Diaz-Balart Applauds Sanctions Against Cuban Ministry of Interior and its Leader

Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25) issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated the Cuban Ministry of Interior and the Minister of Interior, Lazaro Alberto Álvarez Casas, for serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world.

“Today’s sanctions on Cuba’s MININT, which is responsible for brutal repression against the Cuban people, and Lazaro Alberto Álvarez Casas, for human rights abuses is another appropriate action by the Trump Administration to hold the Cuban dictatorship accountable for its horrors. While Cuba’s pro-democracy opposition continues to endure increasing repression, this step shows that the atrocities committed by the Cuban regime’s human rights abusers, will have consequences. I commend the Trump Administration for its tough stand against tyranny and its solidarity with the Cuban people in their struggle for freedom.”

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