Florida Republican Registration Advantage Continues to Grow

Florida Republican Voter Registration Advantage Propels Over 500,000

As of June 30, 2023, Republicans hold a 541,798 voter registration advantage over Democrats in Florida.


“Month after month, Florida becomes a darker shade of red. Despite what the left-wing lunatics want you to believe, the facts are that Floridians and those who have recently moved here are not buying the radical agenda being peddled by the Democrat party. This is great news, but we must keep our foot on the gas until the Florida Democrat Party waves the white flag of surrender, which looks more and more inevitable with every new voter registration monthly update.”
– Christian Ziegler, FloridaGOP Chairman.

• 872,226 Increase in Republican advantage since 2016
• 184,234 Decrease in Democrat registration since 2016
• 798,973 Increase in Republican advantage since 2018
• 254,424 Decrease in Democrat registration since 2018
• 157,844 Increase in Republican advantage since January 1, 2023
• 206,697 Decrease in Democrat registration since January 1, 2023
• 24 Counties have flipped from Democrat to Republican since January 2016
• 14 Counties have flipped from Democrat to Republican since January 2018

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