The Cancel Culture Destroying Good Republican Values

By Russell Tuff, President of Collier County Republican Men’s Club

If you believe in the Republican Values that I believe in, then we are considered terrorist and our views need to be canceled from public discussion. Great efforts will be taken by leftist who want to blow up our values and beliefs in American greatness.

If you think the attacks and efforts to destroy your opinions are only being leveled against elected officials and big time businesses, it’s time for a wake up.

Because of the new executive order signed by our new President Joe Biden, that assures non biological males can compete in women’s sports, I had posted a photo of a large burly man with a halter top on saying he wanted to join the girls track team.

People from all across the country were attacking me and even wrote to the company I own and asked if my company knew an employee named Russell Tuff was posting transphobic bullying messages to his Facebook page. They didn’t think Russell Tuff represented the company very well.

Saving America

The left wing radicals have taken over the voices we are hearing. They are taking away the voices who oppose  a very liberal agenda by terrorizing its targets through a sustained onslaught of intimidation. This thought process is a movement with a network of groups such as Rose City Antifa and Black Lives Matter. (Their end goals are quite different, but they have the common purpose of disrupting the American criminal justice system, demonizing free markets, and demonizing property ownership.)

Which world do you want to live in? Which world do you want your children and grandchildren live in? Live where radical executive orders are being signed,  being led by principles that don’t represent a better America?

I’m asking you to step up now.

We make change right here. It starts locally, then at the State, and then the Federal level. I’m asking you to join us, and join a committee on the Men’s Republican Club to advance the values we share in our emails and are available on our website. All registered Republican Men and Women are invited. Here is a Membership Link to Join. Women are encouraged to join at half price as Associate Members.

We want to go on a campaign with you to capture new members, bringing your neighbors to share the stories where Republican values have made life better, and move away from mandates made by the swamp in DC that slowly but surely take away the rights, freedoms and opportunity for individualism to thrive. We want to help provide the talking points to encourage you to talk to neighbors confidently about your beliefs.

These committees are: Membership, led by Randy Cash,  Publicity, led by Jerry Sanford, Scholarship led by John Dugan, and Salute to Veterans, led by Mark Batchelor.

How You Can Help

If you want to lead a new committee that promotes our Republican Values, we want to consider it.

As we fill these position, we want to create new committees for topics this body feels are important.

Join one of these committees and get engaged with the committee chairs. The button below brings you to a sign up form. If you have a passion for another committee, we are with you and will help get it going if it promotes Republican Values.