Senator Rick Scott Update January 30

Sen. Rick Scott: We Must Enhance Border Security and Provide Permanent DACA Protection

Senator Rick Scott announced his intent to file a bill to provide funding and resources needed to secure America’s Southern border, and offer a permanent solution for individuals registered in and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Senator Scott’s action follows repeated announcements and actions by the Biden Administration to advance radical immigration policy rooted in open borders and amnesty, pause deportations of illegal immigrants, and completely ignore border security.

Senator Rick Scott said, “One of the most moving experiences of my life has been watching new American citizens say the pledge of allegiance at their nationalization ceremony. I’ve always said that getting immigration reform done becomes a lot easier once our border is secure and we have a permanent solution for DACA. Today, I am proud to announce that I am filing a bill that provides a permanent solution to the many people in the DACA program and provides tens of billions of dollars in long-term funding for our Southern border wall and border security personnel. My proposal will give our law enforcement and border patrol the resources they need to do their job, protect American families and stem the tide of the rampant and unyielding illegal immigration we’ve seen for decades at the Southern border. President Biden’s plan of open borders and amnesty isn’t about practical reforms – it’s a radical and dangerous subversion of law and order. We can and must do better.

“American innovation and our unique culture has been built on legal immigration. But, for too long, politicians in Washington have refused to address the issue of illegal immigration head-on, and we can’t ignore it anymore. Doing so is reckless and unfair to the American people, kills American jobs, and prevents countless families from pursuing the opportunity to chase their American Dream. It’s time to come together and finally bring a sensible solution forward.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: “Buy American” Puts American Interests First

In 2020, the U.S. Senate passed Senator Rick Scott’s bipartisan “Buy American” resolution calling on all Americans to support American jobs and manufacturing and build our supply chain by purchasing American-made products, from any American manufacturer. This week, Senator Rick Scott offered his support of President Joe Biden’s “Buy American” executive order, which directs agencies to strengthen requirements for procuring goods and services from sources that will support U.S. businesses and workers.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Last year, the Senate passed my bipartisan resolution calling on families to buy American-made products whenever possible to help support American jobs and manufacturing, and build our supply chain. Now more than ever, Americans must remember that every time we buy a product ‘Made in China,’ we are putting another dollar into the pockets of Communist Chinese government leaders and their cronies who steal our jobs and our technology. It’s not always easy to buy American, but it’s an important step we can all take at home to ensure America remains a leader in the global economy and is self-reliant in our supply chain. Buying American is not partisan, and I’m glad to see President Biden join me in acting to put American interests first. I hope the Biden Administration’s foreign policy nominees will share this commitment to holding Communist China accountable and take aggressive action to confront the threat it poses to international security and American interests.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to Brazilian President Bolsonaro: Don’t Let Communist China into Brazil’s Networks

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro urging the him to reconsider Brazil’s decision to open the country’s 5G network auctions to Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei Technologies, which the U.S. Government has determined to be a national security threat and continues to be a bad actor across the globe. Companies that allow Huawei into their networks risk their national security and give Communist China direct access to the most sensitive data of their citizens, including medical records, financial information, and social media accounts. Read more, including the full letter, HERE.

Senator Rick Scott Joins Senator Ted Cruz and Colleagues to Introduce Constitutional Amendment Imposing Congressional Term Limits

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Ted Cruz and colleagues to reintroduce an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would impose term limits on Members of Congress. U.S. Senators would be limited to two six-year terms and members of the House of Representatives to three two year terms.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Washington is more dysfunctional than ever, and I’m fighting every day to make reforms in the best interest of American families. Career politicians are never going to make the tough choices needed to get our nation on a successful path. They care more about politics and their next election than the future of this country. That has to end now. We need to reimagine government and term limits are the right place to start.” Read more from Senator Cruz’s office HERE.


Sen. Rick Scott: Congress Must Get Serious About America’s Debt

Senator Rick Scott wrote a letter to his colleagues in Congress urging them to commit to making the changes necessary to put the nation on successful fiscal path and address our out-of-control $27 trillion federal debt. In August, the current two-year suspension of the debt ceiling will expire and Congress will again be faced with a vote to increase the debt limit. Read more, including the full letter, HERE.

Senators Rick Scott, Rubio, Schatz and Hirono Introduce Restoring Resilient Reefs Act

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Marco Rubio, Brian Schatz and Mazie Hirono to reintroduce the bipartisan Restoring Resilient Reefs Act, which would reauthorize and modernize the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 and strengthen NOAA’s Coral Reef program.

Senator Rick Scott said, “During my time as Governor of Florida, we worked to increase investments in our environment by $1 billion to preserve and protect our natural resources. I’m proud to join Senators Rubio, Hirono and Schatz to reintroduce the Restoring Resilient Reefs Act, which will build on our efforts and help restore and protect our coral reef ecosystems. I will continue working to make sure future generations can enjoy all that Florida has to offer.” Read more from Senator Rubio’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to DHS: We Need Answers on Biden’s Radical Immigration Order

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary David Pekoske requesting additional information on President Biden’s radical immigration plan of open borders and amnesty, including his push for a 100-day pause on deportations and gravely concerning order for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release individuals awaiting deportation. Senator Scott has long called for reforms to fix the broken immigration system and believes we must take swift action to address this critical issue, including providing real, long-term solutions for TPS and DACA, but that must start with securing the border. Read more, including the full letter, HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott, Colleagues Reintroduce Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Lindsey Graham and colleagues in reintroducing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would provide protections for unborn children at 20 weeks after fertilization.

Senator Rick Scott said, “In the United States, we believe in the sanctity of life and the value that each child brings into this world. Although not yet born, these babies are capable of feeling pain, and we must work to protect their lives just the same. I hope all my colleagues join me in protecting life and pass this legislation quickly.” Read more from Senator Graham’s office HERE.

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio Reintroduce Bill to Address Harmful Algal Blooms in South Florida

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio and Congressmen Brian Mast and Darren Soto to reintroduce the South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act, legislation that would direct the Interagency Task Force on Harmful Algal Blooms to assess the causes and consequences of the blooms in Lake Okeechobee and around Florida’s southern coastlines identify needed resources, and develop a plan of action to address these challenges.

Senator Rick Scott said, “As Governor and now as Senator, I’ve worked with leaders across our state to address the harmful algal blooms that plague Florida’s waters. Today, I’m proud to join Senator Rubio to build on these efforts by reintroducing the South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act to expand research and our understanding of blue-green algae and red tide. We must keep working to protect Florida’s beautiful waters, environment and natural resources for future generations.” Read more from Senator Rubio’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden Needs to End Democrat Hostility Toward Israel and Stand up for our Great Ally

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the announcement that the Biden Administration will restore diplomatic relations with the Palestinian Authority, including a resumption of American aid to the Palestinians.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The Trump Administration made tremendous efforts to facilitate peace and prosperity between our great ally Israel and Arab nations. Two weeks in, and the Biden Administration wants to undo this progress and appease illegitimate Palestinian leaders – demonstrating once again the Democrats’ reckless disregard for the security and prosperity of Israel. The Palestinian leadership, which has been operating as a dictatorship for 15 years, had their last election for president in 2005. They still do not accept Israel’s existence and support terrorism. Israel is a vibrant democracy that supports capitalism, champions human rights and holds free and open elections. The Biden Administration can’t go down this path. The United States must always align with those fighting for freedom and democracy, and stand up against those that do not respect human rights.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Reintroduces American Security Drone Act

Senator Rick Scott reintroduced the bipartisan American Security Drone Act for the 117th Congress. Senator Scott’s American Security Drone Act works to prohibit the U.S. Government from purchasing drones manufactured in countries identified as national security threats, like Iran and Communist China. The American Security Drone Act, which was passed out of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last Congress, is cosponsored by Senators Chris Murphy, Marco Rubio, Richard Blumenthal, Marsha Blackburn, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’m proud to join my colleagues to reintroduce my American Security Drone Act, which will help protect our national security and the privacy of American citizens by prohibiting the federal government from buying drones manufactured by our adversaries. I’ve been very clear about the threat we face from technology companies controlled by Communist China, which is known for espionage and theft of technology. For too long, the United States has used taxpayer dollars to buy drones from companies backed by the Communist Chinese Government, allowing one of the United States’ biggest adversaries into the most sensitive areas of our government and putting our national security at risk. There’s absolutely no reason we should allow this to continue. We must pass the American Security Drone Act immediately.” Read more HERE

Senator Rick Scott: I Stand for Life

Senator Rick Scott released the following video in recognition of the 48th annual March for Life. Ahead of the March for Life, Senator Rick Scott also co-sponsored several pieces of legislation to protect the unborn, and make sure all life is honored and protected. Read more HERE or watch the video below.

Senators Rick Scott, Ron Johnson and Marco Rubio Introduce the Luke and Alex School Safety Act

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Ron Johnson and Marco Rubio to reintroduce the Luke and Alex School Safety Act. This legislation would codify into law the Federal Clearinghouse on School Safety, which informs parents and educators on expert recommendations and best practices that schools can implement to improve school security. The clearinghouse also provides information on available federal resources and grant programs that can be used toward these safety measures.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Nearly three year ago, we lost 17 innocent lives in the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. I think about those lives lost, and the families impacted, every day. Since that horrible day, I’ve worked closely with many of the victims’ family members as Governor and now as Senator to ensure no child, educator, or family has to experience that again. This legislation, the Luke and Alex School Safety Act, honors two of the victims, Luke Hoyer and Alex Schachter, and builds on our work to keep schools safe and prevent another tragedy. I will never stop working to protect our students and educators, and ensure they have a safe environment to learn and succeed.” Read more from Senator Johnson’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: HHS Must Provide More Transparency on Vaccine Distribution Plan

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Health and Human Services Acting Secretary Norris Cochran requesting detailed information about the Biden Administration’s plan to administer 1.5 million shots a day in the coming weeks and give 150 million vaccinations over the next 100 days. Senator Scott is also requesting HHS quickly provide more certainty to local elected officials and communities regarding vaccine distribution so they can communicate expectations to the overwhelming amount of constituents eager to receive a vaccine. Read more, including the full letter, HERE.

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