President’s Message – October 2019

Jim Carter
President, Men’s Republican Club

Our Annual Salute to Veterans is a very special day for our Club. It’s our chance to say “thank you” to the men and women who have served our country with honor and distinction.

Senator Rick Scott

I’m delighted to announce our former Governor and now U. S. Senator Rick Scott will provide a video presentation at our event. He is a Navy veteran and a major advocate for a strong National defense.  We are proud of his dedication to serve our country both in the military and as an elected official. Having his video and Captain Roger Hill will provide us with a memorable event.

This year through the efforts of Jerry Sanford, we will have up to 20 WWII veterans joining us for our celebration. Included in this group is General Douglas MacArther’s driver. Of course our own Col. Charles Sues, South Pacific and Korea will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  WOW! This event will be over the top!

If you haven’t bought your ticket, you better do it now. You want a reserved table? Partner with an other(s) and become a sponsor. Look at the sponsor categories . Pick one that works for you. Oh, yes the Shula certificate is a bonus, plus VIP, etc. Deadlines are fast approaching. Just Do It!


Featured Speaker – Captain Roger Hill

Captain Roger Hill served as the commander of Dog Company, 1st Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, in the hotly contested province of Wardak, Afghanistan. After months of intense fighting and a thirty percent casualty rate, Roger was relieved as the commander of Dog Company for interrogating spies his command discovered yet refused to take into custody. The spies, which included Captain Hill’s Army assigned translator, were released by the command while Roger was charged with war crimes.
Captain Hill’s story is detailed in his book Dog Company, A True Story of American Soldiers Abandoned By Their High Command, co-authored by Lynn Vincent. Dog Company demonstrates what happens when the politics of appeasement are allowed onto the front lines of combat.
Roger has since led a successful career in senior operations management and systems engineering in Atlanta, Georgia. Roger and his wife Abigail Christmas Hill, a long time subject matter expert and advocate for human trafficking victims, met while ministering to victims of sexual exploitation in the Atlanta metro. Roger continues to serve as a champion for our military veterans and first responders. Roger has spoken about his experiences in dozens of public forums to include on national TV and radio.
This event sells out every year – Get you tickets now and save
Early Bird Pricing – $125

Click Here to Buy

Captain Roger Hill

About Captain Roger Hill

Roger Hill is an author, speaker, and warrior for justice and honor. Upon commissioning from West Point, Roger spent ten years as a U.S. Army infantry officer, Ranger, combat advisor, operations officer, and company commander with service to Korea, The Old Guard, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Roger is most known for his courage and leadership under fire in Afghanistan. Roger served as the commander in the famed 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment in the hotly contested province of Wardak. After months of intense fighting and a thirty percent casualty rate, Captain Hill was relieved as the commander of Dog Company for interrogating spies his higher command discovered yet refused to prosecute. The network of twelve spies Roger uncovered included his Army assigned translator. The spies were released by Hill’s higher command while Roger was charged with war crimes. War crimes are punishable by death or long-term imprisonment.

Roger risked severe punishment for not bowing to an Administration that valued the enemy’s lives above the lives of his men. It has been often stated that Roger’s actions saved hundreds of lives and continues to save lives today. Major revisions to the NATO rules of engagement and to U.S. military counterintelligence protocols have been made due to the systemic and life-endangering loopholes Roger exposed throughout his ordeal. Today’s frontline soldiers and Marines are no doubt safer for those changes.

Captain Hill’s story is detailed in his book Dog Company, A True Story of American Soldiers Abandoned By Their High Command, co-authored by NYTs best-selling author and Navy veteran Lynn Vincent. Dog Company demonstrates what happens when the politics of appeasement are allowed onto the front lines of combat.

Roger has since led a successful career as a systems engineer, senior operations manager, and operations integrator for tech firms in the Atlanta metro. Roger and his wife Abigail Hill, a long time advocate for human trafficking victims, live in Atlanta with their four children. Roger maintains a B.S. of Engineering from West Point and an MBA in Technology Management from Georgia Tech. In addition to speaking, Roger consults in the areas of organizational leadership and operations integration while serving as an ambassador for the veteran-centered nonprofits Operation Restored Warrior and Veteran’s Lodge.
@CPTRogerHill and @DogCompanyThe Book on Facebook





Erick Carter
John Thomas
John Duggan

Seats for Veterans

Chad Gillenwater – $1,250

Jerry Sanford – $1,250

Randy Cash – $375



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