Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review

This week, Senator Rick Scott led his colleagues in a press conference highlighting the ongoing national security and humanitarian crisis at the U.S. southern border, created by President Joe Biden’s failed policies of open borders and amnesty. For months, Senator Scott has urged President Biden to take responsibility for the crisis created by his reckless policies, and take immediate action to secure the border and protect American families.

Watch Senator Scott’s remarks HERE or below. Watch the full press conference HERE.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott to Biden: Inflation is Happening – Stop Reckless Government Spending

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement amid continued concerning reports of increased inflation. As the prices of every day goods go up, the Biden Administration continues to push radical spending plans that would increase the average taxes owed by families making less than $500,000 by $1,600 per year for ten years – a total of $16,000 in new taxes owed over the next decade.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’ve been warning about the risks of out-of-control spending for years. When Joe Biden took office, I immediately urged caution on more government spending that would drive up inflation. Biden and the Democrats didn’t want to listen and now we’re seeing the consequences. Gas prices are going up. Food prices are going up. Costs are rising at every step in the production of goods – costs that get passed on to consumers. These increases directly impact Americans and the decisions they make for their families every single day. When I was growing up, my family struggled to make ends meet and put food on the table as prices went up. This isn’t something the Biden Administration can ignore and this isn’t the time to raise taxes on American families to pay for reckless and unnecessary government spending.

“We are at a pivotal moment for our nation. The latest Consumer Price Index and Producer Price Index numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics come out this week, and they will likely show more of the same: prices are drastically rising for families in Florida and across the nation. It’s time for President Biden to admit that inflation is happening and its affecting the quality of life for American families. We need to stop the reckless spending, pay down the debt and get our nation on track so every family can succeed.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: States and Locals Should be Responsible and Reject Unnecessary Taxpayer-Funded Bailout

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the announcement that the Department of the Treasury launched the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, to provide $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. This news comes as California Governor Gavin Newsom just announced that his state will have a $75.7 billion budget surplus.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The Democrats just can’t stop throwing money at everyone and everything they see. American taxpayer money. They keep mindlessly spending even as it’s evident our states are doing just fine. California’s operating budget surplus has swelled to an unprecedented more than $75 billion – in the midst of a global pandemic. We knew then that state and local governments didn’t need more federal money, but Democrats in Washington insisted on moving forward with their radical and wasteful plan to give $350 billion in taxpayer money to these states that have been irresponsibly spending for decades. Now that they are seeing fiscal good fortune on the back of the taxpayers, do you think they are going to be responsible? Do you think they’ll stop raising taxes? Of course not. This bailout was nothing more than a liberal payback to governors who helped elect them.

“We can’t let politicians use American tax dollars to backfill their friends’ mismanaged pensions and state budgets. We’re nearly $30 trillion in debt and inflation is rising from Democrats’ wasteful spending. We need to get serious about how we’re spending taxpayer money. This madness has to stop, and I continue to urge local and state governments to be responsible and reject and return any money in excess of COVID-related expenses.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden Needs to Stand Up for Israel

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement as cross-border fighting between Israel and terrorist militant groups, including Hamas, in Gaza continued to intensify.

Senator Rick Scott said, “While President Trump took unprecedented action to stand with Israel, under President Biden, rockets are raining down on our great ally. It’s time for Biden to stand up and make it clear that the U.S. stands with Israel as it defends its people from these reprehensible terrorist attacks. These Palestinian terrorists need to know acts of aggression toward Israel will never be tolerated. President Biden should take immediate action to remind these terrorists and the world of the United States’ strong and unwavering support of the Israeli people.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden Remains Silent as Inflation Keeps Growing, Hurting Families

Following the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Senator Rick Scott released the below statement again calling on President Biden to finally admit that inflation is rising and put forward a plan to protect families in Florida and across the nation from growing prices. Today’s BLS data builds on last month’s concerning report, showing that year over year, consumer prices increased 4.2% in April – a significant increase from the 2.6% increase reported for the 12-month period ending in March 2021 and the largest 12-month increase since 2008. Annualized, the monthly CPI growth rate reached 10.3% in April. CPI Food prices have seen a 2.4% increase over the last 12-months while gasoline prices are up 49.6%.

Senator Rick Scott said, “President Biden’s silence on inflation is deafening and his lack of leadership in the face of this serious threat is hurting people every day. Every increase in food, gas and household good prices, even increases of just a few cents, negatively impact families, especially low income families and those on fixed incomes. For our nation’s poorest families, like mine growing up, rising prices are devastating – I know because I watched my parents struggle with inflation and putting food on the table when I was a kid.

“Today’s CPI data further confirms our fears and what I’ve been warning about for months. We’ve now seen consistent, month after month rises in prices. Reports show nearly 90% of Americans are worried about inflation. Yesterday, the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) reported that 36% of small businesses are raising prices. There is no question whether inflation is happening. It’s time for Biden to step and address inflation. He can’t keep hiding while American families suffer.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Applauds Committee Passage of His Legislation to Hold Communist China Accountable

Senator Rick Scott applauded the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee’s passage of his bipartisan American Security Drone Act, which will prohibit the U.S. Government from purchasing drones manufactured in countries identified as national security threats, like Iran and Communist China.

The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee also passed his and Senator Josh Hawley’s No TikTok on Government Devices Act, legislation to ban all federal employees from using TikTok on government devices. Several government agencies, including the State Department, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense have already banned the use of TikTok on government devices due to cybersecurity concerns and possible spying by the Communist Chinese government. Additionally, the Committee passed Senator Scott and Senator Rob Portman’s Safeguarding American Innovation Act to improve the United States’ ability to combat foreign threats to American universities and research.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China is America’s enemy and it has shown again and again that it will stop at nothing to infiltrate our government networks and steal American technology. There’s no reason the U.S. should allow Chinese-backed companies into the most sensitive areas of our government, permitting them to jeopardize our national security and steal our intellectual property. Today, the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee took a critical step to protect American networks and security by passing my American Security Drone Act, No TikTok on Government Devices Act, and Safeguarding American Innovation Act. I look forward to their full passage in the U.S. Senate.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Demanding That Biden Take Immediate Action to Secure the Border

Senator Rick Scott led his colleagues in a press conference on the ongoing national security and humanitarian crisis at the U.S. southern border, created by President Joe Biden’s failed policies of open borders and amnesty. Senator Scott was joined by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, City of Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls, National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd, former Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan, as well as Senators John Barrasso, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and James Lankford. Watch Senator Scott’s remarks HERE or below. Watch the full press conference HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “There is a manmade crisis on our border and it’s 100% caused by Joe Biden’s reckless open borders and amnesty policies. I saw it firsthand when I traveled to the border with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey in March. Everyone outside of D.C. knows what this is. The mayors, law enforcement and Customs and Border Protection agents on the front lines know it’s a crisis because they’re living it every day. I was honored to be joined by some of these individuals today and hear them share their stories and the challenges they face.

“While Republicans are unified in our commitment to securing the border, Biden and Harris won’t even visit the border and see the crisis they’ve created. Biden and Harris have made a mockery of a very serious crisis, and instead of taking action, are playing pretend and hiding from the facts. This isn’t a game. Biden is doing nothing to help or protect American families. It’s time to ditch his failed open borders and amnesty strategy and secure the border now.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: April PPI Report Further Confirms Reality of Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Following the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Senator Rick Scott released the below statement reiterating his calls for President Biden and the Democrats to finally ditch their reckless and wasteful spending plans which have caused this crisis. Today’s BLS data, in conjunction with yesterday’s Consumer Price Index data, again proves that prices are rising for families in Florida and across the nation – hurting America’s low and fixed-income families the most. According to the BLS, the PPI final demand index moved up 6.2% for the 12 months ending in April, the largest advance since 12-month data were first calculated in November 2010.

Senator Rick Scott said, “April’s Producer Price Index data confirms what I have been warning about for months – President Biden and the Democrats’ reckless spending and blatant disregard for fiscal responsibility has created an inflation crisis in America. While Biden claims to be focused on lifting up American families, his policies are having the opposite effect and are hurting small businesses and low and fixed-income families the most.

“Every day that Biden remains ignorant to the impacts of inflation is devastating to families in Florida and across America. Over the year, meat product prices have grown 16% and bread and grain prices have jumped 68%. Price increases like these have an immediate and significant negative effect on so many families. I saw it firsthand growing up in public housing and watching my parents struggle to make ends meet. We need answers now on how Biden will address the inflation crisis he has created and protect families.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Meets with Florida Business Leaders on Need to Get Floridians Back to Work

Senator Rick Scott met with Florida business leaders who have opened their businesses but are struggling to find enough workers given the enhanced unemployment benefits that are paying Americans more to stay home than go back to their jobs.

This week, Senator Scott joined his colleagues to introduce the Get Americans Back to Work Act to revise the additional unemployment benefit to $150 per week on May 31, 2021, before full repeal on June 30, 2021. This legislation follows the release of the Department of Labor report showing that the U.S. economy created only 266,000 jobs in April, well below the anticipated million-jobs increase, and unemployment rose for the first time since April 2020.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s heartbreaking to hear from Florida business leaders that have done everything needed to survive shutdowns and the impacts of COVID-19 and now find themselves struggling to fully reopen. What I heard from them today is what I’ve heard from countless other businesses in Florida and across the nation in recent months – they can’t compete when the federal government is paying Americans more to stay home than go back to their jobs.

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have supported the effort to get targeted aid to struggling families and businesses. I fought to include a provision in the CARES Act to ensure we weren’t creating a disincentive to return to work, but the Democrats blocked it. Now we are seeing the consequences. I applaud Governors across the nation who are taking action to get their citizens back to work. While President Biden and the Democrats remain in denial about what is happening, I will keep working to support our small businesses, get Americans back to work and get our economy fully reopened.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Shameful Silence on Communist China’s Human Rights Abuses

Following the U.S. State Department and world leaders again condemning the genocide of Uyghur Muslims in Communist China, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement calling on President Biden to stop ignoring Communist China’s horrific human rights abuses and finally join his call to move the 2022 Olympic Games out of Beijing and to a nation that respects human rights. It has been more than two months since Senator Scott requested a meeting with Biden to discuss the Senator’s continued calls for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to select a new site for the 2022 Winter Olympics Games. Last month, Senator Scott also called for President Biden to lead international efforts to relocate the 2022 Olympic Games to the United States.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s been more than two months since I asked President Biden to stand up for human rights and meet with me to discuss moving the Olympics out of Communist China. Biden’s response? Nothing. Total silence. General Secretary Xi is committing a genocide against the Uyghurs, stripping Hong Kongers of their basic rights and is building up China’s military to compete with us and further its goal of world domination. Biden’s own State Department official accused Beijing of turning the Xinjiang province into an ‘open-air prison.’ Under no circumstance should the global community give Communist China an international platform – the 2022 Olympic Games – to whitewash its crimes, yet Biden seems unconcerned.

“Like the crisis at the border and the rising inflation that’s hurting American families, Biden is completely absent when it comes to standing against Communist China’s human rights abuses. I’ve been clear – this isn’t about a boycott, which only punishes athletes. That’s a weak and frankly pathetic response being used by United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) and others to justify keeping the Games in Communist China. This is about human rights and about saying what General Secretary Xi is doing is wrong and won’t be tolerated. Period. President Biden has the unique opportunity to lead international efforts and encourage organizations like USOPC to stand for human rights and relocate the 2022 Olympic Games to the United States. Instead, Biden refuses to even take a meeting to discuss standing up for freedom. It’s shameful, but I’m not giving up this fight.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Safe Social Media Act to Study Social Media Use Among Teens

Senator Rick Scott introduced the Safe Social Media Act which requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), to conduct a study on the effects of social media use among American teenagers and children.

Last month, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky requesting information on CDC studies and actions to address the extended use of social media by American children and young adults, and its potential impact on their health and wellbeing.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on all Americans, but our children and teens have had their lives drastically altered. With school closures and more time indoors, kids have been spending even more time on the internet and on social media. Now with the news that Facebook is developing an Instagram app for kids under 13, it is more important than ever that we understand the impacts of extended social media use on children and teens. My Safe Social Media Act will make sure the federal government studies the risks associated with the repeated and long-term use of social media by those under the age of 18 and reports its findings to Congress along with policy recommendations.” Read more HERE.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Dodges Sen. Rick Scott’s Questions on Border Security

During a hearing of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Senator Rick Scott questioned Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the ongoing national security and humanitarian crisis on our southern border created by President Joe Biden’s failed policies of open borders and amnesty. Secretary Mayorkas refused to provide clear answers on how the administration is enforcing U.S. immigration laws and taking action to protect American families.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today, I asked for simple answers from DHS Secretary Mayorkas on how DHS and the Biden Administration are enforcing current immigration law and keeping drugs and potentially dangerous, illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes, out of our nation. He dodged my questions and, following the lead of President Biden and Vice President Harris, is hiding from the facts. That’s unacceptable.

“Yesterday, I was joined by number of Senators and local officials from border states to highlight the absolute crisis on our southern border and how it’s putting American families and our brave CBP officials at risk. It seems obvious to everyone outside of Washington, D.C. that there’s a crisis, especially those on the frontlines of our border communities who see it every day. So why does President Biden and his administration refuse to take responsibility for the crisis they created with reckless open border and amnesty policies? The American people deserve accountability, and to know that our border is secure and their families are being protected. I won’t accept anything less.” See more from the hearing HERE or below.


Sen. Rick Scott to President Biden: Protect American Innovation That Created COVID-19 Vaccine

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to President Joe Biden outlining his concerns about the White House’s decision to back a proposed waiver for COVID-19 vaccine intellectual property rights, which would seriously undermine protections for American innovation and investment. Senator Scott also highlighted the need to fairly distribute vaccines around the world, including to the people of the Bahamas.

Last month, Senator Scott wrote to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging the Biden Administration to consider the many Venezuelans suffering under the oppressive dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro as it contemplates how to distribute the United States’ excess doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Senator Scott’s letter followed reports that Maduro is restricting vaccine distribution to those who have pledged political loyalty to him and his socialist dictatorship. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Inflation Crisis is Here – He Must Address the Impacts of Reckless Liberal Spending

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement urging the Biden Administration to finally take responsibility for the effects of his reckless spending and release a plan to curb the threat of rising inflation on American families. While the Biden Administration continues to mislead the American public about rising prices across the nation, Senator Scott will be releasing a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’ve been warning for two years now that reckless spending has consequences. Here’s the reality: our nation is nearing $30 trillion in debt, and while President Biden and Democrats are lost in their whirlwind of multi-trillion dollar proposals, 87% of Americans are concerned about the rising costs of household items, like diapers, gas and groceries. April Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) were up 4.2% and 6.2%, respectively, the largest 12-month advances since 2008. April PPI data showed that over the year, meat product prices have grown 16% and bread and grain prices have jumped 68%. It’s time for Biden and Democrats to open their eyes, stand up for working class families and realize their reckless spending is ruining our economy and devastating America’s low and fixed-income families, like mine growing up.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Urges Social Media CEOs to Protect Children, Support his Safe Social Media Act

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to the CEOs of Twitter, Facebook, Alphabet and Snap Inc. requesting their full support of his legislation, the Safe Social Media Act, which requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), to conduct a study on the effects of social media use among American teenagers and children.

The Safe Social Media Act, introduced this week, follows Senator Scott’s March letter to these CEOs requesting information from the companies on the impacts of extended use of their platforms by American children and young adults, and his letter to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky requesting information on CDC studies and actions on these potential impacts. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on Fox News: We Have to Get Americans Back to Work
Watch the full interview HERE or below.

Fox News: Biden agenda to blame for ‘horrible’ jobs report: Sen. Rick Scott

Fox News: To support Israel, 44 Republicans push Biden to refuse Iran sanctions relief

Fox Business: People ‘flocking’ to Florida because it’s open for business: Sen. Rick Scott

Fox Business: Florida taxes fuel NY, California exodus: Sen. Rick Scott

WTVJ: One-On-One With Sen. Rick Scott

Washington Examiner: Senate panel advances bill to ban TikTok on all federal government devices

KTTN: Legislation to ban TikTok on government devices passes committee

Sinclair Broadcast Group: Border detentions hit 21-year high as GOP casts blame on Biden, Harris

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Agenda to Blame For Low Jobs Report

Breitbart: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott Warn of Pressure Campaign to Force FCC into ‘Content-Based Censorship’

Breitbart: Rick Scott: NIH Acting Like China by ‘Stonewalling’ on U.S. Funding of Wuhan Research

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Calls on NOAA to Work With FWC on Investigation of Shark Abuse in Florida

Florida Daily: Rick Scott to Peace Corps: Allegations of Sexual Assault on Volunteers are Shocking and Unacceptable

Florida Daily: Florida Delegation Stands With Israel Against Hamas Terrorism

Florida Daily: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott Urge Joe Biden to End Negotiations With Iran

Voz de America: Republicanos atribuyen “cien por ciento” de la situación fronteriza al presidente Biden

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