Diaz-Balart: The Trump Administration has Placed the Cuban Regime Back Where it Belongs

Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25) issued the following statement after the Department of State announced its designation of the Cuban regime as a State Sponsor of Terrorism (SST).

“The Trump Administration has placed the Cuban regime back where it belongs— on the SST list — due to its support of terrorist groups such as the FARC and ELN, harboring fugitives such as an FBI Most Wanted Terrorist Joanne Chesimard and propping up the Maduro regime. The previous administration should never have delisted the Cuban regime in 2015, particularly at a time when the regime’s intelligence services are assisting international terrorist organizations and assisting in the brutal suppression of the Venezuelan people. The Trump administration has once again kept its promise to hold the malevolent, anti-American regime in Cuba accountable for its actions. The Cuban regime has oppressed the Cuban people, aided terrorist organizations, and wreaked havoc throughout our hemisphere. That is why President Reagan included it in the SST list in 1982. I applaud the Trump Administration’s decision to place the regime on that list once again.”

In 2019, Diaz-Balart sent a letter to Secretary Pompeo urging him to reclassify the Cuban dictatorship as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

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