of Biden on solar tariffs

Politico: How McCarthy mollified the right on his debt plan — for now

Florida Daily: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott: Biden Administration Neglected Child Labor Trafficking

Florida Voice: Scott leads effort to nix Biden waiver for CCP-linked solar companies using ‘slave and child labor’

The Floridian: Rick Scott, Marco Rubio Reintroduce Bill to Counter China’s Civil-Military Fusion Agenda


Senator Scott’s Team in Punta Gorda

This week, Senator Scott’s team had the privilege of handing out the trophies to award recipients at the last Punta Gorda Do the Right Thing ceremony for 2023.



Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando

Senator Scott’s team also attended the grand opening of the Oh Que Bueno Colombian Restaurant.


Senator Scott’s Team in Orange Park

Senator Scott’s team also attended the Police Memorial Ceremony in Orange Park.


Senator Scott’s Team in Winter Park

Additionally, Senator Scott’s team attended the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office National Day of Prayer service.












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