Congressman Francis Rooney earns Taxpayer Super Hero Award from Citizens Against Government Waste

Last week, Citizens Against Government Waste presented Congressman Francis Rooney with the Taxpayer Super Hero Award for 2017. The award identifies members of Congress who have upheld fiscal responsibility and resisted the temptation of voting for costly special interest projects.

Congressman Rooney stated, “I am proud to accept the Taxpayer Super Hero Award. I will continue to protect Americans’ hard-earned money from wasteful government spending and vote to enact fiscally responsible policy. Far too many politicians in Washington have lost sight of their duty to the people and have engaged with special interests. Out of 435 House members and 100 Senators, it is an honor to be one of only twelve to receive a 100% score from Citizens Against Government Waste. It is my hope that in 2018, more members will follow suit and stand up to the powerful lobbyists here in the swamp.”

Since 1989, The Citizens Against Government Waste has evaluated members of Congress’ voting records, considering tax, spending, transparency, and accountability measures. Only members with a 100% score received the Taxpayer Super Hero designation.

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