Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart Introduces the “Secure the Border Act of 2023”

Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26), introduced H.R. 2, the “Secure the Border Act of 2023,” a comprehensive border security and immigration reform bill to address the ongoing crisis at our southern border and its implications.

“The crisis at our Southern border is among the gravest threats to U.S. national security in our history. For the last two years, President Biden and his Administration have entirely neglected the escalating crisis at our border, and their lack of action has ceded all control to narco-terrorist cartels, who are now among the most powerful in deciding who comes into our country and at what price.

“As a result, the influx of unaccompanied minors has skyrocketed. Minors are now being used by their “sponsors”– oftentimes adults they have never met– to perform brutal and dangerous jobs across the United States, violating child all labor laws and putting these innocent lives at tremendous risk. Even the New York Times has highlighted the horrors that unaccompanied minors live through and the lack of action from the Administration to protect these minors. A recent investigation found that “The White House and federal agencies were repeatedly alerted to signs of children at risk. The warnings were ignored or missed.”

“President Biden promised a more “humane and fair” immigration policy, but there is nothing humane about the nearly 900 individuals who died last year making their way into the United States. There is nothing humane about the 300 Americans who die daily from fentanyl poisoning that is brought in through our southern border. There is nothing humane about the women and children abused, raped, and killed by cartels. There is nothing humane about unaccompanied minors being exploited and ending up in some of the most punishing jobs in the country.

“On the other hand, the unmanageable chaos at our border has overwhelmed our federal agencies and prevented those with legitimate asylum cases, fleeing murderous dictatorships, from having their case heard and considered. In addition to the Biden Administration’s failed border policy, its foreign policy and record of strengthening regimes like Maduro and Castro continue to destabilize these countries, pushing even more individuals into the United States. This vicious cycle must end.

“House Republicans have spent months holding hearings with border patrol agents, local law enforcement, and stakeholders to hear first-hand about their ongoing struggles and what resources are necessary to enhance security and regain operational control. Today, I am proud to introduce the “Secure the Border Act of 2023,” a border security and immigration reform package that will provide real, thoughtful solutions to restore order at the Southwest border, enhance our national security, and most importantly, protect unaccompanied minors– something that the Administration has refused to acknowledge and failed to act upon.

“Border security is national security, and since the Biden Administration has lacked the leadership to uphold our national security, regain control of our immigration process, or secure our borders, I am proud to lead this effort in the House and deliver on the promise made as a member of the American Security Task Force in Congress. It is long past the time to take back control of the border from the drug cartels and establish humane and fair policies that adhere to the rule of law.”

Summary document available here.

Section-by-section available here.

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