November President’s Message – Salute Success

Jim Carter
President, Men’s Republican Club

Salute to Veterans was an inspiring event. Our WWII vets were magnificent. Not a dry eye in the house.

Captain Roger Hill received a standing ovation for his heart felt presentation. This was a historical moment in history. It made you proud to be an American.

To everyone who worked so hard to make this happen, l applaud you for the many hours you spent making this a memorable day for our Veterans.

I don’t have to tell you America is at the crossroads of history. The radical left is out to change our way of life for ever. Not one candidate believes in you. It’s all about them. They have embraced extreme positions to destroy the very fiber of what this great Republic is all about.

Remember Progressives are about Social Engineering, expanded bureaucracy, eliminating free speech and Controlling every thing you do. They are elitist. You are not capable of managing your own life.

Progressive movements  always lead to some form of Dictatorship. Recent examples are Venezuela and Cuba.

Those of you who subscribe to Prime on your TV programming ,  Dinesh D’Souza’s film Hillary’s America is now available. It reveals the sordid truth about Hilary and the Secret History of the Democratic Party.  It’s a must watch! 

No doubt President Trump spoiled the party. It’s more than the 2016 election. It’s about destroying America and blaming the Republican  Party for its down fall. The Democrats are masters at transference. They commit the crime and in conjunction with biased media blame the Republicans for the problem. The Ukraine is the most recent example. So, watch the film, take notes and get ready for 2020!

While a lot of this is the reality of our times, please remember we are truly blessed. Thanksgiving is a special day. Enjoy it with family and friends. See you at our December meeting Jim Carter

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