Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian,

This week, I worked with my colleagues on the Senate Armed Services Committee to pass the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). My focus is always on getting Florida’s incredible military community the resources they need and ensuring we are prepared to stand up to Communist China’s increasing aggression, and this NDAA does just that with big wins for Floridians and support for our men and women in uniform.


Supporting our military shouldn’t be partisan, and I hope to see folks come together to get this passed. Read more about the NDAA HERE.

This week, I also worked to pass important legislation with unanimous support on the Senate floor. Ahead of the second anniversary of the tragic collapse of the Champlain Towers South building in Surfside, Florida, Senator Rubio and I introduced a resolution honoring the Surfside community and remembering those we lost. Read the resolution HERE.

I was also proud to see the Senate pass my END FENTANYL Act to ensure the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has the resources it needs to stop fentanyl and dangerous drugs from crossing our southern border. This is a huge step to ending the fentanyl crisis and the heartbreak it causes, and I’ll be fighting to get this important bill to the president’s desk and signed into law. Read more HERE.

To read more about my work to Make Washington Work for you, click HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.



Sen. Rick Scott Continues to Fight for Floridians by Reforming the Broken National Flood Insurance Program


Senator Rick Scott announced the reintroduction of three bills to reform the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which would help lower the cost of flood insurance and ensure the property insurance market better serves Florida families. According to FEMA data, since the inception of the NFIP, Florida policyholders have paid more than $24 billion in premiums, but only collected approximately $12 billion in claims reimbursements, which equates to a 2 to 1 ratio of premiums paid to claims reimbursements. The situation Florida families face is clearly unfair and exactly why Congress must make reforms to encourage participation in the private flood insurance market as an alternative for hardworking Americans across our country. Senator Scott’s NFIP package has been endorsed by the Federal Association for Insurance Reform (FAIR).

Senator Rick Scott said, “With hurricane season here, flood insurance is top of mind to Floridians. Unfortunately, the National Flood Insurance Program right now is a perfect example of what happens when government tries to take over an industry  it fails. The NFIP is not only buried in debt, it’s now pushing huge rate increases through FEMA’s new ‘Risk Rating 2.0’ that is unsustainable and unaffordable for Florida families. We cannot allow that to continue.

“While I was Governor, we reformed Florida’s property insurance market to better serve families and we can do it at the federal level too. It’s time to make commonsense reforms that better serve Florida families. We should be offering more choice at a better rate. I am committed to fighting for change that encourages the development of a robust and affordable private flood insurance market and gives homeowners more choice and flexibility when purchasing their flood insurance plans. I know many of my colleagues in the Senate agree with me on this, and I urge them to join me in passing these good bills.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to AG Garland: Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Deal is Breaking the Trust of Americans in Justice System

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland slamming the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) double standard of justice when dealing with President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, compared with both normal Americans and those perceived as his opponents. Senator Scott draws comparisons to the treatment the DOJ gave Deja Taylor, the mother who is facing a two-year prison sentence for her purchase and possession of a firearm while using controlled substances, and Wesley Snipes, the actor who served three years in prison for committing a very similar tax crime to the president’s son. Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal reportedly ensures he will serve no jail time whatsoever and ultimately will not be charged with a firearms offense.

Senator Scott is demanding the DOJ explain the inconsistencies in the charges and is calling on AG Garland to explain to the American people why this decision was made in order to restore integrity to the department and the American justice system.

Read more in Fox News HERE and the full letter HERE


Sen. Rick Scott Highlights Importance of Hurricane Preparedness for Florida Seniors in Senate Aging Committee

During a hearing in the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, titled Before Disaster Strikes: Planning for Older Americans and People with Disabilities in All Phases of Emergencies, Senator Rick Scott discussed the importance of disaster preparedness for American seniors. During the hearing, Senator Scott also posed questions to experts on best practices for aging Floridians to follow this hurricane season. Senator Scott has been visiting communities across Florida and hosting events with local elected leaders, emergency management officials and business owners to emphasize the importance of being prepared for the 2023 hurricane season. See more from his latest stop HERE.

Read more HERE. 


Sens. Rick Scott, Jacky Rosen Lead Colleagues in Urging Biden Admin to Include Israel in the Visa Waiver Program

Senators Rick Scott and Jacky Rosen led more than 60 of their colleagues in a bipartisan letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas urging the Biden administration to include Israel in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). The senators are also encouraging both the Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security to prioritize finalizing Israel’s accession into this program this year. The VWP enables most citizens or nationals of participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Urges President Biden to Demand Cuban Regime Shows Proof of Life of José Daniel Ferrer

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after being notified by family members of José Daniel Ferrer, a Cuban democracy and human rights activist, that they have not seen or heard from him since March 2023. Since his arrest during the July 11, 2021 freedom demonstrations, José Daniel Ferrer has been psychologically and physically tortured by the illegitimate communist Cuban regime in a ruthless attempt to end his life. Senator Scott has been a vocal advocate for the release of José Daniel Ferrer and all democracy activists, especially the children, being unjustly imprisoned by the Castro/Diaz-Canel regime. His calls for action have resulted in both the Organization of American States (OAS) and President Joe Biden to call for the release of all Cuban political prisoners.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s absolutely despicable and unacceptable that the illegitimate Cuban regime has prevented José Daniel Ferrer’s family from seeing him for months on end. José Daniel is being unjustly detained in isolation, where he is subjected to physical and psychological torture by the brutal communist Cuban regime in an attempt to end his life. It’s time for the mainstream media to wake up to President Biden’s complete abandonment of Latin America that is allowing this torture and attempted murder to happen. Biden’s lack of leadership in the region undermines both our national security and human rights across Latin America. That must end today.

“I am demanding that President Biden join me and the countless Cuban democracy activists in demanding immediate proof of life of José Daniel Ferrer. President Biden must use this moment to end his appeasement of the brutal and illegitimate Castro/Diaz-Canel regime and make clear to the world that the United States will never ignore these horrific human rights abuses.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sens. Rick Scott and Marco Rubio Honor Surfside Community Ahead of Two-Year Anniversary of Tragic Building Collapse

Ahead of the two-year anniversary of the partial collapse of Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida, on June 24, 2021, Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio introduced a resolution in commemoration and honor of the Surfside community and the lives of 98 people lost in the tragedy. This resolution was unanimously passed by the Senate this week.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s been nearly two years since the Surfside community experienced an unimaginable and sudden tragedy with the collapse of Champlain Towers South. We lost 98 innocent lives that day, and countless others woke up to the heartbreaking news that they will never again see their children, friends, parents, grandparents or loved ones. I remember so clearly the days after the tragedy how the entire community and organizations from around the world came together in mourning and to support those affected, especially in our Jewish community, working tirelessly to aid in search and recovery with the utmost respect. We will be forever grateful for those who answered the call to help the Surfside community. Today, Senator Rubio and I join together with our colleagues to honor the community and the 98 lives lost that solemn day.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. This week, as Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell testified in Congress, Senator Scott posted the below tweets slamming the complete mismanagement of Chair Powell who lost over $1 TRILLION in taxpayer dollars in the last year while families suffered with rising inflation.



Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


Sen. Rick Scott in El Nuevo Herald: Biden’s failed leadership in Latin America is a gift to China

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for El Nuevo Herald calling out President Biden’s policies toward Latin America that are benefiting the Communist Chinese regime. Due to recent events, such as Communist China establishing a spy base in Cuba, and Biden’s continued appeasement of Xi and murderous dictators around the world, no time is more consequential in Latin America’s fight for freedom, democracy and stability in the region.

In the op-edSenator Rick Scott wrote, “It’s time for the mainstream media to wake up to President Biden’s complete abandonment of Latin America. The Biden administration’s policies are not just a different path to a similar result; Biden’s lack of leadership in the region undermines both our national security and stability of our partners and allies across Latin America

These developments have emboldened our enemies and will have long-lasting consequences that require us all, especially those in the press, to pay closer attention. Communist China has been strengthening its foothold, increasing its fiscal stake in Latin America and carrying out their espionage operations in the Western hemisphere with the sole purpose of taking over the region and destroying the United States

Communist China has also been investing heavily in infrastructure projects, such as roads, ports, and railways, in Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela

In exchange, Communist China has been securing access to the region’s natural resources, such as oil, gas, and minerals

It’s clear that Communist China is engaging in ‘debt trap diplomacy,’ where it provides loans to countries that are unable to pay them back, and then uses the debt as leverage to gain political influence

Every time Joe Biden has the opportunity to join the cause of freedom, to stand up and fight against oppression, he decides to look in the opposite direction. What is so concerning is that President Biden seems to prefer enabling the dictators over helping the freedom-loving people of these countries

The President of the United States is known both here and around the globe as the leader of the free world. Our president, regardless of who it is, has immense power to rally our democratic allies and the freedom-loving people of the world to put pressure on oppressive regimes and throw the full support of the global community behind the cause of freedom.

It’s the wrong message to send to Latin America and our partners and allies around the globe that the President of the United States is willing to look the other way when it comes to human rights, freedom and democracy. We cannot allow our leaders to pretend that what happens in Latin America has no impact on democracy around the world.

There has never been a more consequential moment than this one in our fight for freedom, democracy and stability in Latin America. This isn’t just about ensuring freedom for the people of these countries, it is about protecting America’s national security. Our enemies are working every day to strengthen their foothold in the region and Communist China’s spy base in Cuba is clear proof of this. In the Senate, I will continue working to force action by the Biden administration that makes clear to tyrants in Latin America, Communist China and around the world the strength of America’s resolve to stomp out the spread of socialism and communism.”

Read the full HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Fox News: Biden’s ‘farcical’ plea deal demands an explanation, Sen. Scott tells AG Garland

CNBC: Sen. Rick Scott on U.S.-China relations: You don’t do business with your enemy

Florida Daily: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott Want Biden to Release Information Collected on Chinese Spy Balloon

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Wants to Define Efforts to Delegitimize Israel as Antisemitism

The Floridian: Scott, Rubio Look to Address Passport Backlog


Senator Scott’s Team in Fort Walton Beach

This week, Senator Scott’s team attended the Boeing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for their newly expanded facility in Fort Walton Beach.


Senator Scott’s Team in Orange City

This week, Senator Scott’s team also attended the grand opening ribbon cutting for Complete Health in Orange City.


Senator Scott’s Team in Ponte Vedra

Additionally, Senator Scott’s team attended a K9s for Warriors Graduation in Ponte Vedra.


Senator Scott’s Team in Lake Nona

Another event Senator Scott’s team attended “Café Talk” with faith leaders and elected officials to discuss Youth at Risk issues in Lake Nona.










Another Notch For Florida Republican Dominance

Russell Tuff
Collier County Republican Men’s Club

Florida Republican voter registration dominance continues, as it is expected to be 500,000 margin as of today. On May 31st of this year, Republicans held a 496,150 registration advantage.

We all play a role in continuing this trend. How? Invite your friends and neighbors to the meetings to continue to hear the message of Republican Values, and encourage their continued participation and spreading the word among their friends and neighbors. Remember, there are nearly 1,000 people moving to Florida every day.

Grab them quickly to ensure we keep Florida the Republican stronghold it’s become.

Remember, less than five years ago, there were 250,000 more Democrats than Republicans registered to vote.

Join Us Friday, July 7th to see what our elected legislators accomplished this past session.


  • 826,578 Increase in Republican advantage since 2016
  • 90,490 Decrease in Democrat registration since 2016
  • 753,325 Increase in Republican advantage since 2018
  • 160,680 Decrease in Democrat registration since 2018
  • 112,196 Increase in Republican advantage since January 1, 2023
  • 112,953 Decrease in Democrat registration since January 1, 2023
  • 24 Counties have flipped from Democrat to Republican since January 2016
  • 14 Counties have flipped from Democrat to Republican since January 2018



Sen. Rick Scott is Fighting for Fiscal Responsibility


Sen. Rick Scott: Bad Debt Ceiling Deal Promises More Debt & Inflation for American Families


Senator Rick Scott released the following statement slamming the passage of the debt ceiling legislation that will allow the federal government to hit $35 TRILLION in debt and does nothing to stop Joe Biden’s raging inflation crisis. Reckless government spending causes inflation, and Senator Scott has been clear that a balanced budget is necessary to get the country back on the path to fiscal sanity, and give the families that continue to struggle some relief. Earlier today, Senator Scott wrote an op-ed for Fox News regarding his opposition to the legislation, read more HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I voted no today because this legislation will only bury us deeper in debt and does nothing to stop the rampant inflation Biden and the Democrats have caused with their addiction to reckless government spending. There will never come a day when the permanent political class in either party in Washington will stand up in favor of curtailing runaway spending and debt. The politicians in Washington will never accept that they are wrong, so we have to force change. I have spent every day of my time in the Senate fighting to pass commonsense reforms that shake some sanity into this place and today made it even clearer that our work must continue. We won’t compromise on debt. We won’t say ok to ‘good enough.’ I am committed to stopping this madness and will keep working with my conservative colleagues in the Senate and House to actually get something done for the American people. We need to pass No Budget, No Pay to make sure Congress doesn’t get paid unless a real budget is passed. We need to end reckless spending and we won’t stop focusing on making sure Congress actually starts passing budgets.”

Read more HERE.

“Frankly, I’m sick and tired of watching people live in D.C.’s fantasy land where debt doesn’t matter, while America burns in the background.

“I am a businessman who has negotiated a lot of deals. In every deal, you have to say no at some point. Maybe this is the time all Republicans need to say no. Not to be an obstructionist, but to tell every American family we hear them and we care about them.

“President Biden’s proposed budget for this year was $6.8 TRILLION – a 55% increase since 2019. Meanwhile, the U.S. population has grown less than 2% in that same time. This is the kind of reckless spending that gets embraced in Washington and it’s ruining our country. The only way out of this mess is to balance the budget, pay down federal debt, reduce the size of government, reduce regulations, make permitting easier and have government only do the must haves.

“I supported what House Republicans originally passed in the Limit, Save, Grow Act. It wasn’t perfect, but at least it started the process to a balanced budget, get able-bodied Americans back to work, reduced the regulatory footprint which is killing American jobs and worked to grow the American economy not the Washington, D.C. economy. 

“So if our only two options are to make the tough choices to balance our budget or pass this bad bill, the decision is easy. Let’s do the hard work and make the tough choices so American families can realize the dream that has made our great nation the greatest place for opportunity on Earth…”

Read the full op-ed in Fox News HERE.

Read more HERE.

Read Sen. Rick Scott’s recent op-eds on the debt ceiling crisis below:
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… “Biden’s Debt-Deal Strategy: Win in the Fine Print”

Read the full article by Jim Tankersley with the New York Times HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s clear that Democrats won the debt ceiling fight, which got more votes from Democrats than Republicans in both the House and Senate. Thankfully, no problem created by Congress today is unable to be fixed by a future Congress. That means this bad deal will only be in place for as long as we allow it. In the days, weeks and months ahead, I will be working with my conservative colleagues in the House and Senate to finally end the reckless spending, wildly climbing debt and failed bureaucracy through the appropriations process. This is the most important fight before us and Republicans must stop caving.”

Read more HERE.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in Fox News: Debt ceiling deal won’t deliver on inflation or America. Senate must scrap it

In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for Fox News sharing his thoughts on the debt ceiling legislation that will allow the federal government to hit $35 TRILLION in debt and inflation to keep skyrocketing. Reckless government spending causes inflation, and Senator Scott has been clear that a balanced budget is necessary to get the country back on the path to fiscal sanity, and give the families that continue to struggle some relief.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott writes, “While I made it clear this week that I do not support the debt ceiling deal, I believe Speaker Kevin McCarthy and our House Republican negotiators gave it their best against a president who does not care about how the inflation he created, retirement concerns and medical bills are causing havoc on families all across this country.

“It’s OK to acknowledge that the deal being voted on this week may be the best that could be done with this president who refused to negotiate or even discuss this issue for months. But that acknowledgment must come with a second part: This legislation will only bury us deeper in debt and won’t actually deal with the raging inflation that is hurting every American family. Now conservatives in Congress have a choice. We can either do business with the devil knowing this debt ceiling bill will not slay inflation, reduce retirement concerns or medical bills. Or, we can say now is the time to live within our means and stop inflation in its tracks.

“If the time to say no is not today, when is it?

“So ask yourself this question: is a yes vote this week simply kicking the can down the road and telling American families we don’t care about how inflation is impacting their ability to make ends meet. Of course, the answer is yes.

“When a family has a spendthrift child, all they want is for that child to learn to be independent and live within their means. We all love our kids and we don’t want them to fail, but seeing your child be independent and responsible is one of the greatest joys of parenthood. Standing up on your own feels good whether you’re a parent, running a company or leading a state. Only in Washington do people have a hard time accepting this basic and universal truth. 

“Frankly, I’m sick and tired of watching people live i

Sen. Rick Scott Remembers D-Day


Sen. Rick Scott Remembers D-Day

Dear Fellow Floridian,

Today, we honor the brave American soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy and fought to put an end to tyranny. Our men and women who served during World War II truly represent the best of what it means to be an American.

Seventy-nine years ago my father parachuted behind enemy lines and selflessly fought for the well-being and freedom of Americans and families across the world. Join me in remembering the countless men and women who served the Allied forces this D-Day. As your Senator and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I fight EVERY DAY to improve our military, take care of our nation’s veterans and protect your legacy so the next generation can know the sacrifice that went into protecting their freedoms.

Thank you for your bravery and dedication to our nation. God bless!







Rick Scott

United States Senator


Watch a message from Sen. Rick Scott HERE or below.

In 2019, Senator Rick Scott joined a bipartisan group of United States Senators in Normandy, France to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion by Allied forces during World War II.

See more from his trip HERE and below.

Read more about Sen. Rick Scott’s father HERE.

Check Your Passport Expiration Date TODAY!



Before Booking Travel, Check Your Passport Expiration

Dear Fellow Floridian,

With summer right around the corner, we know many Floridians will be finalizing travel plans and booking accommodations. If you or your family are planning to travel abroad this summer, it is vital to check passport expiration dates and renew early due to unprecedented demand.

If you have a pending passport application, we will do our best to let the agency know the urgency of your need. Please be aware that making requests to multiple Congressional offices can create confusion that slows down the agency’s efforts to process passports.

Team Rick Scott




Here are a few things you and your family can do to ensure a smooth travel experience:

  • Prior to booking travel plans, especially non-refundable travel, check the expiration date of your passport and those travelling with you.
  • Check HERE to ensure your documents meet the requirements of your destination.
  • Passport requirements differ for children. If you are traveling with children under 16 check HERE to learn more. If you are traveling with children age 16-17 check HERE.
  • Learn more about the options of getting a passport quickly HERE.
  • Monitor passport processing times HERE.

For more information visit the State Department website HERE. Visit @TravelGov on Twitter. 


111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

NEWS ALERT! Sen. Rick Scott is Fighting to Hold Big Tech Accountable


Sen. Rick Scott Introduces the ASK Act to Protect Kids from AI  


Senator Rick Scott introduced the Artificial Intelligence Shield for Kids (ASK) Act to prevent children from accessing artificial intelligence features on social media sites without the consent of a parent or guardian. Additionally, the bill requires the Federal Communications Commission, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to issue rules prohibiting social media companies from charging a fee or mandating a paid subscription, as Snapchat has recently done, before allowing parents or kids to remove artificial intelligence features from products used by minors.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Artificial intelligence surely has productive uses, but it can also present grave threats, especially to our children. Today, as the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs discusses the threats posed by AI, I am introducing my ASK Act to protect our kids and give parents the power to decide what their children are exposed to without paying ridiculous fees. I have long been a supporter of doing more to keep our kids safe online and as technology evolves, there is no doubt that we must do more to combat the emerging threats our children are facing every day on the internet. I have seven grandkids and I’m terrified by the lack of control available to parents when it comes to social media and AI. Every child is worth protecting and we should never make the job harder for parents. I urge my colleagues to support this bill to keep our kids safe.”

Read more HERE.

WATCH: Senator Scott speaks about his new ASK Act during a recent HSGAC Artificial Intelligence in Government hearing HERE or below.


See more of Sen. Rick Scott’s efforts to hold Big Tech accountable below:
Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Legislation to Hold Big Tech Accountable, Keep Teens Safe

Senator Rick Scott reintroduced his Safe Social Media Act and Data Algorithm and Transparency Agreement (DATA) Act to hold Big Tech companies accountable for the malicious content spread on their platforms and help keep teens safe while using social media. Last Congress, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky requesting information on CDC studies and actions to address the extended use of social media by American children and young adults, and its potential impact on their health and wellbeing.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Across America, kids are spending more time on the internet and on social media now than ever before. The terrible COVID lockdowns only exacerbated this problem. Now, social media companies are taking advantage of this to gather and sell Americans’ personal data, and manipulate impressionable young Americans with disastrous, and sometimes deadly, consequences. We must take action now to better understand the impacts of extended social media use on children and teens. My Safe Social Media Act and DATA Act will make sure the federal government studies the risks of extended social media use, and hold Big Tech accountable by requiring greater transparency regarding its collection of millions of young Americans’ data. I urge my colleagues to support both of these commonsense bills that will take the necessary steps to keep teens safe while using social media.”

The Safe Social Media Act requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in coordination with the CDC, to conduct a study on the effects of social media use among American teenagers and children. If signed into law, this bill will:

  • Require FTC, in conjunction with the CDC, to conduct a study on social media use among individuals under the age 18, and report:
    • What personal information is collected by social media platforms;
    • How their personal information is being used;
    • How often they use social media daily;
    • Differences in the use of social media for various age groups;
    • The mental health effects linked to the use of social media; and
    • Potential harmful effects from extended social media use.
  • Require FTC to submit to Congress a report on the findings of the study, including any recommended policy changes based on such findings.

The DATA Act will increase transparency by requiring Big Tech platforms, like Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter, to receive express consent to use Americans’ personal information. The DATA Act also provides Americans with legal recourse against these companies if they believe their right to privacy has been violated. Currently, tech companies capitalize on algorithms to manipulate users, pushing them toward content the algorithm believes they would like or be interested in. These companies are also gathering massive amounts of personal data – and users have little to no control over how their data is used. If signed into law, this bill will:

  • Require any internet platform, with an active monthly user base of 30 million or more U.S. users, that uses algorithms to increase or decrease the availability of content on its platform to:
    • Obtain user consent to collect data of the user’s preferences, habits, etc.;
    • Allow users to revoke or withdraw prior consent to data collection, and to request any user data previously collected be deleted or removed;
    • Obtain user consent to sell, share, or convey user data to a third-party entity;
    • Allow users to revoke or withdraw prior consent to sell, share, or convey the user’s data to a third-party entity;
    • Provide a plain language notice to users of the above requirements (in addition to any terms of service notifications), which will appear each login, unless affirmatively waived by the user.
  • Establish a private right of action: if a platform provider violates any of these conditions, any individual user may file a federal lawsuit, and is entitled to minimum monetary damages of $5,000 per violation, plus any actual damages and attorney’s fees.



111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274


CYMI: Sen. Rick Scott Fights for the Fiscally Responsible



Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues Send Letter to Biden Administration Blasting Proposal to Punish Borrowers with High Credit Scores

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Roger Marshall, Thom Tillis and 15 of their colleagues in leading a letter to the Biden administration’s Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Director Sandra Thompson. This letter expressed the senators’ outrage at Thompson’s proposal to penalize Americans who have managed their money responsibly in order to subsidize high-risk borrowers with low credit.

Proposals like these set a dangerous precedent. In their letter, the senators wrote, “This shortsighted and counterproductive policy demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the necessity of accurately tailoring housing finance products to credit risk and establishes a perverse incentive that punishes hardworking Americans for their fiscal prudence,” the letter said. “Under your leadership, FHFA has pushed forward a number of policy proposals and changes that seek to social-engineer the U.S. housing market in ways that increase riskiness and promote discrimination…The fact that a proposal flaunting credit risk is being openly pushed by FHFA just a decade-and-a-half after the housing-led 2008 financial crisis is staggering…The housing market should not be exploited as a means to pander to targeted demographics that you have chosen, nor an instrument to secure political favoritism.”

U.S. Senators Mike Braun (IN), Ted Budd (NC), Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Tom Cotton (AR), Kevin Cramer (ND), Lindsey Graham (SC), Chuck Grassley (IA), Ron Johnson (WI), James Lankford (OK), Jerry Moran (KS), Mike Rounds (SD), Marco Rubio (FL), Eric Schmitt (MO), John Thune (SD), and Todd Young (IN) joined the letter to the FHFA.

Read more HERE.


111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189


111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274



Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian,

I am blessed to have seven grandchildren. Every time I talk to them, I think about their future. I think about what the country will look like when they grow up and what we’re setting up for them. You think: will your kids, grandkids, great grandkids have the same opportunities as we have? Not if we keep doing what we’re doing now.

We have $31 trillion in federal debt. We have high inflation, reckless spending, high interest rates, high credit card debt. If we continue down this path that we’re heading down, we’re going to kill the American dream.

Biden just doesn’t get that. He put out a $6.8 TRILLION budget. Just chock full of full of tax hikes, budget gimmicks and wasteful spending. It’s not based in reality and will only make things WORSE.

This week, I hosted a joint press conference with House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, Senator Mike Lee and Representatives Chip Roy, Dan Bishop, Bob Good, Byron Donalds, Lauren Boebert, Michael Cloud, Andy Biggs, Ben Cline and Ralph Norman, to discuss the debt ceiling and spending reforms.

Our message is this: it’s time to bring fiscal sanity back to Washington. It’s time for Biden to come to the table and have a conversation and accept our invitation to negotiate on a deal that sets America on a better path forward. If Republicans finally stand up and stop caving, we can force the federal government to start living within its means and lower the federal debt. The debt ceiling is our opportunity to get something done. Republicans cannot squander it by giving Biden a liberal wish list and endless budget.

Watch more HERE or below. Read more HERE.




Rick Scott

United States Senator

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott to Fed Chair Powell: It’s Time for Accountability at the Fed

Ahead of this week’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting and following the shocking failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Bank and Signature Bank, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Jerome Powell, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, calling out the Fed’s gross mismanagement and lack of oversight of these banks and demanding significant reforms. For more than two years, Senator Scott has called on Chair Powell to increase the Fed’s accountability to the American people, shrink its massive balance sheet and do more to mitigate and stop inflation.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Jacky Rosen Introduce Bipartisan No CORRUPTION Act to Safeguard Taxpayer Dollars from Corrupt Politicians

Senators Rick Scott and Jacky Rosen introduced the bipartisan No Congressionally-Obligated Recurring Revenue Used As Pensions To Incarcerated Officials Now (No CORRUPTION) Act, which would bar members of Congress who are convicted of felonies related to their official duties from collecting taxpayer-funded pensions.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It is unthinkable that a former member of Congress could be convicted of a crime involving public corruption and still benefit off the taxpayer dollars of hardworking families. If we are going to make Washington work for American families, we need real reforms that end the current dysfunction. I’m proud to sponsor this bipartisan, commonsense legislation to prevent criminals from getting taxpayer-funded retirement benefits.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott and Elizabeth Warren Lead Legislation to Establish Independent IG Oversight at the Federal Reserve

Senator Rick Scott and Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced bipartisan legislation to require a presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed inspector general to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. Following this month’s shocking failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank, and the Federal Reserve’s gross mismanagement and lack of oversight to prevent the situation, this bill will bring the serious changes and accountability at the Federal Reserve that is clearly overdue and necessary to protect American families and workers.

Senator Scott previewed this legislation in an op-ed for Fox News and a letter Monday to Jerome Powell, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, calling out the Fed’s gross mismanagement and lack of oversight of these banks and demanding significant reforms.

Senator Rick Scott said, “After the Federal Reserve’s failure to properly identify and prevent the shocking failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, it’s clear we can’t wait any longer for big change at the Fed. It’s outrageous that the Federal Reserve, the world’s largest and most powerful central bank, does not have a truly independent inspector general to investigate it – an independent authority to fight for the transparency and accountability our citizens need. Our legislation fixes that by establishing a presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed inspector general at the Fed, like every other major government agency. Consumers and American families must not bear the brunt of the failures of gross mismanagement and greed at their banks or the incompetence and misdeeds of the government regulators who are there to protect them. I want to thank Senator Warren for joining me on this good bill. This is commonsense and should have the bipartisan support of our colleagues so that it can quickly pass and become law.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott, Colleagues Reintroduce Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act

Senators Rick Scott, Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton reintroduced the Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act to prohibit federal funds from being used to buy solar panels manufactured or assembled in Communist China, specifically targeting those known for the use of slave labor.

Last month, Senator Scott and Representative Bill Posey led legislation to block the Biden administration’s action that protects Chinese solar companies which are actively circumventing U.S. trade laws.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China is not our friend. Xi runs a murderous regime and every dollar spent there helps fund their genocide and efforts to undermine the United States and our economy. My bill, the Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act, takes the needed step of withholding federal funds from being used to buy solar panels manufactured or assembled in Communist China. We must work to fully decouple our supply chains and end our reliance on products from Communist China. That’s the only way to truly build American independence and self-sufficiency, and bring economic growth back to the U.S. As President Biden bends over backward to appease dictators, Congress must take this opportunity to force accountability and take action to do what Biden won’t – starting with passing this bill TODAY.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio Introduce Bicameral Legislation for Greater Oversight and Accountability in Puerto Rico

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio in introducing the Financial Oversight and Management Board Integrity Act. This bill will prohibit any third-party advisement or consulting firm from advising Puerto Rico’s Financial Oversight Management Board (FOMB) for the duration of the period that the firm is also providing consulting services to a client that is competing for, or performing on, a contract that is awarded by the Puerto Rican government and that is under the oversight responsibility of the FOMB to review and approve.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The Financial Oversight and Management Board Integrity Act will help improve transparency and accountability of Puerto Rico’s FOMB. I am proud to join Senator Rubio and our colleagues in the House of Representatives as we fight for a better and more prosperous Puerto Rico and increased oversight of taxpayer dollars.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott, Rep. Bill Posey Introduce Bipartisan Space Launch Legislation to Keep America First in Space

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio and Representatives Bill Posey and Darren Soto to introduce the bipartisan American Space Commerce Act to create jobs, advance technology and cement our nation’s place as the world leader in space.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Every day our nation is competing against known adversaries like Communist China and Russia in the space launch industry, and we must put American interests and national security first. I’m proud to cosponsor the American Space Commerce Act to enhance our nation’s self-reliance in the space industry, prioritize American businesses, and ensure our nation remains a leader in space exploration.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. In case you missed it, this week, Senator Scott and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, joined by Senator Mike Lee and Representatives Chip Roy, Dan Bishop, Bob Good, Byron Donalds, Lauren Boebert, Michael Cloud, Andy Biggs, Ben Cline and Ralph Norman, of the House Freedom Caucus, hosted a joint press conference to discuss debt ceiling and spending reforms. Earlier this month, Senator Scott applauded the House Freedom Caucus’ proposal to make significant, structural spending reforms, claw back wasteful spending and end Washington’s reckless misuse of taxpayer dollars as part of negotiations on the debt ceiling.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott in Fox News: Federal Reserve out of control: Americans shouldn’t have to pay for Wall St.-Washington mistakes

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for Fox News demanding serious changes and accountability at the Federal Reserve following this month’s shocking failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank. In the op-ed, Senator Scott highlights his fight to protect American families and workers so that their interests always come before those of Wall Street and the old Washington establishment.

This week, Senator Scott is introducing legislation to make needed changes at the Federal Reserve and hold bad actors at the banks accountable by allowing clawbacks of bonuses and excess compensation to bank executives prior to failure. Yesterday, he sent a letter to Jerome Powell, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, calling out the Fed’s gross mismanagement and lack of oversight of these banks and demanding significant reforms.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott writes, “When a crisis occurs and it becomes clear that government is not being accountable to the American people, two things have to happen. First, you have to make changes so that the crisis never happens again, and then you have to hold anyone that failed to do the right thing fully accountable…

I was a bit shocked when President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen repeatedly claimed last week that the U.S. banking system is strong. Excuse me for not jumping to believe the economic opinions of the people who told us inflation was ‘only temporary’ in 2021. The people I talk to in Florida feel the same way. You can’t trust anything out of the federal government right now, it’s all massaged to fit their narrative…

That’s why we need independent authorities who can investigate government and fight for the transparency and accountability our citizens deserve…

What’s shocking is that the Federal Reserve doesn’t have this oversight.

Yes, you read that right. The Federal Reserve, the world’s largest and most powerful central bank, does not have a truly independent IG to investigate it. I’m fighting to fix that and will be introducing a bill soon – that I believe will have bipartisan support – to establish a presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed inspector general at the Fed like every other major government agency…

If Fed Chairman Jerome Powell really cares about the American economy and serving the taxpayers, he will do three things during the Fed’s meeting this week: put his support behind this idea, tell us who at the Fed is being fired for its lack of bank oversight, and tell us what changes have been made so this never happens again. Let’s see if he’s brave enough to do it…

Of course, forcing more accountability at the Fed is only one piece of fixing this disaster. Banks need to be held accountable too.

The fact that executives at Silicon Valley Bank handed out bonuses, and paid themselves, when they knew they were going under is disgusting and shouldn’t be allowed. Along with my bill to install an independent IG at the Fed, I’ll be fighting to pass legislation that claws back these bonuses and any other excess compensation. We have to make sure that money is paid back to cover their losses and make innocent customers whole…

Right now, the system is set up to benefit the old Washington-Wall Street insiders while the American people are on the hook. We saw it in 2008 when the banks got a bailout and you paid for it. Now it’s happening again…

I say no. No more ‘free lunches’ for the banks while the American people continue to foot the bill and suffer the consequences of failures they had no fault in…

The American people are tired of caving, tired of broken promises, and tired of paying the bill for Wall Street’s mismanagement and Washington’s failure to stand up and say enough. So am I and that’s why I won’t give up this fight.”

Read the full op-ed in Fox News HERE.



Fox News: Sens. Rick Scott, Elizabeth Warren propose to replace the Fed’s internal watchdog

Politico: Warren, Rick Scott push for independent Fed watchdog

Axios: Scott’s Solar Crusade

MarketWatch: Rick Scott and Elizabeth Warren team up to call for independent inspector for Fed, citing ‘gross mismanagement’

Zero Hedge: Rick Scott, Liz Warren Unveil Bipartisan Fed Oversight Bill

Reuters: US Sen Scott pushes for new Fed inspector general, slams Fed over bank regulation’

Reuters: Republican U.S. Senator Rick Scott, Democrat Warren unveil Fed oversight bill

The Hill: Sens. Rick Scott, Elizabeth Warren join forces for Federal Reserve oversight bill

Breitbart: Republican Rick Scott, Democrat Elizabeth Warren Unveil Federal Reserve Oversight Bill

Newsmax: Fed Needs Independent Inspector General

Investopedia: Senators Call for Independent Oversight of Fed

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Elizabeth Warren Want Independent Inspector General Overseeing the Federal Reserve

Florida Daily: Florida Delegation Champions Effort to Have More Space Flights Launched on U.S. Soil

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Scott Franklin Want Congress to Honor Turkey Unique to Florida 

The Floridian: Rick Scott Tackles Out-of-Control Federal Budget

The Floridian: Scott, Warren Join Forces, Introduce Bill to Monitor The Fed’s Decision Making


Senator Scott’s Team in Pensacola

This week, Senator Scott’s team attended the West Florida Defense Alliance (WFDA) meeting in Pensacola. WFDA is the liaison between Florida’s military installations and the community.


Senator Scott’s Team in Fort Myers

Senator Scott’s team also attended the Behavioral Health and Opioid Awareness Coffee & Connections event in Lee County.


Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando

Additionally, Senator Scott’s team hosted a Veterans’ Town Hall at the Orlando VA Medical Center, where they met with constituents and received an update on VA programs.


Senator Scott’s team also attended the official launch of the 2023 Florida Puerto Rican Parade in Orlando.


Senator Scott’s Team in Winter Park

Another event Senator Scott’s team attended was the First Annual Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day Celebration in Winter Park.




















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415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189 TAMPA
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879 PENSACOLA
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151 MIAMI
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890 JACKSONVILLE
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227 ORLANDO
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
502 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

Senator Rick Scott March 10 Week In Review

If President Biden cared about keeping the American Dream alive for our kids and grandkids, he would stand up and reject the failed, woke agenda that has clearly taken over his party. Unfortunately, the budget he proposed yesterday shows he has no interest in doing that.

Thankfully, today’s proposal from the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) marks a commitment to a return to fiscal sanity and accountability in Congress. It’s a responsible approach and stands in stark contrast to President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar fairytale budget proposal that focuses only on more reckless spending, more debt and higher taxes.

I’m proud to see the HFC proposal incorporate strong ideas that make necessary changes to our broken ways of spending, including elements from my Let’s Get to Work Act to get the American people back in the workforce, protects defense spending to keep our military forces strong, and cuts millions of dollars in wasteful spending passed by a Democrat-run Washington like Biden’s 87,000 IRS agent army to go after struggling families and small businesses.

It also sets us on a pathway to GROW our economy by reducing burdensome regulations so that we can fully fund vital programs like Medicare and Social Security without Biden’s deceptive budget gimmicks and trillions in tax hikes on the American people.

For decades, Washington politicians in both parties have failed our country by allowing America to spend ourselves into a $31 trillion debt crisis. To continue that failed behavior is nothing but cowardice. I’ll be fighting to make sure that Republicans in the Senate do not cave to Democrats now. Florida families cannot afford inaction any longer.

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Budget Will Bankrupt Florida Families

Following the release of President Biden’s massively reckless $6.8 TRILLION budget proposal, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “If President Biden gave a damn about keeping the American Dream alive, he would stand up and reject the failed, woke agenda that has clearly taken over his party. The budget he proposed today shows he has no interest in doing that. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Biden likes to say, ‘show me your budget and I’ll show you what you value.’ The budget he proposed today shows the American people he doesn’t value them. If he did, he would get serious about rolling back burdensome regulations and focus on growing the economy so American business can create more, good paying jobs. Instead, he is sticking with his 87,000 IRS agent army to go after struggling families and small businesses. If he actually cared about families in the Sunshine State, and saving Social Security and Medicare, he would put forward a plan to balance the budget, start reducing our $31 TRILLION debt and end the reckless spending that is fueling skyrocketing inflation, driving up interest rates and pushing entitlement programs toward insolvency. Biden’s latest budget proposal does nothing but confirm what we already know: he is hopelessly powerless against the woke, socialist left. Yet another reason that Republicans in Washington need to STAND UP, stop caving to Democrats and demand a return to fiscal sanity.” 

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Legislation to Hold Big Tech Accountable, Keep Teens Safe

Senator Rick Scott reintroduced his Safe Social Media Act and Data Algorithm and Transparency Agreement (DATA) Act to hold Big Tech companies accountable for the malicious content spread on their platforms and help keep teens safe while using social media. Last Congress, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky requesting information on CDC studies and actions to address the extended use of social media by American children and young adults, and its potential impact on their health and wellbeing.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Across America, kids are spending more time on the internet and on social media now than ever before. The terrible COVID lockdowns only exacerbated this problem. Now, social media companies are taking advantage of this to gather and sell Americans’ personal data, and manipulate impressionable young Americans with disastrous, and sometimes deadly, consequences. We must take action now to better understand the impacts of extended social media use on children and teens. My Safe Social Media Act and DATA Act will make sure the federal government studies the risks of extended social media use, and hold Big Tech accountable by requiring greater transparency regarding its collection of millions of young Americans’ data. I urge my colleagues to support both of these commonsense bills that will take the necessary steps to keep teens safe while using social media.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Roger Marshall Reintroduce Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act

Senators Rick Scott and Roger Marshall reintroduced the Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act, which would provide federal law enforcement with additional power to fight back against the drug cartels by formally designating them as Foreign Terrorist Organizations. The bill follows yesterday’s tragic news that two of the four American citizens kidnapped in Tamaulipas, Mexico were killed by their captors. Read more in Fox News HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For too long, Biden’s botched border policies have prioritized criminals and cartels over legal immigration and Americans’ safety. Dictators, cartels and bad guys around the world know that Biden is a weak appeaser with open border policies. They’re taking full advantage by trafficking evil drugs like fentanyl across the southern border, poisoning our communities and killing our loved ones. Those who knowingly distribute these highly lethal drugs are declaring war on Americans and deserve to be held accountable and classified as the terrorists they are.”

Read more HERE. 

Sens. Rick Scott and Jim Risch Demand U.S. Education Department Answer for Decades of Taxpayer Funded Antisemitism on College Campuses

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) in leading Senators Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Ted Budd (R-N.C.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.) Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in writing a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona demanding answers for the federal funding of antisemitic activities on college campuses.

In the letter, the senators outline their concerns that the Department of Education is “failing to enforce a Higher Education Act, Title VI requirement,” which necessitates college programs that receive federal funds must “reflect diverse perspectives and a wide range of views.”

“We write with grave concern that the Department of Education, over the course of decades, has been allowing taxpayer-funded antisemitism to take place on college campuses throughout the United States,” wrote the senators. “The obsessive negative focus on Israel and the Jewish people is rampant on college campuses throughout the United States… Some universities may have even violated anti-terrorism laws by hosting convicted terrorists as speakers.”

 “Taxpayer dollars should not fund antisemitism on college campuses, and Jewish and pro-Israel students should not feel afraid for being Jewish and expressing support for Israel,” continued the senators.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marsha Blackburn Introduce Legislation To Bolster Taiwan Defense Amid Tensions With CCP

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Marsha Blackburn and Marco Rubio to introduce the Taiwan Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act. This legislation will support the United States’ partnership with Taiwan by authorizing a defense lend or lease program with the Government of Taiwan, in the case of preemptive aggression by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Senator Rick Scott said, “Taiwan must have the capacity to defend itself against an invasion from Communist China. The brave Taiwanese people are a shining example of democracy in the Indo-Pacific—a stark contrast to Xi Jinping’s tyrannical regime that commits gross human rights abuses. I’m proud to join my colleagues on this good bill to strengthen Taiwanese forces and continue to show that we refuse to bow to Xi’s aggression.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Speaks at Concordia Americas Summit on the Threats Posed by Communist China to Future Economic Freedom in Latin America

Senator Rick Scott spoke at the 2023 Concordia Summit of the Americas at the University of Miami regarding the threats to freedom and democracy in Latin America due to the growing influence of oppressive regimes, like Communist China, Russia and Iran, in the Western Hemisphere. Senator Scott has been a staunch advocate for freedom-loving people across Latin America, and continues fighting to bring awareness to the serious issues that are threatening economic stability and prosperity in the region.

Read Senator Scott’s full remarks as prepared delivered HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott and Rep. Troy Nehls Lead Colleagues in Letter to NBA Commissioner Concerning Chinese Influence on NBA

Senator Rick Scott and Congressman Troy Nehls led members of the House of Representatives and Senate in sending a letter to National Basketball Association (NBA) Commissioner, Adam Silver, sharing concerns about Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda being broadcasted and promoted at NBA games. The letter, signed by Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), and Congressmen Kevin Hern (R-OK-01), Byron Donalds (R-FL-19), Greg Steube (R-FL-17), Burgess Owens (R-UT-04), Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05), Ryan Zinke (R-MT-01), and Lauren Boebert (R-CO-03) highlights a recorded video message from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qin Gang that was broadcasted to thousands of fans in attendance at Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. Following the release of President Biden’s massively reckless $6.8 TRILLION budget proposal Senator Scott released the following statement. Furthermore, earlier today, Senator Rick Scott applauded the House Freedom Caucus’ (HFC) proposal to make significant structural spending reform, claw back wasteful spending and end Washington’s reckless misuse of taxpayer dollars as part of negotiations on the debt ceiling.

Senator Rick Scott said, “If President Biden gave a damn about keeping the American Dream alive, he would stand up and reject the failed, woke agenda that has clearly taken over his party. The budget he proposed today shows he has no interest in doing that. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Biden likes to say, ‘show me your budget and I’ll show you what you value.’ The budget he proposed today shows the American people he doesn’t value them. If he did, he would get serious about rolling back burdensome regulations and focus on growing the economy so American business can create more, good paying jobs. Instead, he is sticking with his 87,000 IRS agent army to go after struggling families and small businesses. If he actually cared about families in the Sunshine State, and saving Social Security and Medicare, he would put forward a plan to balance the budget, start reducing our $31 TRILLION debt and end the reckless spending that is fueling skyrocketing inflation, driving up interest rates and pushing entitlement programs toward insolvency. Biden’s latest budget proposal does nothing but confirm what we already know: he is hopelessly powerless against the woke, socialist left. Yet another reason that Republicans in Washington need to STAND UP, stop caving to Democrats and demand a return to fiscal sanity.” 

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

News Alert from US Senator Rick Scott


Sen. Rick Scott is Fighting to Hold Communist China Accountable and Keep American Families Safe

Sen. Rick Scott: VP Harris’ Incompetence & Weakness on Communist China is Dangerous

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after Vice President Kamala Harris told POLITICO that Communist China’s threats and recent incursion into American airspace with a spy balloon will have no impact on diplomatic relations between the United States and the communist Chinese regime.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Vice President Harris has shown nothing but total incompetence when it comes to dealing with the threats facing America. As President Biden’s ‘border czar’ her utter failures to secure our southern border have allowed historic illegal immigration and tons of deadly fentanyl to pour into our communities and kill thousands of our fellow Americans. Now after watching Communist China fly a spy balloon over the entire United States, she thinks that we should just carry on like nothing happened? Her failure to understand and act on the threats facing our nation isn’t just embarrassing, it’s dangerous. Communist China is our enemy and wants to destroy our way of life. If Kamala Harris doesn’t understand that, she should resign. The American people cannot afford weakness from unserious politicians in the White House.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Announces Legislative Package to Protect Americans, Hold Communist China Accountable

Senator Rick Scott announced a package of five national security focused bills to hold Communist China accountable and better protect American families. This legislative package contains bills which prohibit the U.S. Government from buying drones made by America’s adversaries, protect Taiwan from Communist China’s growing aggression, sever all financial transactions between the U.S. and Communist China once it engages in armed aggression against Taiwan, reestablish the China Initiative at Department of Justice, and require a list to be published listing all countries who have a bilateral security arrangement with Communist China to protect Americans abroad and prevent CCP police stations in the US. Since being elected to the Senate in 2018, Senator Scott has been urging both federal agencies and private businesses to decouple operations and investments from Xi’s communist regime and hold it accountable for the genocide and human rights atrocities it continues to commit against Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China’s disturbing actions in recent days have been yet another reminder that Xi’s regime will stop at nothing to exploit Americans and take advantage of the United States. But a Chinese spy balloon is only one of many threats from the Chinese Communist Party as it works toward world domination. We cannot take these threats lightly. I have been fighting for years to take an all of the above approach to cut ties with and isolate the evil Communist Chinese regime, protect America’s national security and the interests of our allies and keep Americans safe from China’s spying, data theft and covert operations. Today I am proud to introduce multiple pieces of legislation which advance these priorities, put American interests first and keep Communist China in check. I’m proud to have such strong, bipartisan support from my colleagues and look forward to fighting this Congress to pass these good bills, hold Communist China accountable and keep American families safe.”

Senator Scott’s package to hold Communist China accountable includes the following bills:

The American Security Drone Act, cosponsored by Senators Marco Rubio, Mark Warner, Chris Murphy, Richard Blumenthal and Marsha Blackburn

This bill works to protect U.S. national security by prohibiting the federal government and military from buying drones manufactured in countries that are adversaries, like Communist China.

The Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act

This bill works to protect Taiwan from Communist China’s growing aggression. The bill would further reinforce the U.S.-Taiwan relationship and strengthens Taiwan’s ability to resist Communist China’s aggressive policies and military actions. The bill also helps Taiwan counter Communist China’s military buildup across the Taiwan straits and establishes a limited authorization for the President to use military force to secure and protect Taiwan against an armed attack.

The Deterring Communist Chinese Aggression Against Taiwan through Financial Sanctions Act, cosponsored by Senator Kevin Cramer

This bill would impose devastating financial sanctions on the Chinese government if Communist China invades or blockades Taiwan, or attempts to change the status of Taiwan’s governance through use of force.

The Protect America’s Innovation And Economic Security from CCP Act, cosponsored by Senators Bill Hagerty and Marco Rubio

This bill would codify the China Initiative and reinstate its effort to prevent spying by the Chinese Communist Party on U.S. intellectual property and U.S. academic institutions. The China Initiative would focus on identifying and prosecuting those engaged in trade secret theft, hacking, and economic espionage, as well as protecting our critical infrastructure against external threats through foreign direct investment and supply chain compromises.

The No CCP (Chinese Communist Police) in the United States Act of 2023, cosponsored by Senators Thom Tillis and Mike Braun

This bill would require the State Department, in collaboration with the FBI, to publish all countries who have a “joint police initiative” with the Chinese Communist Party to ensure all American travelers are aware of existing agreements when traveling to another country for business or leisure.

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Mark Warner Introduce Legislation to Ban Purchase of Drones Manufactured in Countries Identified as National Security Threats

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Mark Warner to introduce their American Security Drone Act which would prohibit the purchase of drones from countries identified as national security threats, such as China.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’ve been clear for years: the United States should never spend taxpayer dollars on anything made in Communist China, especially drones which pose a significant threat to our national security. Xi and the Communist Party of China are on a quest for global domination and whether it’s with spy balloons, TikTok or drones, they will stop at nothing to infiltrate our society and steal our data. I’m proud to join my colleagues to reintroduce the bipartisan American Security Drone Act to STOP the U.S. from buying drones manufactured in nations identified as national security threats. This important bill is critical to our national security and should be passed by the Senate, House and signed into law IMMEDIATELY.”

Read more from Senator Mark Warner’s office HERE.

Senators Rick Scott, Ted Cruz Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Prohibit Sale of Oil from SPR to China

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to introduce a bipartisan bill to prohibit the sale of American crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to any company under the control of the Chinese Communist Party, and prohibit the export of any crude oil from the SPR to China.

Senators John Boozman (R-Ark.), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Angus King (I-Maine), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), and Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) cosponsored the legislation. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed similar legislation by an overwhelming, bipartisan vote of 331-97, with 113 House Democrats voting in support of the bill.

Senator Rick Scott said, “In only two years as president, Joe Biden has managed to cozy up to Communist China AND wage a war on American energy. Families are facing historically high prices when it comes to gas and groceries and it is forcing them to make tough choices. The LAST THING Joe Biden should be doing with America’s strategic petroleum reserve is giving it away to our adversaries. We must focus on unleashing American energy for America—NOT Communist China.”

Read the legislation HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Tom Cotton & Colleagues Introduce Bill to End China’s Permanent Normal Trade Status

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Tom Cotton and their colleagues in introducing the China Trade Relations Act to strip China of its Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status.

This legislation would require China to obtain Most Favored Nation (MFN) status through annual presidential approval, per the requirements of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment. The bill would also expand the Jackson-Vanik Amendment to include human rights and trade abuses as disqualifying factors for MFN status.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The CCP cares about one thing: undermining America. There is no reason why the United States should be helping a communist government’s trade operation through preferential treatment and ‘most-favored-nation’ status. That is absolutely absurd when they are working against us. It is time to put American interests first, not the CCP, and reverse this antiquated law.”

Read more HERE.

Washington Examiner: Sen. Rick Scott and Rep. Bill Posey demand links between Chinese spy balloon and illegal trade practices be investigated

Senator Rick Scott and Representative Bill Posey are demanding Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo investigate whether Chinese solar companies under investigation for illegally circumventing U.S. trade law helped power a Chinese surveillance balloon before it was shot down.

In the letter to the secretaries, Senator Scott and Representative Posey note they are moving forward with bipartisan legislation that utilizes the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to reverse the damage done by the Solar Emergency Declaration. It is believed this declaration may have possibly undermined economic and national security by protecting Chinese solar manufacturers that are not only illegally violating U.S. trade law, but also advancing the surveillance activities of the Chinese military and intelligence agencies. Below is an excerpt from the Washington Examiner article:

“In the letter, Scott and Posey argued that an emergency rule intended to quell a nervous solar industry could be shielding companies linked to Beijing’s spy balloon fleet. The lawmakers also asked whether the Biden administration would take action against Chinese panel manufacturers violating U.S. trade laws intended to level the playing field for American workers.

‘Not only is the Biden administration protecting Chinese solar companies and allowing them to continue illegal trade activity without consequence, but the administration is also quite possibly protecting the very same companies providing solar panels that are powering Chinese spy balloons,’ Scott and Posey write.

Scott and Posey said the event raises major questions about whether the administration’s solar policy is undermining national security ‘by protecting Chinese solar manufacturers that are not only illegally violating U.S. trade law, but also advancing the surveillance activities of the Chinese military and intelligence agencies.’

In the letter, Scott and Posey ask if the administration has determined whether the panels that helped operate the balloon were manufactured by a company with known trade violations and whether the Pentagon has panels in use by the same company.

The episode has stirred questions about Beijing’s surveillance programs and Washington’s willingness to respond to even the most visible incursions. Now, Scott and Posey are urging the Biden administration to connect the dots between China’s trade violations made possibly by the government’s use of industrial subsidies and its aerial spy program.”

Read the full article in The Washington Examiner HERE and the full letter HERE.