Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review 10/30/21

This week, as energy prices across America surge higher, Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor to request unanimous consent on his Give Americans Stability at Pumps as Rising Inflation Causes Emergencies (GAS PRICE) Act. This common sense legislation would direct the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to report to Congress any policy or rule set by the Biden administration which raises energy costs for American families. Senate Democrats blocked its passage.

Growing up Senator Scott watched his mom struggle to make ends meet and put food on the table, and now we are seeing skyrocketing prices hurt families today who are living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to keep up. While the Biden administration refuses to take responsibility for its policies that are causing rising energy prices, or take action to fix this urgent problem, Senator Scott continues to propose real solutions and fight against the Democrats’ radical socialist agenda that is driving up prices and hurting American families more every day.

See more HERE

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott: The Government is No Replacement for Parents When it Comes to Education

As the rights of parents are under attack by the Biden administration, Senator Rick Scott, joined by Leader Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee Ranking Member Richard Burr and nearly thirty other Republican senators introduced a resolutionsupporting parents’ rights to be fully and actively involved in the education of their children. Recently, Joe Biden and his administration have politicized and weaponized the Justice Department, threatening to use federal law enforcement resources to intimidate and silence parents who speak out to protect their children from harmful curricula like critical race theory that’s being pushed by Biden and the far-left. Biden’s dangerous tactics are a clear violation on parents’ rights of free speech and the right to have a say in their child’s education.

This resolution is also cosponsored by Senators John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, John Boozman, Mike Braun, John Cornyn, Tom Cotton, Kevin Cramer, Mike Crapo, Joni Ernst, Deb Fischer, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Josh Hawley, John Hoeven, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Jim Inhofe, Ron Johnson, John Kennedy, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Cynthia Lummis, Roger Marshall, Jerry Moran, James Risch, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Thom Tillis, Tommy Tuberville, and Roger Wicker.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The Democrats’ war on parents is disgusting. As a proud father of two, and grandfather to seven, it makes me furious to hear people say that the government knows better than a mom or dad when it comes to the education of their child. That’s why today I am proud to have Leader McConnell, Ranking Member Burr and nearly thirty other Republican senators join me in introducing a simple resolution supporting parents’ rights to be engaged and have a say in their child’s education. It’s not controversial or radical to say that we support the right of parents to be the leading voices in the education of their children. And it’s not controversial or radical to expect teachers, schools and school districts to regularly engage parents in constructive and open dialogue about school policies, curriculum, and instructional materials – and to LISTEN to their feedback. Moms and dads know what is best for their children, and it is a great thing when they get involved. We won’t let the Democrats use their radical, socialist agenda to drive parents out of education and replace them with the failed ideas of big government.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: GDP Bomb Shows Biden is Driving America Toward Economic Doomsday

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the Department of Commerce’s latest Bureau of Economic Analysis Report noting that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fell to a 2% annualized rate of growth in the third quarter amid President Biden’s growing supply chain and inflation crises. These awful, below estimate GDP figures, which serve as the primary indicator of the country’s economic health and growth, further prove what Senator Scott has been saying for months: Biden’s dangerous, socialist policies are pushing America backward, killing jobs and driving our nation toward an economic doomsday.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Joe Biden has been an absolute disaster for our country. By embracing radical socialist policies over what’s truly in the best interest of American families, he has brought America to a dangerous low after just nine months in office. At every turn, he has made the wrong choice. Vaccine mandates? Kills jobs. Paying people more to stay home than go back to work? Kills jobs. Reckless government spending? Fuels inflation and creates a massive supply chain disaster that’s causing shortages and raising prices for almost everything. I hear it from Florida families every week – they are sick and tired of Joe Biden’s failed policies that are making it harder and harder to put food on the table, gas in the tank and a roof over their head. Folks can’t get by in Joe Biden’s America. It’s time for the president to wake up and listen before a devastating economic doomsday comes for the United States.” Read more HERE.

Democrats Want Americans in the Dark, Block Sen. Rick Scott Transparency Proposal to Address Rising Energy Prices

As energy prices across America surge higher, Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor to request unanimous consent on his Give Americans Stability at Pumps as Rising Inflation Causes Emergencies (GAS PRICE) Act. This simple legislation, cosponsored by Senators Roger Marshall, Cynthia Lummis, Shelley Moore Capito, Ron Johnson, Jerry Moran and Marsha Blackburn, would direct the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to report to Congress any policy or rule set by the Biden administration which raises energy costs for American families. Senate Democrats blocked its passage.

Reports from the EIA have shown that prices on energy, like gasoline, have increased 55% in just one year, and it is predicted that this winter, home heating prices are going to rise by more than 40% for homes that use heating oil, more than 30% for homes using natural gas, and 54% for homes using propane.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Just this week, the South Florida Sun Sentinel ran a story with the headline, ‘Gas Prices hit their highest level since 2014. When will we get a break?’ As gas prices keep rising, the message from Florida couldn’t be more clear. But this is about more than just headlines. These skyrocketing prices are hurting real families who are living paycheck to paycheck, and struggling to keep up. I grew up poor. When my parents’ bills went up, it made it more difficult on my family. When gas prices went up, it meant we had less food to put on the table.

“The only person to blame for what we are seeing across this country is Joe Biden. He’s done everything in his power to destroy America’s energy independence. In his first month in office, he cut the Keystone Pipeline permit and killed thousands of American jobs. Then he suspended new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal lands. Of course, Joe Biden only knows how to blame everyone but himself. Since the Biden administration has shown ZERO interest in fixing this urgent problem, I introduced a simple bill today that just made it so Congress would be informed when a new policy or rule causes energy costs for American families to go up. Of course, Democrats blocked it. Joe Biden’s lieutenants in the Senate will do anything to cover up the disastrous impacts of his failed energy agenda and today was just further proof of that fact. It’s shameful but I won’t stop fighting against the Democrats’ radical socialist agenda that is driving up prices and hurting American families more every day.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Sends Open Letter to G-20 Leaders: I Won’t Support a Global Minimum Corporate Tax

Ahead of the G-20 Summit in Rome, Senator Rick Scott sent an open letter to the G-20 leaders expressing his opposition to a country-by-country minimum tax rate of 15% on multinational enterprises, which represents a significant threat to American competitiveness. In his letter, Senator Scott reminds global leaders that any changes to tax code or tax treaties must obtain approval by the U.S. Senate. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: I Urge Airlines to Fight Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Airlines for America President and CEO Nicholas Calio and National Air Carrier Association President George Novak urging the airline industry to abandon plans to impose President Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates on their workforce—a driving force for unemployment. Throughout the pandemic, airline employees have worked hard to keep themselves and passengers safe. Now, the Biden administration is attempting to bully hardworking Americans and threatening their livelihood by forcing a false choice: get the vaccine or lose your job. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to President Biden: Taiwan Deserves Invitation to White House Democracy Summit

Senator Rick Scott urged President Joe Biden to publicly invite Taiwan to participate in The Summit on Democracy, which is being convened by the White House and Department of State on December 9th and 10th, to discuss challenges and opportunities facing the world’s democracies. Senator Scott’s letter follows President Biden’s public statement committing to protect Taiwan in the event of an invasion by Communist China. Senator Scott continues to fight for his bill, the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act, to end America’s failed policy of strategic ambiguity. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Cynthia Lummis and Colleagues in Legislation Requiring Federal Employees to Return to Work

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Cynthia Lummis, John Barrasso, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Marsha Blackburn, Mike Rounds and Roger Marshall to introduce the Having Employees Return to Duty (HERD) Act of 2021. This bill would require federal employees to return to their duty station and the hours they were working prior to the COVID-19 pandemic to help citizens across the country who are currently being underserved by federal agencies due to remote work and a backlog of casework issues.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’ve heard from families across Florida who are facing issues due to backlogs at federal agencies. Americans everywhere are expected to go to work each day and are able to do so safely – the federal government shouldn’t be any different. We must get the government back to work for the American people and I hope all of my colleagues will support this good bill.” Read more from Senator Lummis’ office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Chair Powell Must Prove Federal Reserve is Independent & Working for American Families

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell making it clear that he will not support Chair Powell for another term as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve unless he shows that the Federal Reserve is an independent agency working in the best interests of American families. Throughout this year, Senator Scott has repeatedly expressed his frustration with Chair Powell’s blind obedience to the failed policies and agenda of President Biden and the Democrats, and his lack of independent leadership to mitigate the harmful impacts of rising inflation. As hardworking families across America continue to suffer because of skyrocketing inflation, a supply chain crisis, a workforce disaster and a historical amount of federal debt, Chair Powell has continued to direct the Federal Reserve to manipulate markets with huge treasury bond purchases and done nothing to protect families. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Raging Inflation Shows Biden’s Socialism & Powell’s Inaction are Destroying America

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the Bureau and Labor Statistics Reportnoting the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index has risen to 4.4% over the year, the highest level seen all year. This data shows how President Biden’s inflation crisis, caused by his and Democrats’ socialist policies and reckless government spending, is shrinking budgets for families as the prices of everyday goods continue to skyrocket.

Senator Scott has been urging President Biden to stop his unconstitutional vaccine mandates which are causing families to make an impossible choice: comply to keep their job, quit, or be fired. Reports from the Federal Reserve have shown that reckless policies like this are fueling Biden’s supply chain and inflation crises. Earlier this week, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Federal Chair Jerome Powell making it clear that if Powell does not start showing the Federal Reserve is acting as an independent agency, Senator Scott will not support another term for Powell as Chair.

Senator Rick Scott said, “What in the world is President Joe Biden thinking? Report after report shows plain and simple that Biden’s socialist policies and unconstitutional vaccine mandates are killing our economy, harming our businesses and leaving our families with less and less. And what is he doing to fix it? NOTHING. Biden signed up to lead the country but he’s done absolutely NOTHING to help American families. This is hurting mothers like mine growing up, who struggled to make ends meet, and it makes me furious. The incompetence is astonishing. But, Biden isn’t the only one to blame. As Biden destroys the economy, Chair Powell has been nothing but a puppet for his disastrous agenda. With inflation still raging and the latest GDP figures showing the economy is headed in the wrong direction, we must act now to protect American families. If Biden and Powell can’t do the job, they need to get out of the way.” Read more HERE.

Fox News: GOP senators demand fully-vaccinated federal employees return to in-person work to address massive backlog

National Review: Exclusive: Congressional Republicans Affirm That There Is No International Right to Abortion

Jerusalem Post: GOP bill seeks to stop Jerusalem consulate for Palestinians

Taipei Times: Invite Taiwan to summit: US’ Scott

Breitbart: Report: 129 Republicans Demand 11 Biden Admin Officials Resign

Jerusalem Post: Senate GOP bill seeks to block Jerusalem consulate reopening

WKMG: Senators call for new zip codes for Ocoee, Oakland in bill

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Calls on Airline Industry to Resist Mandatory Vaccinations

Florida Daily: Rick Scott to HHS Inspector General: American Families Demand Answers on COVID-19 Origins

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Wants to Know if State Department is Investigating Pan American Health Organization

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Introduces the Extending Limits of U.S. Customs Waters Act With Kyrsten Sinema’s Support

Florida Daily: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott Want New Zip Codes in Florida

Florida Daily: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, Michael Waltz Continue Efforts to Change Water Quality Allocation to the States

Senator Scott has received his COVID-19 vaccine, and he encourages everyone consider doing the same. The COVID-19 vaccine works and is critical to ending the pandemic and saving lives.

For more information and to find out where you can get the shot, visit

111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
716 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
  Fax: (202) 228-4535
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