Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review

This week, as the Senate considered the massive $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” package, Senator Rick Scott continued to fight for Florida families, especially those on low and fixed-incomes, like his growing up. Throughout the week, Senator Scott highlighted President Biden’s raging inflation crisis, caused by Democrats’ reckless tax-and-spending spree that is increasing prices even more for American families.

Senator Scott also introduced several amendments to the “infrastructure” package to ensure accountability to Florida families. Senator Scott’s amendments focused on making sure the $1.2 trillion bill is fully paid for, protecting Florida’s seniors from needless cuts to Medicare to pay for roads and ensuring that this and all legislation introduced in Congress will not increase inflation and hurt American families.

Senator Scott supports investing in infrastructure, just as he did as Governor of Florida, but has been clear that it must be paid for and not add to America’s nearly $30 trillion federal debt crisis, which is driving higher inflation. See more from Senator Scott’s press conference this week HERE or below.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues: Infrastructure Package Isn’t Paid For; We Won’t Support Increases to Federal Debt

Senators Rick Scott, Marsha Blackburn, Mike Braun, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson and Mike Lee released the following statement regarding the insufficient pay-fors in the 2,700 page, $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill:

“We can’t spend money we don’t have. Period. Just look at what is happening with inflation. We were promised this infrastructure bill was fully paid for, and now we see that it’s not. This was nothing more than a bait and switch. $205 billion of this bill was to be paid for with re-purposed COVID funds. The latest proposal only shows $50 billion in COVID funds being used, as well as a lot of the proposed ‘pay-fors’ missing. So we are asking our colleagues: how is this infrastructure spending bill being paid for? We still don’t know. We still don’t have a score on this legislation from the Congressional Budget Office. Let’s not forget, this is just the first step in the Democrats’ plan to pass their $5.5 trillion tax and spend liberal wish list. We support infrastructure, but it has to be paid for. This proposal isn’t it.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Fighting for Florida Families in Senate Infrastructure Package

Senator Rick Scott announced several amendments to the Senate’s “infrastructure” package that he will introduce to protect Florida families by ensuring the $1.2 trillion package is fully paid for and that Congress is accountable to American taxpayers.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I support spending on real infrastructure, like roads, bridges, airport and seaports, but it has to be fully paid for with real money. We did it when I was Governor of Florida and we can do it in Washington. It’s time Congress acknowledges that spending hundreds of billions of dollars we don’t have threatens the future of our nation. This infrastructure spending bill is the gateway to President Biden and the Democrats’ massive $5.5 trillion tax and spend proposal that will destroy our nation’s success. Reckless government spending is already causing out of control inflation across the nation. We have to start acting responsibly, which is why I’m introducing amendments to make sure the spending in this bill is fully paid for and that it will not increase inflation on hardworking Floridians.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: The “Infrastructure” Bill Will Only Grow America’s Debt Crisis

Senator Rick Scott joined his colleagues in a press conference to discuss how the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” package the Senate is currently considering is not fully paid for, and how reckless government spending drives inflation, hurting families in Florida and across the nation.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I support spending on real infrastructure, like roads, bridges, airports and seaports. When I was governor of Florida, we invested $85 billion in real infrastructure. I think we should make big investments at the federal level too, but it has to be fully paid for with real money. I was told this bill was going to be fully paid for, but it’s not. The American people are already feeling the pressure of rising inflation and are having to change their buying habits. We have to stop this reckless spending and live within our means. This bill is not paid for, and that’s wrong.” See more in the video HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on “Infrastructure” CBO Score: The American People Deserve Better

Following the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) releasing its analysis of the Senate’s proposed $1.2 TRILLION “infrastructure” spending bill, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Last night, Senate Democrats blocked my proposal to ensure reckless government spending does not increase inflation and raise prices even higher for American families. Now, we see in this new CBO report that the proposed ‘infrastructure’ spending bill, which isn’t paid for, will add $256 BILLION to our national deficit, further fueling President Biden’s inflation crisis. I fully support spending on infrastructure. We did it when I was Governor of Florida and we should do it at the federal level – but it has to be paid for. We can’t forget, this is just the first part of Senator Schumer’s $5.5 TRILLION tax and spending spree. We cannot afford this reckless spending. Florida families cannot afford even more inflation and higher prices. The American people deserve better.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott & Cuban Leaders: We Can’t Wait; Biden Must Lead the World in Support of Freedom in Cuba

Senator Rick Scott and leaders of the Cuban diaspora in Florida released a video denouncing the atrocities the illegitimate communist Cuban regime is committing against its people, and calling on the Biden administration to take immediate action to support the fight for freedom and democracy on the island. The video features Rosa María Payá, daughter of the freedom fighter Oswaldo Payá and Director of Cuba Decide, Sylvia Iriondo, Director of MAR for Cuba, Orlando Gutierrez-Boronat, Coordinator of the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance, and Jorge Antunez, former political prisoner and human rights activist.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The communist Cuban regime is terrified of the freedom movement, so they are trying to hide this fight from the world. Now more than ever, the Biden administration must stand up and lead the world in support of freedom and democracy in Cuba, restore cellular and internet service to the island, impose further sanctions on the illegitimate communist regime and stop the failed appeasement policies that only benefit the regime and its cronies. We can’t waste one more minute.” See more in the video HERE or below.

Senador Rick Scott y líderes cubanos: No podemos esperar; Biden debe liderar al mundo en apoyo de la libertad en Cuba

El Senador Rick Scott y líderes de la diáspora cubana en Florida lanzaron un video denunciando las atrocidades que el régimen cubano comunista ilegítimo está cometiendo contra su pueblo y pidiendo al gobierno de Biden que tome medidas inmediatas para apoyar la lucha por la libertad y democracia en la isla. El video presenta a Rosa María Payá, hija del luchador por la libertad Oswaldo Payá y Directora de Cuba Decide, Sylvia Iriondo, Directora del MAR por Cuba, Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat, Coordinador de la Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana, y Jorge Antúnez, ex preso político y activista de derechos humanos.

El Senador Rick Scott dijo: “El régimen comunista cubano está aterrorizado por el movimiento por la libertad, por lo que están tratando de ocultar esta lucha al mundo. Ahora más que nunca, la administración Biden debe levantarse y liderar el mundo en apoyo de la libertad y la democracia en Cuba, restaurar el servicio celular e internet en la isla, imponer más sanciones al régimen comunista ilegítimo y detener las políticas de apaciguamiento fallidas que solo benefician al régimen y sus compinches. No podemos perder ni un minuto más.” Vea el video AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. As the wasteful, reckless spending of the Biden administration and congressional Democrats leads to growing inflation and rising prices of every day goods, Senator Scott is urging the president to end his failed economic policies and address rising inflation on American families. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott in Miami Herald: Democrats must heed the failures of communism in Cuba

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Miami Herald calling on President Biden to join him in support of the Cuban people fighting for freedom and democracy against the illegitimate communist Cuban regime. Senator Scott is urging the President to abandon the Obama/Biden-era appeasement policies and socialist rhetoric of his party to help bring a new day of freedom to Cuba.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “The peaceful demonstrations we’ve seen across Cuba in recent days – the largest the island has seen in decades – are terrifying the brutal communist regime. The Cuban people are marching in the streets and crying out against the illegitimate, communist rule that has stripped them of their freedom, liberty and basic human rights and dignity for more than 60 years. The message is clear: it is time for a new day of freedom and democracy in Cuba.

Now, President Biden has the opportunity to go further, fully abandon the failed appeasement polices of the Obama administration and lead Democrats in the U.S. to denounce the evils of these political systems. President Biden knows socialist governments only bring suffering, and that appeasement of dictators does not induce reform. But even as members of his party are echoing Cuban communist propaganda, he can chart a different path.

Amid these horrors, President Biden must steer his party in the right direction. Castro sympathizers are walking the halls of Congress and arguing for full government control of multiple industries. They are pushing an agenda of systemic socialism. They want to defund the police and indoctrinate our kids in Marxist ideologies that divide people by skin color and train them to hate each other. For these so-called “democratic socialists” the more dependent the American people are on government, the better.

Today, there is only one path forward for the United States – the full, unapologetic and unequivocal support of the brave Cuban people fighting for a new day of freedom. President Biden has the opportunity to separate himself from the appeasement policies of the Obama administration, to stand up to the ‘Socialist Squad’ and support freedom for the Cuban people.

The time for ’libertad!’ in Cuba is now. The terrified Cuban regime must listen to the cries for freedom and abandon the socialist ideology which has left the Cuban people’s nation in ruin. The Democrat Party, led by President Biden, must do the same.”

Read the full op-ed in the Miami Herald HERE.

Democrats Block Sen. Rick Scott Proposal to Expose the Impacts of Reckless Government Spending on Inflation

Senator Rick Scott asked for unanimous consent on the Senate floor yesterday to pass his amendment to require that all bills passed by Senate committees include inflationary impact statements so Americans can see the true impacts of government spending. Senate Democrats blocked its passage. Congressman Jim Banks introduced the companion bill in the House last month.

See more from his speech on the Senate floor HERE or in the Fox Business article, Senate votes against GOP resolution requiring analysis on how all spending, tax bills will impact inflation, below:

“Senate Republicans on Wednesday evening hoped to pass a resolution requiring all spending and tax-related legislation to included analyses on how they will impact inflation, but it did not get enough votes.

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., introduced the rule change — which was first presented to the House in May by Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, chairman of the Republican Study Committee — on July 28 as a resolution to President Biden’s bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure package amid concerns of rising inflation.

‘Over the weekend, the suspension on the federal debt ceiling expired, and that leaves Congress with two choices: Continue this reckless, wasteful spending with no accountability to the American people, or start making the tough choices to put America on a successful path,’ Scott said Wednesday as he called for unanimous consent to pass the resolution, which received 52 out of 60 votes needed.

The resolution, S. Res. 327, would require the Congressional Budget Office to determine a spending bill’s impact on inflation in committee reports.

The Florida senator added that the resolution would help ‘those living on fixed incomes, low-income earners and small businesses who can’t absorb cost increases.’

Scott responded saying he would not support ‘anything that increases inflation on American families.’”

Read the full article on Fox Business HERE.

Fox Business: Rick Scott blasts mandates as growing number of unions say ‘no to vaccines’

New York Post: Sen. Rick Scott pushes new rule for spending bills to show inflation analysis

Roll Call: Conservatives take aim at infrastructure bill in Senate

Breitbart: Senate Conservatives: Infrastructure Bill ‘First Step’ to Democrats’ Liberal Wish List

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott Again Calls for 2022 Olympics to Be Moved Out of China

One America News Network: Sen. Scott On Inflation: Democrats Don’t Care That They Are Bankrupting This Country

Fox Business: Sen. Scott: ‘Quit mandating things,’ Americans are sick of being told what to do

Townhall: Senate Democrats Kill Proposal to Provide Americans with Inflation Transparency

The Epoch Times: GOP Senators Unveil Bill to End Lending to Chinese Regime From Multilateral Development Banks

WJXT: Curry, Rubio, Scott call for new ownership at deteriorating Eastside apartment complexes

Florida Times-Union: Senators Rubio and Scott call for HUD to find new owners for two Jacksonville apartments

The Floridian: Scott Calls for China’s Removal from ‘Pharmaceutical Supply Chains’

The Floridian: Senate Votes Against Rick Scott’s Amendment Requiring Spending Bills To Show Inflation Analysis

Florida Daily: Florida Senators: Time to Stop Funding UNRWA Until it Ends Anti-American, Anti-Israel Activities

Univision: “No podemos tolerar la violencia del régimen de Ortega con su propio pueblo”: senador Rick Scott

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