Congressman Francis Rooney Statement on President Trump signing the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)

Today, President Donald Trump signed into law the Water Resources Development Act of 2018 (WRDA). WRDA is the authorizing legislation that allows the Army Corps of Engineers to construct and manage projects improving water infrastructure. The legislation was passed by Congress in September.

Congressman Rooney stated, “WRDA is critical to finally advancing the 68 Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) projects that have been previously approved, including authorization of the EAA Reservoir, allowing for movement of water south from Lake Okeechobee. Another important provision is expedited review of the Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule (LORS). This review is necessary so that LORS can be adjusted to prevent large-scale releases of water into the Caloosahatchee River from the lake. WRDA will allow us to build on the funding successes we have achieved over the last 21 months and provide needed resources to get our water quality fixed.”


Joined with $206 million recently appropriated by the House, a total of $610 million will be set aside to complete the Herbert Hoover Dike repairs by 2022 instead of the end of the decade. Every year saved completing these repairs is a year that harmful releases into our ecosystem will stop sooner. Congressman Rooney has successfully fought for funding to complete CERP projects, united the Florida delegation and personally brought House leadership to Southwest Florida to see the watershed first hand. These efforts have led to a record $115 million set aside for CERP in the FY2019 budget. In total, nearly $1.1 billion has been appropriated for dike repairs and CERP projects in FY 2018 and FY 2019.

Congressman Rooney has previously welcomed House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Interior and Environment Ken Calvert, on visits to the Everglades. In addition, Congressman Rooney has sent a letter to President Trump, co-signed by every member of the Florida Congressional delegation, that called on the President to support Everglades Restoration projects in his fiscal year 2018 Budget. He has also authored a letter to the Interior and Environment Appropriations Committee requesting funding for Everglades projects. Congressman Rooney is a member of the Everglades Caucus and the Estuary Caucus.

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