Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review

This week, Senator Rick Scott led his colleagues in a press conference demanding that President Joe Biden take immediate action to address the inflation crisis his reckless tax-and-spend agenda has created, which is hurting working American families.

Watch Senator Scott’s remarks HERE or below.


See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Inflation Crisis Demands Action

Senator Rick Scott led his colleagues in a press conference demanding President Biden take immediate action to address the inflation crisis his tax-and-spend agenda has created, which is hurting working American families. Senator Scott was joined by Senators Ron Johnson, Thom Tillis, Tommy Tuberville, Marsha Blackburn, Roger Marshall, John Boozman and Dan Sullivan.

As the Biden administration continues to mislead the American public about how Washington’s reckless spending is leading to the rising prices of every day goods, Senator Scott has been calling on the president to take responsibility for his wasteful spending proposals and release a plan to curb the impacts of rising inflation on American families. See more HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For years, I’ve been warning about the impact Washington’s reckless spending will have on American families – including the threat of inflation. Now, as the Biden administration lays out plans for $7.1 trillion in new spending in less than four months in office, inflation is here. 83% of Americans are already tightening their budget due to inflation pressures. American families are struggling to make ends meet, yet President Biden is totally silent about his inflation crisis. President Biden needs to wake up from his liberal fantasy where debt doesn’t matter, spending has no consequences, and inflation is impossible. Our debt is out of control and now we’re seeing the consequences. Biden needs to show up and address his binge spending before even more families get hurt.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Reckless Spending Spree Would Destroy the American Dream

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after President Biden proposed his $6 trillion budget that would take the United States to its highest sustained levels of federal spending since World War II. This is on top of the $7.1 trillion in new spending Biden has proposed in his first four months in office.

Senator Scott has been sounding the alarm on the federal debt for years, and Biden’s reckless spending plans are already leading to an inflation crisis that’s hurting American families.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’ve been warning about the danger of reckless spending for years, and now we are seeing it play out in real life. President Biden’s liberal dreams of big government, big debt and higher taxes are no longer speculation. Today, he rolled out his plans for systemic socialism plainly for all to see. He’s already proposed $7.1 trillion in spending in just four months, now he wants to spend another $6 trillion of America’s taxpayer dollars on top of that – all while holding back needed funding for our military. Biden wants to redistribute wealth, making everyone equally dependent on government, while asking our brave men and women in uniform to go without. It’s systemic socialism, and it’s already hurting American families.

“America is in a nearly $30 trillion debt crisis but that won’t stop Biden’s tone-deaf march toward socialism. As the president plans to spend our nation into oblivion, 83% of Americans are already tightening their budget due to inflation pressures. I grew up poor and know what it’s like to watch my family struggle with inflation because of failed government policies and reckless spending. Washington can’t spend like this anymore. Debt has consequences. Massive spending has consequences. Tax increases have consequences. All hurt the America’s poorest families most.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues: American Families Win When We Make Washington Work

Senators Rick Scott, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, John Kennedy, Rand Paul, Cynthia Lummis and Tommy Tuberville spoke in objection to a request on the Senate floor to pass another massive amendment to the Senate’s already more than 1,500 page “China bill,” the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act of 2021. Senator Scott made a simple and common sense request: provide time to allow the members of the Senate, as well as the American public, to read this more than $200 billion legislation. The Senate agreed to Senator Scott’s request to give members more time to discuss this with their constituents, resuming consideration of the bill on June 8th.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today, we made Washington work and the American people won. Last night, I joined my colleagues to make a simple and common sense request: let the Senate and the American people read this massive bill. Too often, lawmakers in Washington pass bills without having time to read them before they vote. That’s not right and that’s not fair to the American people. I’m glad my colleagues agreed and will delay further consideration of this bill until June 8.

“I have been a vocal opponent of Communist China’s aggression and the threat it poses to democracy in the region and around the world. Communist China is the most significant national security issue facing the United States. It is our enemy in this new Cold War. That means we cannot afford to squander this opportunity. With our nation nearing $30 trillion in debt, and more than $200 billion in spending in this bill alone, we have to make sure we are getting a return on every tax dollar spent.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act

Senators Rick Scott, Joni Ernst and Cindy Hyde-Smith introduced the Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act after Biden’s State Department admitted the possibility that American taxpayer dollars could go to fund Hamas terrorists through Palestinian aid. This follows the State Department’s announcement this week of $110 million in new economic assistance to Palestinians. The Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act will ensure no American taxpayer dollars with be authorized to the territory of Gaza until the President certifies to Congress that these funds can be spent without benefitting terrorist organizations.

This new legislation follows Senator Scott’s resolution last week, cosponsored by more than 30 of his colleagues, to condemn the attacks against Israel by Hamas terrorists and reaffirm the United States’ unwavering commitment to Israel and its right to take whatever means are necessary to stop the murder of its citizens and foreign nationals residing in Israel. This week, Senator Scott also joined Senator Cruz in a resolution approving two arms sales to Israel, and joined Senator Hawley and several of his colleagues in introducing a resolution condemning hatred and violence against our Jewish community.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For 11 days this month, we saw Hamas rockets rain down on our great ally Israel. Instead of coming together to stand for Israel and condemn these terrorists, we saw the Democrats turn their backs on Israel. Now, President Biden’s State Department is confused about how to prevent American taxpayer dollars from going to terrorists. This lack of accountability or concern is absolutely disgusting and I won’t allow it. That’s why I’m introducing the Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act today to make sure American taxpayer dollars never go to support Hamas terrorists. I will never stop fighting to stop the radical left’s anti-Israel and anti-Semitic agenda.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: VP Harris’s Avoidance of the U.S. Southern Border is Getting Extreme

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after Vice President Harris announced she will take her first international trip next month to meet with the presidents of Guatemala and Mexico – flying over the actual crisis on the United States southern border. Harris has still refused to visit the U.S. southern border to see the crisis caused by Biden’s open borders and amnesty policies firsthand. Last week, Senator Scott announced his intention to hold President Biden’s nominees to fill positions at the Department of Homeland Security until the president honors his commitment and visits the border and confronts the dangerous national security threat and humanitarian crisis he has created there.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Flying over the border at 35,000 feet doesn’t count as a visit. Now, 123 days since taking office, it’s shocking to see the lengths to which President Biden and Vice President Harris will go to avoid seeing the border crisis for themselves. Apprehensions at the border rose above 178,000 in April alone, nearly 6,000 a day. This is about the safety of American families. We must secure the border now.

“While I welcome cooperation with Guatemala and Mexico, Biden and Harris have still not acknowledged the humanitarian and national security chaos their policies have created here in America. They still refuse to actually go to the U.S. southern border, hear from our brave Customs and Border Protection agents and see the U.S. side of this crisis that their failed amnesty and open borders policies have created. It’s time for Harris and Biden to get down to the U.S. border and provide answers to the American people.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Communist China’s Ban of Tiananmen Square Vigil is Tyrannical

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after the Hong Kong government announced it will ban the June 4th vigil commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre and protests.

Senator Rick Scott said, “In 1989 the world watched in horror as the Communist Party of China used military force to crush pro-democracy activists gathered at Tiananmen Square. Today, 32 years later, the tyrannical rulers of Communist China have extended their reach to crush pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. Through his brutal attack on Hong Kong’s democracy, General Secretary Xi has destroyed the ‘one country, two systems’ agreement, arrested dozens of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy leaders and politicians, eliminated basic civil liberties and upended Hong Kong’s democratic electoral system.

“Communist China’s refusal to tolerate dissent and willingness to silence and imprison those who support democracy is disgusting. To General Secretary Xi, I have a clear message: the world is watching and your aggression will not go unanswered. I will never stop fighting to protect freedom and democracy around the world and do everything in my power to hold Communist China accountable.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Josh Hawley and Colleagues in Resolution to Condemn Anti-Semitic Attacks and Anti-Israel Rhetoric

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Josh Hawley and several of his colleagues in introducing a resolution condemning hatred and violence against Jews, denouncing anti-Israel rhetoric from elected officials and the media, and reaffirming that Jews must be treated with dignity and respect.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The anti-Semitic attacks occurring across our nation are disgusting. This disturbing wave of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel actions in Congress, in the United States and around the world must be swiftly condemned at every level and those responsible prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We must make clear that America will never tolerate this hate and proudly stands with Israel and all of our Jewish communities.” Read more from Senator Hawley’s office HERE.

Senators Rick Scott, Ron Johnson Request Information on State Department COVID-19 Investigation

Senator Rick Scott and Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken requesting information on the termination of a State Department investigation into COVID-19’s origins.

This letter follows media reports that in late 2020, the State Department’s Arms Control and Verification Bureau began investigating the potential that the virus that causes COVID-19 originated in a laboratory. Following briefings to Biden Administration officials in February and March of 2021, the administration terminated the investigation. The senators are requesting information on why the State Department terminated a U.S. government-led investigation into the virus’ origins and are seeking documents created during this investigation. Read more from Senator Ron Johnson’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen: Protect American Investors from Cryptocurrency Scams

Senator Rick Scott wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen requesting more information on the Treasury Department’s plan to protect American investors and address the threat of widespread fraud in cryptocurrency investments. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Ron Johnson and Colleagues in Requesting Information on National Institutes of Health’s Funding of Gain of Function Research

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, James Lankford, Tom Cotton and Roger Marshall, and Rep. Mike Gallagher, in a letter to Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) requesting information on gain of function research and NIH’s 2014 moratorium on funding for that research. This request follows continued questions surrounding the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more from Senator Johnson’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

As the Commerce Department announced the core personal consumption expenditures, a key inflation indicator, rose a faster-than-expected 3.1% in April, Senator Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. As the Biden administration continues to mislead the American public about how Washington’s reckless spending is leading to inflation and rising prices of every day goods, Senator Scott is urging the president to take responsibility for his wasteful spending and release a plan to curb the threat of rising inflation on American families. Read more, including a full list of Senator Scott’s actions, HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott in Fox News: New Cold War – China threat is clear. Here’s how US, allies must respond to defend freedom

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for Fox News on the America’s new Cold War with Communist China. In his op-ed, Senator Scott details why the United States must stand strong against Communist China’s oppressive government and the importance of combatting its attempts to assert its power around the globe, undermine democracy and human rights, violate U.S. sanctions and prop up dictators.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “… The United States must now recognize that a new Cold War is upon us and, with our allies, confront this threat and defeat the spread of tyranny using every diplomatic and military option at our disposal.

Since being elected to the Senate, I have sponsored and supported more than 40 pieces of legislation focused on addressing the security of our supply chains, holding Communist China fully responsible for its disgusting human rights abuses and genocide against Uyghur Muslims, enhancing our ability to innovate and develop new technology, and countering Beijing’s unfair trade practices. This is where our legislative efforts must begin.

We need to cut Communist China off from the American economy that it relies so heavily upon to feed its oppression machine. There is no point in sacrificing our interests for the hope of compromise with a country that will never live up to its end of any agreement, is openly committing genocide against millions of Uyghur Muslims, and continuously threatens not only America’s security, but that of our allies in the Asia-Pacific region.

Communist China is focused on one thing – world domination through oppression and communist rule. We must not be naïve in thinking that Communist China wants to operate in the modern world order and cooperate with other world powers.

As the world’s greatest beacon of freedom and democracy, the U.S. must do everything we can, in conjunction with our allies, to curb Communist China’s reach, counter their policies, and punish those who are guilty of the ongoing genocide against the Uyghurs.

Whether we like it or not, we are in a new Cold War with Communist China. I urge my colleagues to join me in seizing this opportunity to display the true resolve of the United States in addressing Communist China’s destabilizing actions.”

Read the full op-ed in Fox News HERE.

Fox News: Sen. Rick Scott seeking to block DHS nominees until Biden visits southern border

Fox News: Sen. Rick Scott introduces bill to ensure Hamas can’t access Palestinian relief funds

Fox Business: Every Republican senator will fight against Biden tax increases: Sen. Scott

The Daily Caller: Republicans Demand Answers From Secretary Of State Over Reports Biden Called Off Investigation Into COVID-19 Origins

Newsmax: GOP Sens Seek Info on Biden Halting State Dept COVID Probe

CNS News: Sen. Rick Scott Urges Americans to ‘Stop Buying Chinese Products’

Todd Starnes Radio Show: Democrats are Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic, Sen. Rick Scott tells Todd Starnes

Washington Times: GOP Sen. Rick Scott to block DHS nominees until Biden visits border

The Hill: GOP senators introduce resolution condemning antisemitic violence amid ‘horrific’ spike in attacks

WPBF: Jewish leaders and federal lawmakers hold town hall denouncing antisemitism, supporting Israel

Miami Herald: ‘This must stop.’ Jewish leaders, politicians address surge in anti-Semitic incidents

· WFOR: More Than 1,000, Including South Florida Elected Officials, Participate In ‘We Stand With Israel’ Event

Florida Daily: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, Michael Waltz Want to Make Sure Federal Retirements Not Controlled by China

Florida Daily: Florida’s Senators Want to Know How FEMA Will Handle Hurricane Season With Workforce Shortage

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