RPOF Newsletter – Chairmans Message – Joe Gruters

Chairman’s Message

We Remember

We all remember where we were on that bright September morning 20 years ago, when hatred of America, our freedoms and our way of life rained hell from an innocent blue sky. The horror of the passenger plane slamming into the World Trade Center. And when the second plane struck the second tower, we all knew it was an act of war. We watched the shocking collapse of the first tower as the bravest — firefighters and police — raced up the stairs to save lives, many of them giving the last full measure trying to save others. Then the second tower collapsed as New Yorkers raced away from the disaster. Men in suits and women in dresses, covered in ashes and shell-shocked, ran from the devastation. A vast emptiness haunted the Manhattan skyline above expanding smoke and debris.

We remember hearing the reports that in Washington, D.C. another passenger plane crashed into the Pentagon and the full horror and scale of the worst terrorist attack in our history took shape. We were glued to our TVs, often shifting between tears and rage. Commentators broke down. Everything was changing.

One more passenger plane remained unaccounted for. This one it turned out was aimed at the White House, ready to deliver a decimating blow to another American symbol. But the passengers on that plane had found out the evil that was in their midst, that was attacking their country that autumn morning, and they fought back. They stormed the cockpit, attacked the terrorist hijackers and in the end crashed the plane into a field in Pennsylvania.

We remember the self-sacrifice of so many. The bravery of so many that day continued as rescue teams searched for survivors for days and weeks. And the indomitable spirit of America rose through the smoldering Manhattan wreckage, captured in the moment that dirty, exhausted firefighters raised the American flag over the ruins, shades of Iwo Jima generations before.

That changed a nation, galvanizing us into action. The politics and policies of those actions can be debated by pundits and historians, but the courage, sacrifice and love of America permeated all of the fallout from the hate-filled terrorists: From the first resistance of passengers ultimately saving the White House and plunging their plane into a field, to the American soldiers who fought and sacrificed until last week in Afghanistan, leadership may fail at times, but the spirit of America lives on in the American people who continue to cherish and fight for the freedoms we’ve inherited.

We remember 9-11. We remember those lost that day. We remember those trying to save them who also didn’t come home. And we remember the cost of freedom.



Florida backs the blue for safe communities

While other parts of the country are defunding police, Governor DeSantis this weekproposed new initiatives to help departments across Florida hire more law enforcement officers to ensure the highest level of safety for all of Florida’s communities.

The three proposals, which will help Florida strengthen its law enforcement capabilities, include a $5,000 signing bonus for anybody who is new to law enforcement in the state; a recruitment program that covers “up to $1,000” of costs for moving to the state while paying for the Florida Officer Certification Exam; and the creation of a law enforcement academy scholarship program to provide additional help for new recruits.

“I am proud to highlight a legislative priority for this upcoming session – new initiatives to help our state recruit and retain talented and dedicated law enforcement officers,” Governor DeSantis said. “Florida values our law enforcement community, and we must provide them the support they need and deserve at the end of the day to protect and serve our state.”

Governor DeSantis was joined in the announcement by Attorney General Ashley Moody, members of the Legislature, and local law enforcement officials.

“As the wife of a law enforcement officer, I am so grateful that we have a Governor who understands and appreciates that our brave LEOs put their lives on the line every day to uphold the rule of law and protect Floridians,” Attorney General Moody said. “I could not be more thankful for Governor DeSantis’ efforts to support all of our law enforcement heroes. These recruitment initiatives demonstrate our appreciation and commitment to the men and women who choose to wear the badge and serve as a reminder to our frontline heroes that we have their backs.”

Read more here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/florida-desantis-incentives-law-enforcement

Read more: https://www.flgov.com/2021/09/07/governor-ron-desantis-reinforces-support-for-florida-law-enforcement-through-new-initiatives-to-recruit-and-retain-officers/

Watch the full press conference here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=2034130266736110&ref=watch_permalink




It’s simple: Parental control. Not government and union control.

As usual, the media continues to get it wrong. The child masking fight is not about what unions want or what administrators want or what schools want. Nor is it ultimately about the efficacy of masking. It’s totally about parental control. Who is the ultimate authority in a child’s life? Parents? Or some combination of government and unions acting in their own interests or for political gain?

Governor DeSantis has made it perfectly clear that the right answer is parental control. Parents should be the ultimate authority in the rearing of their children, and that includes masking them or not masking them in schools. As our Founders so brilliantly proclaimed at the birth of our nation, the government is instituted to protect rights, not take them away.

If a parent wants their child to wear a mask, they should be free to have them wear one. If a parent does not want their child masked, they should be free to not do so. They have the right to choose for their own children — not for other children through the proxy of government. And the Governor is determined to protect that right, which the Founders would agree is his duty and responsibility.


Governor DeSantis announced more rapid response monoclonal centers
have been established and that more than 65,000 Floridians have received the lifesaving antibody treatment.

The Governor was in St. Cloud, Sebring and Palm Coast this week to announce the opening of new facilities and let local residents tell their success stories with the treatment. Florida now has 25 such treatment centers operating.

“There were not a lot of people who knew about this, and those that did weren’t sure where to get it,” he said. “We think this will be very helpful for folks in Osceola County. We’re trying to make it as accessible as possible.”

People 12 years old and older who are high-risk and who test positive or been exposed to COVID-19 are eligible for this treatment. Treatment is free and vaccination status does not matter. “Early is the key, if you do it early, the results are very good,” Governor DeSantis said.

For the full list of locations for the lifesaving antibody treatment, click here: https://www.flgov.com/2021/09/08/governor-ron-desantis-announces-opening-of-new-monoclonal-antibody-sites-in-flagler-and-highlands-counties/

Read more here: https://www.wesh.com/article/desantis-to-hold-news-conference-with-fdem-chief-medical-officer/37500165#

Washington, D.C.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman John Rutherford are sponsoring a bill to help first responders and teachers with first home ownership called Homes for Every Local Protector, Educator and Responder (HELPER) Act.

The legislation, which each Republican is sponsoring in their respective chambers and have gathered dozens of cosponsors, will help provide homeownership opportunities by eliminating the down payment and monthly mortgage insurance premiums for first responders and teachers making their first home purchase. That would save them thousands of dollars over several years and open up an opportunity that they might otherwise not get.

“This is not a measure of charity. It’s not a nice thing to do,” Senator Rubio said. “It’s a necessity. If you go anywhere in the state, and I would envision probably many places in this country, one of the biggest challenges we are facing is the cost of housing.”

Senator Rubio said many counties in Florida are served by firefighters, police officers, nurses and teachers that cannot afford to live in those counties because of the cost of housing. This bill would help that. Congressman Rutherford agreed.

“We needed a program that would allow first responders, our police, fire, our paramedics, our nurses and our educators, to be able to move into a home with no down payment,” The Congressman said. “With no mortgage interest payment every month, and really make that home ownership available to them.”


Social Media Highlights



REMEMBER: @FloridaGOP and retweet and share. The Republican message must be spread around the state and you are integral to making that happen.

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