Learn More About the FEMA Resources Available to You


Sen. Rick Scott & His Team Share Information on FEMA Resources Following Hurricane Idalia

Dear Fellow Floridian,

As Florida begins our recovery from Hurricane Idalia, my team and I are committed to making sure Floridians have access to the tools and federal resources necessary to rebuild.

Our nine offices around the state are here to help Floridians every step of the way as we work to recover from Idalia. If you or someone you know needs help with a federal issue or agency, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

My team has been hosting Mobile Office Hours throughout the community, and will continue to do so, to help Floridians with federal resources. To learn more about the assistance resources FEMA is offering to communities, how to apply and how to appeal a decision please see below.

To see more about the resources available to you and your family click HERE.



Rick Scott



Federal agencies are working hard to address the needs of residents affected by the hurricane. More information is available on the Idalia webpage at USA.gov.

In addition to federal efforts, affected states have been sharing local information and resources to help residents stay safe and find immediate assistance.

Major Disaster Declaration

Individual Assistance (IA): Assistance to individuals and households

IA-Designated Counties: Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Jefferson, Lafayette, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Suwannee and Taylor Counties.

Public Assistance (PA): Assistance for emergency work and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities

PA-Designated Counties: Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Jefferson, Lafayette, Levy, Madison, Pasco, Pinellas, Suwannee and Taylor Counties for debris removal and emergency protective measures (Categories A and B), including direct federal assistance. For a period of 30 days of the state’s choosing within the first 120 days from the start of the incident period, FEMA is authorized to provide federal funding for debris removal and emergency protective measures (Categories A and B), including direct federal assistance, at 100 percent of the total eligible costs. Alachua, Baker, Bay, Bradford, Brevard, Calhoun, Charlotte, Clay, Collier, DeSoto, Duval, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Hardee, Hillsborough, Lake, Lee, Leon, Liberty, Manatee, Marion, Nassau, Orange, Osceola, Polk, Putnam, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, Sumter, Union, Volusia, and Wakulla Counties for emergency protective measures (Category B), including direct federal assistance, under the Public Assistance program. Citrus, Dixie, Hamilton, Hernando, Lafayette, Levy, Madison, Suwannee, and Taylor Counties for permanent work [Categories C-G](already designated for assistance for debris removal and emergency protective measures [Categories A and B], including direct federal assistance, under the Public Assistance program). Franklin, Gadsden, Leon, and Wakulla Counties for debris removal [Category A] and permanent work [Categories C-G](already designated for emergency protective measures [Category B], including direct federal assistance, under the Public Assistance program).

Hazard Mitigation (HM): Assistance for actions taken to prevent or reduce long term risk to life and property from natural hazards

HM-Designated Areas: All areas in the State of Florida are eligible to apply for assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

OTHER:  Additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the State and warranted by the results of further assessments.

Individuals in Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Jefferson, Lafayette, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Suwannee and Taylor Counties can apply with FEMA the following ways:

  • Apply online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov.
  • Constituents may call the application phone number at 1-800-621-3362 (TTY: 800-462-7585).

The deadline to apply with FEMA is Oct. 30, 2023.

For an accessible video on how to apply for assistance go to Three Ways to Register for FEMA Disaster Assistance – YouTube.

For the latest information on Florida’s recovery from Hurricane Idalia, visit floridadisaster.org/updates/and fema.gov/disaster/4734.

Flood Insurance Claims

Florida homeowners with insurance policies covered by the National Flood Insurance Program
are urged to file claims as soon as possible. Advance payments may be available for some policyholders.

Policy holders should call their insurance agent or provider and initiate the claim even if they do not have all necessary documentation because they had to leave the property after the storm.

Homeowners with damage from both wind and flood will need to file two separate claims: a homeowner’s insurance claim and a flood insurance claim. They should let adjusters for each policy know of the claim filed with the other policy.

If filing a flood claim, ask about advance payments. You may be eligible for an advance payment of up to $5,000 prior to a visit from an adjuster. Your insurer will need to confirm covered flood damage to your property and may request additional documentation to support the amount of the advance.

Policy holders may also be eligible for an advance payment of up to $20,000 if they have photos and/or videos depicting damage and receipts validating out-of-pocket expenses related to the flood loss, or a contractor’s itemized estimate.

If the flood insurance policy recently expired, ask your agent if you are still within a renewal grace period. You may be able to pay in full to renew and be covered for a loss during that time.

The Standard Flood Insurance Policy does not cover expenses for code compliance unless the loss qualifies for Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage. Speak to your adjuster or insurer for more information.

The NFIP has additional information on floodsmart.gov/how-do-i-start-my-flood-claim for documenting your damage, re-entering safely, and rebuilding stronger, and where to go if you need additional assistance.

Read more HERE.

Understanding Your FEMA Letter

Survivors who applied for assistance from FEMA after Hurricane Idalia will receive an eligibility letter
from FEMA in the mail or via email.

The letter will explain your application status and how to respond. It is important to read the letter carefully because it will include the amount of any assistance FEMA may provide and information on the appropriate use of disaster assistance funds.

Applicants who were initially found ineligible or disagree with the amount of assistance approved can appeal FEMA’s determination. Applicants may only need to submit additional information or supporting documentation for FEMA to continue processing the application. Examples of missing documentation may include:

  • Proof of insurance coverage
  • Settlement of insurance claims or denial letter from insurance provider
  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of occupancy
  • Proof of ownership
  • Proof that the damaged property was the applicant’s primary residence at the time of the disaster.

If you have questions about the letter, call the disaster assistance helpline at 800-621-3362 to find out what information FEMA needs.

FEMA assistance is not the same as insurance. FEMA assistance only provides funds for temporary lodging, basic home repairs or other disaster-related expenses.

How to Appeal

Applicants who disagree with FEMA’s decision, or the amount of assistance, may submit an appeal letter and documents supporting their claim, such as a contractor’s estimate for home repairs, or missing documents as described in the determination letter.

FEMA cannot duplicate assistance provided by another source, such as insurance settlements.

However, those who are underinsured may receive further assistance for unmet needs after insurance claims have been settled. The appeal must be in writing. In a signed and dated letter, explain the reason(s) for the appeal.

The appeal must be submitted within 60 days of the date on the eligibility letter. Please include the following:

  • Applicant’s full name, pre-disaster primary address, current address and current phone number
  • Applicant’s 9-digit FEMA application number, found at the top of the determination letter (on every page)
  • FEMA disaster declaration number DR 4734 (on every page)
  • Applicant’s signature and the date
  • Additional documentation to support your appeal (verifiable contractor’s estimate, insurance paperwork, any additional documents FEMA requested in the eligibility letter)

If you choose to have a third party submit an appeal letter on your behalf, the letter must be signed by the third party. Additionally, please include a statement signed by you authorizing the third party to appeal on your behalf.

Appeal letters must be postmarked within 60 days of the date of the eligibility letter. Letters and supporting documents may be submitted to FEMA by fax, mail or via a FEMA online account. To set up an online account, visit DisasterAssistance.gov, click on “Apply Online” and follow the directions.

  • By mail: FEMA National Processing Service Center, P.O. Box 10055, Hyattsville MD 20782-7055
  • By fax: 800-827-8112 Attention: FEMA
  • You may also visit your nearest Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) and submit your appeal.
    • For information on open DRCs, and DRC hours you can visit our DRC Locator page at: DRC Locator (fema.gov) Search by state and select Florida.

For an accessible video on the FEMA eligibility letter go to, FEMA Accessible: Understanding Your Letter – YouTube. If you have any questions about the appeals process or need assistance you can call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362.

Read more HERE.

Disaster Recovery Centers

Disaster Recovery Centers provide disaster survivors with information from FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration. Disaster survivors can get help applying for federal assistance, learn about the types of assistance available, learn about the appeals process and get updates on applications. Find the location closest to you HERE.

  • Citrus County: West Citrus Community Center
    • 8940 W Veterans Drive, Homosassa, Florida 34448
  • Columbia County: DRC-11
    • 180 E Duval Street, Lake City, Florida 32055
  • Dixie County: Dixie County Public Library
    • 16328 SE US-19, Cross City, Florida 32628
  • Dixie County: Suwannee Baptist Church
    • 23103 SE Highway 349, Suwannee, Florida 32692
  • Gilchrist County: Gilchrist County Library
    • 105 NE 11th Avenue, Trenton, Florida 32693
  • Hamilton County: Chamber of Commerce
    • 1153 US Highway 41 NW, Jasper, Florida 32052
  • Jefferson County: Jefferson County Library
    • 375 S Water Street, Monticello, Florida 32344
  • Lafayette County: Mayo Community Center
    • 150 NW Community Circle, Mayo, Florida 32066
  • Levy County: Cedar Key Fire Station
    • 489 1st Street, Cedar Key, Florida 32625
  • Levy County: Inglis Community Center
    • 137 Highway 40, Inglis, Florida 34449
  • Madison County: Career Source North Florida
    • 705 E Base Street, Madison, Florida 32340
  • Suwannee County: Exhibition 2 Building (Colosseum)
    • 1302 SW 11 Street, Live Oak, Florida 32064
  • Taylor County: Loughridge Park
    • W 15th Street, Perry, Florida 32347
  • Taylor County: Steinhatchee Community Center
    • 1013 Riverside S. Drive, Steinhatchee, Fllorida 32359

No appointment is necessary to visit a Disaster Recovery Center. Residents can visit any center. More centers will open soon.

Need Assistance?

  • Call the Florida state assistance information line for additional resources and updated information: 1-800-342-3557
    • In case of an emergency, please hang up and dial 911
  • Floridians in need of assistance with federal resources following the impacts of Hurricane Idalia can contact Senator Scott’s office at: www.rickscott.senate.gov/contact/casework
  • If you are suspicious of fraud, please report it immediately at: FraudFreeFlorida.com
    • Attorney General’s Price Gouging Hotline: 1-800-966-7226
    • Agriculture & Consumer Services Price Gouging Hotline: 1-800-435-7352
    • Insurance Fraud Hotline: 1-800-378-0445
  • Florida has now activated the Businesses Damage Assessment Survey in response to Hurricane Idalia: floridadisaster.biz/BusinessDamageAssessments
    • Survey results will allow the state to expedite Hurricane Idalia recovery efforts by gathering data and assessing the needs of affected businesses.

After a Storm

  • If you were advised to evacuate, do not return home until it is safe to do so.
  • Be mindful of debris and down power lines.
  • Do not drive or walk around outside if you do not have to.
  • Use extreme caution when operating heavy machinery, generators, or while removing debris. Never use generators indoors and keep them away from windows, doors and vents.
  • Stay off roads so that emergency workers are able to get through.
  • Do not drive or walk through flood waters. Be aware of downed power lines, standing water and other hidden hazards.

Hurricane Preparedness Resources Websites

  • FEMA: Visit FEMA for up-to-date information, support, services, and to apply for disaster assistance following a storm.
  • SBA: Visit SBA to learn about low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners recover from a major disaster.
  • FloridaDisaster.org: Visit FloridaDisaster.org for resources and information on creating a personalized emergency plan for your family.
  • HUD: Visit HUD to learn about housing assistance available to homeowners and renters.
  • National Hurricane Center: Visit NHC for the latest updates on tropical weather threats.

Helpful Accounts on Twitter

Senator Scott encourages all Floridians to visit his website at https://www.rickscott.senate.gov/hurricane-season-resources for federal resources. See the latest from the Florida Division of Emergency Management at floridadisaster.org or @FLSERT on Twitter.



Sen. Rick Scott Honors the Lives Lost 22 Years Ago


Sen. Rick Scott: We Will Never Forget

Dear Fellow Floridian,

It has been 22 years since the devastating terrorist attack that shook the United States. I was in New York City on September 11, 2001, and saw the terror and devastation inflicted on our nation. The tragedy continues each and every day for the survivors, first responders and families of the victims. As we remember the lives we lost too soon during that horrific act of terror, I wish to extend my condolences and prayers for those mourning the loss of their loved ones this Patriot Day.

The United States will always stand for freedom, democracy and opportunity. That will never be taken from us, and we will never forget.





Rick Scott

United States Senator

Watch a message from Sen. Rick Scott HERE or below.



Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian,

As students, parents and teachers begin returning to school all across the Sunshine State, I continued my ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour,’ sharing my plan to protect Florida kids and families at home, in school and online.

Like any parent or grandparent, it’s my top priority to keep my children and grandchildren safe. I do it at home and fight every day in Washington to make.it easier for you to do the same for your kids and grandkids.

Parents know better than anyone how to take care of their kids, but their job is getting harder thanks to deadly fentanyl flowing across our southern border and AI creeping into kids’ lives through social media.

That’s why I’m working on a number of bills that combat the fentanyl crisis, give parents more control when it comes to AI and social media, and make our schools safer, so that we can protect kids and build a world for them in which they are safe to grow up and go to school in. We’ve made progress, like getting the Luke and Alex School Safety Act and the K-12 Cybersecurity Act signed into law, but I won’t stop fighting until we get this all done.

Read more about my ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ HERE.




Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.



Sen. Rick Scott Continues Fighting for Accountability Two Years After Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal


As families across the United States and Afghanistan remember the two-year anniversary of Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement once again demanding accountability and answers. Following this failed operation in 2021, Senator Scott introduced legislation to establish a bipartisan Joint Select Committee on Afghanistan, composed of members of the House and Senate, to conduct a full investigation into President Biden’s failed and tragic withdrawal of U.S. forces that stranded hundreds of Americans behind enemy lines, left billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment in the hands of terrorists and took the lives of 13 brave U.S. service members. This joint select committee would follow the precedent set in the aftermath of the Iran-Contra affair.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Two years after President Biden’s botched withdrawal that resulted in tragically losing 13 brave U.S. service members and abandoned Americans and billions of dollars of military equipment behind enemy lines, we still don’t have any accountability. Now, our enemies feel more emboldened after Biden’s failures took center stage for the whole world to see. The American people will never forget President Biden’s misguided and dangerous decisions that led to a deadly and chaotic withdrawal and I will not stop fighting to establish a bipartisan and bicameral Joint Select Committee on Afghanistan so that accountability can become a reality. I urge all of my colleagues to put partisan politics aside and demand answers.”

Read more HERE.


Sen. Rick Scott Visits Pensacola on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families

Senator Rick Scott visited Pensacola for a roundtable as part of his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to highlight his legislative priorities and actions to protect Florida kids and families. Throughout this week and last, Senator Scott has visited cities across Florida to hear from families and local leaders about making Washington work to keep families safe and ensure Florida is the best state to work, go to school, visit and raise a family. See more from his Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour stops in Ft. Myers, Ruskin, Fleming Island, DeLand, West Palm Beach, and North Miami Beach HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It was wonderful to visit Naval Air Station Pensacola today and hear from parents, law enforcement and the military leaders about their work to keep families safe. Whether it’s fighting the fentanyl crisis, or reopening the NAS Pensacola Aviation Museum so our kids and families have safe, educational places to spend time, my work in Washington is focused squarely on keeping our kids and families safe. Families in the Panhandle know well that national security directly impacts our state, and that is what we talked about in Pensacola. It’s not just threats from Communist China and our adversaries that we need to worry about, the raging fentanyl crisis, AI creeping into our kids’ lives, and a wide-open border are all threats to the security of our country and communities that have to be fixed. That is why I have introduced extensive legislation such as my CHECKPOINT Act and Caribbean Border Counternarcotics Strategy Act to combat the fentanyl crisis, my ASK Act to give parents control over how their kids interact with AI on social media, and my School Guardian Act to bolster school safety measures at every school in the country. As a father, grandfather and U.S. Senator, I am fighting every day to build a world that kids are safe to grow up and go to school in. We can all agree we must do everything we can to keep our kids safe at school, home and online. We’ve made progress, but I won’t stop fighting until we get this all done.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Visits Citrus County on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families

Senator Rick Scott visited Lecanto for a roundtable as part of his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to highlight his legislative priorities and actions to protect Florida kids and families. Throughout this week and last, Senator Scott has visited cities across Florida to hear from families and local leaders about making Washington work to keep families safe and ensure Florida is the best state to work, go to school, visit and raise a family. See more from his Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour stops in Pensacola, Ruskin, Fleming Island, DeLand, West Palm Beach, and North Miami Beach HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Parents know what is best for their children and keeping them safe is my top priority. I am thankful for the opportunity to travel to Citrus County and hear from parents and law enforcement about keeping kids safe, as well as tour their Emergency Operations Center to see how they get prepared so Florida families are taken care of—especially during Hurricane season.
“Unfortunately, across Florida and the U.S. the fentanyl crisis continues to rage, AI has started to creep into our kids’ lives, the border is wide open and I hear from parents that they’re constantly worried about their children—it is time to act. That is why I have introduced extensive legislation such as my UPDATED USPS Act and Opioid RADAR Act to combat the fentanyl crisis, and my School Guardian Act and Luke and Alex School Safety Act to bolster school safety measures. We need to build a world that they are safe to grow up and go to school in, and I am fighting to give parents the comfort of waking up, dropping their kids off at school and feeling reassured that they will return home every single day. We can all agree we must do everything we can to keep our kids safe at school, home and online. We’ve made progress, but I won’t stop fighting until we get this all done.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Visits Jacksonville to Reiterate Support for America’s Military & the Ship Yard Repair Industry

Senator Rick Scott visited with leaders from Naval Station Mayport, the Jacksonville Area Ship Repair Association, and BAE Systems Shipyard to meet with Floridians, tour the repair yards and reiterate his support of America’s service members, Naval Station Mayport and the ship repair industry in the Sunshine State.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida’s military and supporting industries, like the ship repair yards we saw today, play a critical role in protecting our national security and are a big part of communities like Jacksonville. I was proud to have this opportunity to personally thank the brave men and women serving our nation, their families for the sacrifices they make to protect our freedoms, and the hardworking shipyard workers. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I’m fighting hard in Washington to make sure our brave service members and the communities supporting their mission, like the shipyard workers we met today, have everything they need to succeed. We delivered on that again in this year’s NDAA, but I’m not done fighting to make sure Florida’s military presence remains strong. I’m proud to represent the hardworking Florida families, and make Washington work for them as they work hard every day to protect the American Dream.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to Sec. Blinken: U.S. Cannot Renew Technology and Science Agreement with Communist China

Senator Rick Scott wrote a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging the State Department to reject the renewal of the U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreement (STA). This agreement, originally signed in 1979, encourages cooperation with the Communist Chinese government in scientific and technological fields. In the more than 40 years since this agreement was established, Communist China has chosen to become America’s enemy, displaying increased military aggression while publishing misleading economic data, lying about the COVID pandemic, and stealing American intellectual property and data. Senator Scott is urging Secretary Blinken to stand firmly in protecting U.S. policies and human rights by rejecting the renewal of the STA and ensuring the U.S. does not enter into any international agreements that hurt our economic growth, compromise American innovation, or undermine American values.

Read the full letter HERE and below. Read more in the Washington Examiner HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott & John Barrasso Lead Letter Calling Out Biden’s Attack on School Hunting, Archery Programs

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator John Barrasso and 17 of their Republican colleagues in a letter to President Biden urging his administration to withdraw its outrageous plans to block funding for elementary and secondary schools with hunting and archery programs.

The letter condemns the Biden administration’s purposeful misinterpretation of last year’s gun control bill to justify blocking funding for schools with these outdoor recreation programs. More than 500,000 students participate and are certified through hunter education courses each year. These important programs help students learn how to handle firearms safely — in turn, decreasing firearm-related injuries and accidents.

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio & Colleagues Urge Response to Florida Coral Bleaching

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio and their colleagues in sending a letter to Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard Spinrad urging him to invoke the provisions of their Restoring Resilient Reefs Act in response to recent coral bleaching in the Florida Reef. Corals in the Florida Reef Tract have recently been under stress due to a recent marine heatwave and the government has the authority to respond under provisions of the Coral Reef Conservation Act (CRCA).

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

As families prepare for their students to go back to school, Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation by sharing a tweet highlighting how families are struggling to make ends meet as back-to-school costs continue to rise over last year. As the school year starts, Senator Scott is continuing his fight to make Washington work for Florida families and bring down the rising inflation caused by the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda



Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


Washington Examiner: Rick Scott urges Biden administration to cut research ties with China amid growing tensions

Citrus County Chronicle: Senator Scott’s ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe’ tour makes Citrus County stop

West Orlando News: Senator Rick Scott Visits Multiple Florida Cities on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’

WEAR News: WATCH: Sen. Scott joins WEAR News to talk legislation to protect Florida kids and families

WEAR News: Florida Sen. Rick Scott contests funding block for school hunting, archery programs

WEAR News: Sen. Rick Scott proposing bill to protect Florida children from AI

WEAR News: Sen. Rick Scott discusses safety, local issues during visit to Pensacola

Florida Phoenix: U.S. Sen. Rick Scott slams Biden for blocking funds for school archery, hunting programs

The Philippine Star: ‘US, allies must act vs China’s bullying’

Florida Daily: Rick Scott to FBI Director: Unlawful Spying on American Citizens Demands Accountability

Florida Daily: Two Years After Withdrawal, Rick Scott Calls on Congress to Create a Joint Select Committee on Afghanistan

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Elizabeth Warren, Ted Budd Want Pentagon to Improve Child Care Program

Florida’s Voice: Scott urges border enhancements as convicted child predators arrested by authorities

Florida’s Voice: DeSantis, Rubio, Scott grill Biden on two-year anniversary month of Afghanistan withdrawal

The Floridian: Scott Chastises Biden for Blocking Funds of Hunter Education Courses for Students

The Floridian: Hurricane Watch: Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Pressure FEMA to Prevent Disaster Funding Shortfall



Senator Scott in Pensacola

Senator Scott was excited to visit the Naval Air Station in Pensacola and tour the Naval Aviation Museum. Senator Scott has been working with NAS Pensacola and the U.S. Navy for months to reopen public access.


Senator Scott in Citrus County

While visiting Citrus County as a part of his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour,’ Senator Scott toured the emergency operations center and spoke with law enforcement about storm preparation.


Senator Scott in Jacksonville

Senator Rick Scott visited with leaders from Naval Station Mayport, the Jacksonville Area Ship Repair Association, and BAE Systems Shipyard to meet with Floridians, tour the repair yards and reiterate his support of America’s service members, Naval Station Mayport and the ship repair industry in the Sunshine State.


Senator Scott’s Team in Fort Myers

Senator Scott’s team attended the Southwest Florida Haitian Pastor Conference.


Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando

Senator Scott’s team also attended the Devoted Health Local Individuals Making an Impact awards ceremony.












U.S. Service Academy Applications Are Open Until September 17th


 U.S. Service Academy Applications Are Open Until September 17th!

Dear Floridian,

We are one month away from our U.S. Service Academy Application deadline!

Over the last several years, our office has interviewed hundreds of amazing candidates from around the state, and selected the best and brightest to represent Florida in our nation’s service academies.

All applications and required documents must be submitted and received by our office no later than Sunday, September 17th, 2023. To provide equal opportunity for all applicants, our office will not accept any late submissions, no exceptions. We ask all applicants to plan accordingly to meet the deadlines, and check our website regularly for updates.

We will be accepting applications for students interested in attending U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy West Point, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and U.S. Air Force Academy for the Class of 2028.

As a Navy veteran myself, I understand the sacrifice it takes to serve in our nation’s military, and am grateful for the opportunity to support young Floridians eager to attend our service academies.


Learn more about the nomination process below or on my website HERE.






Rick Scott

United States Senator


Watch a message from Sen. Rick Scott HERE or below.




About Academy Nominations:
All members of Congress are authorized by law to nominate candidates for appointment to four of the five U.S. Service Academies. These schools include the U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. The fifth service academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, does not require a congressional nomination for appointment. In addition to requesting a nomination from a Member of Congress, or another nominating official, an individual seeking appointment to a service academy must separately apply to the service academies to which he or she seeks to be appointed.
To learn more about my nomination process, please read the information below and visit my website HERE.

Please find more information and frequently asked questions below, or on Senator Scott’s website HERE. For additional questions, please contact our office HERE.


Q. What documents are required in my nomination application?
A. The following documents must be completed and received by our office no later than Sunday, September 17, 2023:

  • Completed and Submitted Questionnaire;
  • Two (2) Letters of Recommendation;
  • Headshot;
  • Unofficial High School Transcript;
    If you’ve completed any courses at a college or university, please include unofficial transcripts for each of the academic institutions attended.
  • SAT/ACT Scores;
    To directly submit your SAT/ACT test scores to Senator Rick Scott’s office, please use the SAT test code of 0220 and ACT test code of 7118. Please note, it takes approximately six weeks for our office to receive official scores. To provide equal opportunity for all applicants, we will not accept any late submissions.


Q. What is the timeline for the nomination process?
A. All application materials must be submitted by Sunday, September 17, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.

To ensure your materials are considered for review, please submit all required materials through the online application portal available HERE.

Please note, all other methods of submission will not be accepted.

Below you will find the official timeline for our nomination process. We expect all applicants to plan accordingly to meet all posted deadlines.

September 17, 2023: Deadline to submit application and required materials
October 14, 2023: In-person Interviews conducted (Tampa)
November 2023 through December 31, 2023: Nomination selections made
January 31, 2024:  Deadline for Congressional Nomination Submissions to U.S. Service Academies


Q: How do I submit my application and the required documents?
A: All application materials must be directly uploaded to your online application profile.No other methods of submission with be considered, including sending to our office through any mail carrier services.

Access your online application profile HERE.


Q: How do I upload my transcripts?
A: To fulfill the application transcript requirement, you must upload a scanned PDF of your unofficial transcript to your online application profile within the “Checklist Requirements” section.

If you’ve completed any courses at a college or university, please include unofficial transcripts for each of the academic institutions attended. Please note, AP courses will be included in your unofficial high school transcript, and will not require a separate college/university transcript.


Q: How do I submit my official test scores?
A: To directly submit your official SAT/ACT test scores, please use the SAT test code of 0220 and ACT test code of 7118 on the applicable testing agency’s website.

Please note, it takes approximately six weeks for our office to receive and enter scores. Once we have received your official scores, we will update your online application profile to reflect the submission. If your application checklist indicates you are missing test scores, we have not received them.

To provide equal opportunity for all applicants, our office will not accept any late submissions.Our office will accept multiple official test scores sent and received by the September 17, 2023 deadline. The listed date of completion featured in the “Checklist Requirements” section of your online application profile reflects the date the requirement was originally fulfilled. This date will not be updated to reflect any additional submissions.


Q: What are the requirements for the letters of recommendation?
A:To fulfill the letter of recommendation requirements, all applicants must receive two separate recommendation letters.

Each letter must be directly uploaded to candidate’s online applicant profile by the preferred advocates. For high school and college candidates, preferred advocates may include school faculty/staff, community leaders, athletic coaches, and extracurricular advisors. For active duty military candidates, preferred advocates must include one of your enlisted leadership and one from your commissioned officer leadership.

The applicant must send a file request to their preferred advocates by entering the preferred advocates’ email address in their “Checklist Requirements.” Our office will send a file request to the preferred advocate on behalf of the applicant. Once a file request is received, the advocate will be able to upload the letter of recommendation on behalf of the applicant.

Please encourage advocates to check their Spam/Junk mail folders to ensure they’ve received the file request.

Please note, all candidates are encouraged to proactively work with their preferred advocates throughout the application process to ensure all application materials are submitted by the application deadline of Sunday, September 17, 2023. To provide equal opportunity for all applicants, our office will not accept any late or alternative methods of submission, no exceptions.


Q: Is my application complete and submitted?
A: To determine the status of your application, please log into your online application portal. To complete your application, please ensure you’ve submitted each of the application requirements including your questionnaire, two letters of recommendation, unofficial transcripts, official test scores and profile photo.

Completed checklist requirements will be indicated with a checkmark and the statuses “Complete” or “Received”. If your online application portal lists one of these requirements as “Incomplete” or “Not Submitted” your application isn’t finalized. To maintain eligibility for further consideration, you are encouraged to complete all of the application requirements by theSeptember 17, 2023 deadline.

If you have fulfilled each requirement, your application is considered submitted. You may receive reminder emails throughout the remainder of the application cycle.

Please allow our office until October 1, 2023 to deliver initial decision notices on the status of your application. Due to the competitive nature of this statewide process applicants are not guaranteed an interview.


Q: If I am a rising Junior, can I apply?
A: We are currently accepting applications for rising seniors or high school graduates for the 2023-2024 U.S. Congressional Nomination cycle. If you are a rising junior, we recommend that you prepare for the 2024-2025 U.S. Congressional Nomination cycle.

For more information, please visit our website HERE

Please note, application requirements, timelines, and processes are subject to change for each U.S. Congressional Nomination cycle.


Q: What are the Active Duty requirements?
A: All applications and required documents must be submitted by Sunday, September 17, 2023. To provide equal opportunity for all applicants, our office will not accept any late submissions, no exceptions. We ask all applicants to plan accordingly to meet the deadlines, and check our website regularly for updates.

Please review your preferred academies’ additional requirements for enlisted applicants.

To complete your active duty application, please ensure that you have submitted the following:

  • Completed and Submitted Questionnaire;
  • Two (2) Letters of Recommendation;
    To fulfill the letter of recommendation requirements, each active duty military member must receive two separate recommendations — one from your enlisted leadership and one from your commissioned officer leadership.
  • Headshot;
  • Unofficial High School Transcript;
    If you’ve completed any courses at a college or university, please include unofficial transcripts for each of the academic institutions attended.
  • SAT/ACT Scores;
    To directly submit your SAT/ACT test scores to Senator Rick Scott’s office, please use the SAT test code of 0220 and ACT test code of 7118. Please note, it takes approximately six weeks for our office to receive official scores. To provide equal opportunity for all applicants, we will not accept any late submissions.
  • All additional required documents for your preferred academy.

If you have any additional questions, please contact our office at nominations@rickscott.senate.gov.


Please visit your preferred academy’s admissions page to learn more about the application process, or follow them on Twitter for frequent updates.

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U.S. Naval Academy
U.S. Military Academy West Point
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
U.S. Air Force Academy
111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

Sen. Rick Scott Visits Ft. Myers on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’


Sen. Rick Scott Visits Ft. Myers on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families





Last Friday, August 11th, Senator Rick Scott visited Ft. Myers for a roundtable as part of his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to highlight his legislative priorities and actions to protect Florida kids and families. Throughout last week, Senator Scott also visited Miami, West Palm Beach, DeLand, Fleming Island and Ruskin to hear from families and local leaders about making Washington work to keep families safe and ensure Florida is the best state to work, go to school, visit and raise a family. Senator Scott will continue his tour across the Sunshine State and visit with Floridians in Pensacola and Lecanto.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Parents know what is best for their children and keeping them safe is my top priority. I am thankful for the opportunity to travel to Ft. Myers and hear from parents and their community leaders about what they are most focused on when it comes to raising their families. Unfortunately, the fentanyl crisis continues to rage, AI has started to creep into our kids’ lives, the border is wide open and I hear from parents that they’re constantly worried about their children—it is time to act. That is why I have introduced extensive legislation such as my Upholding the Law at our Border Act to secure the border and ensure all laws regarding immigration are being followed, my RADAR Act to combat the fentanyl crisis, and my School Guardian Act and Luke and Alex School Safety Act to bolster school safety measures. We need to build a world that they are safe to grow up and go to school in, and I am fighting to give parents the comfort of waking up, dropping their kids off at school and feeling reassured that they will return home every single day. We can all agree we must do everything we can to keep our kids safe at school, home and online. We’ve made progress, but I won’t stop fighting until we get this all done.”


Read more about Senator Scott’s proposals HERE.

Read more HERE.




111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review





Dear Fellow Floridian,

This week, I kicked off my statewide Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour to hear from Florida’s parents, law enforcement officials and community leaders about what they are most focused on when it comes to raising families in safe schools and neighborhoods. Parents know what is best for their children and keeping them safe is my top priority.

Unfortunately, the fentanyl crisis continues to rage, artificial intelligence has started to creep into our kids’ lives and crime continues to hurt communities across Florida. I’ve always believed that families truly care about three main things: sending their kids to great schools, living in safe communities and being able to get a great job. Accomplishing those goals starts with keeping kids and families safe.

That is why I have introduced extensive legislation that keeps our kids safe like my END FENTANYL Act to combat the deadly fentanyl crisis, my ASK Act to give parents the power to control how their kids use AI on social media, and my School Guardian Act to put a law enforcement in every K-12 school on America to stop violence at our schools before it begins.

We can all agree we must do everything we can to keep our kids safe at school, home and online. The families, law enforcement leaders and local officials I’ve met with this week are 100% committed to doing just that. We’ve made progress, but I won’t stop fighting until we get this all done.


To read more about the things I’m doing to keep our kids safe, click HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.



Sen. Rick Scott to FBI Director Wray: Unlawful Spying on American Citizens Demands Accountability

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray on the recent revelations that FBI employees frequently and repeatedly abused the authority of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 to spy on American citizens with unlawful, warrantless searches. In his letter, Senator Scott calls on Director Wray to be transparent about any accountability or action taken against the employees or action to prevent further abuses and restore public trust, instead of lobbying Congress to renew the Section 702 authorities without substantial reforms that are clearly needed.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation following the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releasing Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) numbers for July, which showed inflation continued to rise. Since Joe Biden became president, CPI has risen 16.8% and PPI has risen 16.9%.

Earlier this week, following the latest CPI announcement by the BLS, Senator Scott released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The Biden administration continues to hurt Florida families and businesses with its backward ‘Bidenomics’ policies without any plan to fix it. This week, I have been traveling Florida to hear what issues families are facing, and in each big city or small town I stop in one thing keeps getting mentioned—inflation. Folks all over Florida are struggling thanks to President Biden’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda. I continue to hear from parents who are having to make tough choices between gas and groceries, or our seniors having to come out of retirement to get another job—that is a scary reality for Floridians and it is unacceptable Biden has let it go this far. Folks in Florida have struggled for over two years with Biden’s inflation crisis that just continues to skyrocket out of control and I’m fighting like hell in Washington to end the broken status quo and put an end to it. I will never stop fighting to make Washington work for the hardworking Floridians who are trying their best to make ends meet and take care of their families. We have to stop Washington’s reckless spending and get our house in order.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on PPI Inflation Report: Bidenomics is Bankrupting Small Businesses and Florida Families

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) releasefrom the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which showed inflation continued to rise. Since Joe Biden became president, PPI has risen 16.9%.

Senator Rick Scott said, “This week I have been traveling the state to hear from Floridians and share how I am fighting every day to make Washington work for them. Unfortunately, times are really tough for families in my state. Inflation is hitting them every day—and costing Florida families an extra $1000 PER MONTH. That’s the cost of Bidenomics.”

“Recently, I heard from a Floridian from Naples who runs a salon in town. She operates her business very responsibly but has had to raise her prices because of the rapidly increasing cost of supplies and her business has slowed down. She has even gone without a paycheck to keep her doors open… and she doesn’t know how much longer she can do that. Her story is the reality of small-business owners across the country who are feeling the impacts of this administration’s tax-and-spend agenda that is robbing them of their American Dream. It must stop. I will never stop fighting for Floridians. Enough is enough, Bidenomics is bankrupting America.”  

According to today’s PPI release, price increases over the year in July included:

  • Beef: 19.2%
  • Vegetables: +11.9%
  • Soap: 11.9%
  • Rice: 11.4%
  • Coffee: +7.9%

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on Inflation Report: Biden Administration Hurts Floridians with Another Month of High Inflation

Following the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Senator Rick Scott released the below statement highlighting the need to implement substantive fiscal reforms to end the ongoing inflation crisis fueled by the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda. July’s CPI data shows that there has been a significant rise in inflation during Biden’s presidency, with CPI increasing 3.2% over the year in July 2023. Since Biden took office, inflation is up 16.8%.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The Biden administration continues to hurt Florida families and businesses with its backward ‘Bidenomics’ policies without any plan to fix it. This week, I have been traveling Florida to hear what issues families are facing, and in each big city or small town I stop in one thing keeps getting mentioned—inflation. Folks all over Florida are struggling thanks to President Biden’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda. I continue to hear from parents who are having to make tough choices between gas and groceries, or our seniors having to come out of retirement to get another job—that is a scary reality for Floridians and it is unacceptable Biden has let it go this far. Folks in Florida have struggled for over two years with Biden’s inflation crisis that just continues to skyrocket out of control and I’m fighting like hell in Washington to end the broken status quo and put an end to it. I will never stop fighting to make Washington work for the hardworking Floridians who are trying their best to make ends meet and take care of their families. We have to stop Washington’s reckless spending and get our house in order.”

According to today’s CPI release, price increases over the year include:

  • Flour: +8.5%
  • Bread: +9.5%
  • Pet Food: +10.6%
  • Rent: +8.0%
  • Sugar: +8.9%
  • Margarine: +11.3%

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Elizabeth Warren & Ted Budd Call on DoD to Further Invest in its Critical Child Care Program

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ted Budd, all members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin urging him to invest in further improving the Department of Defense’s (DoD) critical child care program to ensure all of the nations’ military families have access to the affordable, high-quality care they need.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Travels to Hawaii, Guam, the Philippines and Singapore to Reiterate America’s Commitment to Strength Across the Indo-Pacific

Following his recent trip to Hawaii, Guam, the Philippines and Singapore, Senator Scott, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, shared the following photos and statement to highlight the meetings and briefings he received while in the Indo-Pacific. The primary purpose of Senator Scott’s trip was to see first-hand the hard work our men and women in uniform do to protect America’s national interests across the globe, and meet with leaders in allied and partner countries to share his commitment to strengthening military and economic relationships in the Indo-Pacific theater.

Senator Rick Scott said, “While Russia wages war in Europe, Communist China remains a grave threat to the national security of America and our friends, partners and allies across the Indo-Pacific. My visits with U.S. military commanders and government leaders in Hawaii, Guam, the Philippines and Singapore made clear that America cannot take its eyes off this region or the increased aggression shown by Communist China. While this trip only reinforced my confidence in America’s military being the strongest, most lethal, and most resilient fighting force in the world, we must acknowledge that this is not a military challenge alone. We cannot lose sight of the economic challenges we face as well and ensure we do not become complacent and fall behind. Every American and every business should take a stand and stop buying things made in Communist China or investing in Chinese-based companies – every dollar that goes to the Communist Chinese Party fuels their mission to end the American way of life and the freedoms we enjoy.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to meet with the leaders of our allied and partner nations, and I want to extend my deepest gratitude to our service members for working hard every day so Americans at home can have the opportunity to wake up and live the American Dream. There is still a lot of work to be done, and much more I will say following this trip, but I am confident that America will move in the right direction if we continue to support and work together to build strong and secure economic and military alliances within the Indo-Pacific theater.”



While in Hawaii, home to the headquarters of Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) and the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Senator Scott received briefings from Pacific Air Forces, a Major Command of the United States Air Force and the air component of the United States Pacific Command, and toured the flight line. Additionally, he visited the USS Arizona to pay his respects to those who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor.




While visiting Guam, Senator Scott toured Naval Base Guam and Andersen Air Force Base, a pivotal point of strength and sea power for the Western Pacific, and received briefings from Task Force TALON, the U.S. Army’s premier artillery air defense; 36th Air Wing; and Helicopter Sea Combatant Squadron 25. He also had the opportunity to meet with Floridians stationed in Guam. Additionally, he met with members of the Guam Chamber of Commerce and met with Governor Lourdes “Lou” Aflague Leon Guerrero of Guam.

The Philippines


While in the Philippines, Senator Scott met with Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines MaryKay Loss Carlson and attended meetings hosted by the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines, Department of Foreign Affairs, American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, and received briefings from Filipino and American military leaders related to defense and security in the region. In addition to the meetings, Senator Scott visited Camp Aguinaldo, the headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and was briefed on the P-8 missions the armed forces carry out while completing search and rescue, reconnaissance and patrol missions in the West Philippine Sea.



While in Singapore, Senator Scott had meetings with the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, Jonathan Eric Kaplan; Singapore’s Minister of Trade and Industry, Gam Kim Yong; Singapore’s Minister of Defense, Dr. Ng Eng Hen; and Singapore’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, to reiterate his support for strong national security and hear their priorities for the region. He also met with the American Chamber of Commerce of Singapore. In addition to these meetings, Senator Scott met with Rear Admiral Mark A. Melson, Commander of the Logistics Group Western Pacific CLWP/CTF 73, to tour his facility which commands theater logistics and sustainment in order to conduct Distributed Maritime and Expeditionary Advanced Based Operations in competition, crisis and conflict for the U.S. Navy.

Read more HERE.



Daytona Beach News-Journal: U.S. Sen. Rick Scott calls for every school in the nation to have a law enforcement officer

Action News Jax: Rick Scott visits Fleming Island, presents action plan updates on student safety

WKMG: Sen. Rick Scott visits Volusia County in ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’

CBS 12: AI, fentanyl, social media concerns: Senator Rick Scott spotlights how to keep our kids safe

WPBF: Sen. Rick Scott hosts roundtable discussion in West Palm Beach as part of ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Elizabeth Warren, Ted Budd Want Pentagon to Improve Child Care Program

The Floridian: Scott: Biden’s Economic Approach is ‘Hurting Florida Families’

Florida’s Voice: Rick Scott says Biden administration ‘hurts Floridians’ with inflation

Florida Daily: Supporters in Florida Delegation Urge Biden to Back Rick Scott’s, Byron Donalds’ Hurricane Tax Relief Act

Fox News Radio: Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL): Biden Refuses to Punish “Despicable” CCP Behavior

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Bob Casey Champion the Veterans Accessibility Act

Sen. Rick Scott in North Miami Beach


Sen. Rick Scott in West Palm Beach


Sen. Rick Scott in DeLand


Sen. Rick Scott in Fleming Island


Sen. Rick Scott in Ruskin


Sen. Rick Scott in Fort Myers






















Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian,

This week, we saw a direct impact of Joe Biden’s reckless spending and harmful economic policies when the U.S. credit was downgraded. Unfortunately for Americans who are already struggling to make ends meet with rising inflation, when our credit rating is lowered, interest rates go up and costs go through the roof. It’s devastating to families and completely unacceptable.

Biden’s policies are driving Florida families into poverty and crushing the American Dream. Our economy is in shambles under this administration. Families know it, businesses know it, but Joe Biden keeps spending. I’ve been sounding the alarm on this to my colleagues for MONTHS and urging action to STOP this reckless spending.

You have my word that I will continue to do everything I can to get our fiscal house in order. That starts with ALL Republicans in Congress standing together and saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and stop the Democrats from ruining what is left of this country, so we can protect the American dream for you and future generations.

To read more about my fight to Make Washington Work for you, click HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.


Sen. Rick Scott Secures Big Wins for Florida in National Defense Authorization Act

Senator Rick Scott, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), and ranking member of the SASC Personnel Subcommittee, released the following statement following the Senate passage of the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY 24 NDAA) last week. Each year, Senator Scott has fought as a member of the SASC to secure provisions in the NDAA that bolster Florida’s military installations, support U.S. service members, veterans and their families and protect America’s national security. This year’s wins include a 5.2% pay raise for service members. The U.S. military is incredibly important to Florida, which is home to 21 military bases and three unified combatant commands, nearly 64,000 active duty members, 38,000 reservists and more than 1.5 million veterans.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida is home to thousands of brave men and women who wake up every day and put on the uniform, and it is my goal to ensure Washington works for them. I am very proud of the progress we made in this year’s NDAA and the big wins we got for Florida, which means big wins for our national security. I am pleased to share that my initiative to block Chinese drones, used as spyware by the Chinese Communist Party, from being purchased by federal agencies was included in this year’s package. Importantly, the legislation we passed in the Senate provides for a 5.2% raise for our service members. I look forward to this legislation heading over for consideration in the House and becoming law.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Demands Palm Beach County School District Fire Employees Who Failed to Report Student’s Sexual Assault

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to the Palm Beach County School District Superintendent Mike Burke following the recent reports that five administrators and educators in the school district have been charged with felonies for failing to report an alleged sexual assault in 2021 of a 15-year-old student under their care, yet, still remain employed by the district. In his letter, Senator Scott demands that those responsible be fired immediately. Under no circumstances should they continue to be paid with taxpayer money after failing to fulfill their basic duties as caretakers for students.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Demand Answers and Action from FEMA on Projected Disaster Funding Shortfall

Senator Rick Scott was joined by Senator Marco Rubio in sending a letter to Deanne Criswell, Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), voicing concerns about the potential exhaustion of the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), especially amid the 2023 Hurricane Season, when communities may need resources from FEMA and its programs. The senators are calling on the administration to provide answers on its current funding levels and plans to prepare and stand ready in the case of a natural disaster.

Earlier this year, absent action from the Biden administration, Senators Scott and Rubio introduced the Disaster Relief Fund Replenishment Act to provide $11.5 billion in needed funding to ensure the federal government can uphold its obligation to quickly deploy emergency funding and resources to communities and Americans impacted by natural disasters.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott and Bob Casey Introduce Bill to Ensure VA Services Are Accessible for Veterans with Disabilities

Senators Rick Scott and Bob Casey, member and chair of the Special Committee on Aging respectively, introduced the Veterans Accessibility Act to ensure that VA complies with federal disability laws and makes its programs accessible for people with disabilities, including facilities and technology. The bill would establish a 15-person Advisory Committee on Equal Access, which would consist of veterans with disabilities, disability experts, and representatives of advocacy organizations. The Committee would be responsible for evaluating and reporting on VA’s compliance with federal disability laws and would issue recommendations for how VA can improve its accessibility for people with disabilities.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s absolutely unacceptable that any federal programs designed to support and assist our nation’s veterans would be inaccessible to so many who are living with disabilities and in need of critical resources. Our veterans deserve better and our government must do better. I’m proud to join my colleague on the Senate Aging Committee, Chairman Bob Casey, to introduce this important legislation and make sure the VA stands ready to provide every single one of our nation’s veterans with the care they need. Our men and women who served have sacrificed so much in defense of our freedoms and way of life—we should do everything we can to give back.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott, Members of Florida and Puerto Rico Delegation Reiterate Call for Biden to Support Hurricane Tax Relief Act

Senator Rick Scott was joined by Senator Marco Rubio and Representatives Byron Donalds, Scott Franklin, Bill Posey, Anna Paulina-Luna and Jenniffer González-Colón in a letter again urging President Biden to support their Hurricane Tax Relief Act and encourage its passage, which would provide disaster-loss tax relief to families impacted by Hurricanes Ian, Nicole and Fiona in 51 Florida counties and Puerto Rico. Senator Scott previously led his colleagues in a letter to President Biden in April that has yet to receive a response or action from the administration.

The Hurricane Tax Relief Act would make Hurricanes Ian, Nicole and Fiona qualified disasters for purposes of enhanced disaster casualty loss tax relief. This bill modifies the deduction for personal casualty losses in the hurricane disaster areas, waiving the requirements for impacted taxpayers to itemize deductions and to have losses that exceed 10% of adjusted gross income. Congress previously extended this tax relief for Hurricanes Irma, Wilma, Dorian, and Michael, among others.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation by sharing a series of tweets slamming the actions and reckless spending of the Biden administration that led to Fitch Ratings’ decision to downgrade the U.S. credit rating. This is one of the many harmful consequences of the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda that’s only making life harder for American families. See more from Senator Scott’s monthly Economic Snapshot HERE.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.



Manila Bulletin: US senator calls on partners to act vs China’s ‘bullying’

Manila Standard: U.S. Senator interacts with PH lawmakers

WPBF: Sen. Scott demands PBC Schools superintendent fire staff accused of failing to report child abuse

WPTV: ‘Grave alarm:’ U.S. Sen. Rick Scott wants arrested Palm Beach Central High School staffers fired

Florida Daily: Rick Scott: NDAA Includes ‘Big Wins’ for Florida

News Radio WIOD: Sen. Rick Scott Wants Palm Beach Central Principal & 4 Others Fired

The Daily Signal: Smithsonian Nominees Face Hot Seat on Drag Shows, Trans Events, ‘Religious Bigotry,’ and CRT

Spectrum News: Senate bill would re-authorize funding to thwart mosquito-borne illnesses

Daily Signal: EXCLUSIVE: Smithsonian Nominees Face Hot Seat on Drag Shows, Trans Events, ‘Religious Bigotry,’ and CRT

WANE: ‘That’s unacceptable’: Lawmakers call out State Department for persistent passport problems

Florida’s Voice: Rick Scott and local leaders celebrate Leonardo Helicopters groundbreaking: ‘Historic moment’

Florida Daily: Rick Scott: Hurlburt Remains the Best Place for Air Force Special Operations Command



Senator Scott’s Team in Kissimmee

Senator Scott’s team attended the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce local government developments update.


Senator Scott’s Team in Fort Myers

Senator Scott’s team also attended the swearing in of new Fort Meyers Police Chief Jason Fields.


Senator Scott’s Team in Ocala

Senator Scott’s team held Mobile Office Hours at the Ocala Metro Chamber and Economic Partnership.




















Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian,

As a parent and a grandparent, I am gravely concerned that fentanyl and other deadly drugs are making their way to Floridians’ doorsteps, not only through the dark web and drug dealers on the streets, but now through social media apps where criminals are targeting our kids.

I have heard too many heartbreaking stories from Florida families about how they lost their child to an overdose of a drug bought through social media. We cannot stand idly by and allow this to happen. It’s time to stop the drug dealers and social media platforms that are complicit in the death of the hundreds of thousands of lives we have lost to overdose.


This week I was proud to stand with law enforcement and families and introduce my SOCIAL MEDIA Act to finally hold folks accountable and hopefully prevent the loss of another life. I thank the National Sheriffs’ Association, the Partnership for Safe Medicine, and the Major County Sheriffs of America for their support and hope my colleagues in the Senate stand up against this epidemic and do the same.

Read more about my work to combat our nation’s deadly fentanyl crisis HERE.

To read more about my fight to Make Washington Work for you, click HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.




Sen. Rick Scott: Hurlburt Continues as Best Place in the Nation for Air Force Special Operations Command

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement on the Secretary of the Air Force’s announcement that Hurlburt Air Force Base in Okaloosa County, Florida will continue as a Special Operations Command and be home to a majority of the special operations units in the United States. This week, Senator Scott has been fighting for information from the Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall on the potential decision to move members of the Air Force Special Operations Command away from Hurlburt Field in Florida’s Panhandle. According to today’s announcement from the Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, about 600 of the nearly 9,000 service members at Hurlburt will be relocated to Davis-Monthan Air Base in Arizona over the next five years to help establish the 492nd Special Operations Wing (SOW).

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’ve been fighting all week against the potential move of the Air Force Special Operations Command and asking for transparency from the Biden administration. I just got off the phone with the Secretary of the Air Force and was informed that the Air Force Special Operations Command will continue its strong presence at Hurlburt Field. The Special Operations Command has been at Hurlburt since 1990—MORE THAN 30 YEARS. It’s clearly the best place in the nation to train the most lethal military force possible, and for our military members and their families to live. The quality of life for our service members and families in Florida, especially in Okaloosa County and the Florida Panhandle, is unmatched. These communities are known for going above and beyond to support and welcome our military community, provide opportunities for their family members and ensure their children have access to the best education possible. Our service members want to be stationed in Florida, and I’ll fight like hell to make sure they don’t lose that opportunity at the whim of a political decision by the Biden administration and that Florida’s military presence continues to grow.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Calls on IMF to Protect U.S. Taxpayer Dollars and Require Fiscal Reform to Help Nations Like Argentina

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) urging the IMF to work with nations like Argentina on the implementation of meaningful fiscal reforms to put nations on a path to financial security and independence from continued international support. In his letter, the Senator notes that the IMF has, too many times, placed American tax dollars on the line with no return on investment and with no improvement in the countries’ economies it is intending to help, including the weak and poorly designed $44 billion IMF program authorities signed last year for Argentina.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Mike Crapo in Demanding Answers for Shipping Policies Targeting Second Amendment Rights

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Mike Crapo in leading a letter to major shipping companies regarding their policies discriminating against legal firearms and ammunition. Over the past year, several large freight and shipping companies have implemented policies that discriminate against the firearm and ammunition industries, ranging from prohibiting shipments containing certain firearm parts to total bans on firearms and ammunition.

The letter reiterates that responsibility for enacting policies that affect gun manufacturing and purchases belongs to Congress, not freight companies. The senators ask the companies to explain why they implemented discriminatory policies and to disclose if they coordinated with any gun-control activists to craft the policies.

Read more HERE.

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Help School Districts Accommodate Students From Puerto Rico

Senators Rick Scott, Marco Rubio and colleagues reintroduced the Ensuring Linguistic Excellence and Vocational Aptitude by Teaching English (ELEVATE) Act to ensure states receive the federal funding necessary to provide high-quality instruction to students learning English. This bill would allow students from Puerto Rico to be fully counted in the annual grant allocation received by states under the English Language Acquisition grant program. Correcting this flaw will be especially helpful to states like Florida, which has a thriving population from the island.

Between 2010 and 2017, Florida’s Puerto Rican population rose from 864,000 to 1.1 million—a 27 percent increase. The English Language Acquisition grant program helps to ensure that English learners and immigrant students attain English proficiency and academic success. Currently, the U.S. Department of Education uses a flawed funding formula that does not accurately measure the number of K-12 students who relocate to the mainland from Puerto Rico. This flawed formula results in a misallocation of funds.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I will always do everything I can to support Puerto Rican families and make sure all students have the resources they need. This is an initiative I began when I was governor, and I’m proud to support the ELEVATE Act which ensures our schools have the federal resources needed to help English-learning students succeed and live their dreams.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott: PCE Data Confirms Bidenomics is Failing Floridians

As the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ June Personal Consumer Expenditures (PCE) release showed prices paid by consumers for goods and services rose 3.0% over the year, Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. The PCE data released today is further proof that President Biden’s inflation crisis, caused by his and Democrats’ socialist policies and reckless government spending, continues to wreak havoc on the economy and shrink budgets for families as the prices of everyday goods continue to skyrocket.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


Pensacola News Journal: Sen. Rick Scott and Rep. Matt Gaetz Fear Air Force May Move Special Ops Command off Hurlburt Field

Pensacola News Journal published an article highlighting the concerns of Senator Rick Scott regarding Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall’s suspected decision to move members of the Air Force Special Operations Command away from Hurlburt Field in Florida’s Panhandle, without acknowledging the time-honored process to give proper notice or discussion.

Reporting for the Pensacola News Journal, Tom McLaughlin writes, “U.S. Sen. Rick Scott and Florida’s First District Congressman Matt Gaetz promised Tuesday to work aggressively to thwart action by the Department of the Air Force they believe could drastically impact the Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field. In a conference call, Scott said that he, Gaetz and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, Republicans all, had been contacted three days ago by Frank Kendall, the Secretary of the Air Force, to schedule a Friday phone call to discuss ‘programmatic basing actions’ involving Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. Scott said the legislators have not been able to confirm anything since receiving the cryptic message and the Air Force has been tight lipped about revealing anything else before Friday

The timing of Kendall’s planned phone call is suspicious, the senator said, because it will come one day after the Senate votes to pass the National Defense Authorization Act approving Department of Defense budgets and the same day both houses of Congress recess for five weeks...

‘We have busted our butts,’ he said. ‘I have never heard from anybody in the military saying we are not fulfilling our military’s needs in Florida.’ He said he, Gaetz and Rubio are poised to be ‘very aggressive’ in working to keep the Special Operations Command at Hurlburt and protect any other Florida commands that might be threatened. ‘We are going to do everything in our power to prevent the Biden Administration from playing politics,’ Scott said

Efforts to contact public information officers at Hurlburt Field or the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force were not successful Tuesday
‘To me, this is suspicious,’ the congressman, whose Panhandle district is also home to Naval Air Station Pensacola, Whiting Field, Eglin Air Force Base, Duke Field and the Seventh Special Forces Group, said. ‘There is nothing to show Florida is not the best location to house these commands
Scott said that any sudden move by the Air Force to move the Hurlburt Field Special Operations Command would violate a time-honored process by which commands are traditionally transferred from one location to another…”

Read more HERE.

Reuters: Sens. Rick Scott and Elizabeth Warren Seek Salary Information from Fed’s Inspector General

Reuters published an article highlighting Senators Rick Scott and Elizabeth Warren’s bipartisan letter to Mark Bialek, Inspector General of the Federal Reserve, voicing concerns of alleged conflicts of interest he faces in his role as a top-paid watchdog at the central bank.

Reporting for Reuters, David Morgan and Costas Pitas write, “Republican Senator Rick Scott and Democrat Elizabeth Warren have asked for salary information from the Fed’s Inspector General, who serves as the central bank’s watchdog, as they criticized the current system amid a push to make the role independent

Some in Congress are concerned that the Federal Reserve’s current inspector general is not independent enough to serve as a check on the central bank. Unlike the Pentagon and other big agencies, the Fed’s internal IG, currently Mark Bialek, reports directly to the Fed board. Under the Senators’ plans, the holder of the role would instead be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Among their concerns with the current system, the Senators wrote in the letter, is that the IG’s compensation is now structured in such a way to create potential conflicts of interest. Specifically, they objected to having the IG’s salary tied to the compensation of Fed officials who the IG is tasked with investigating

They detailed five questions in their letter, including what salary Bialek had received over the last five full calendar years, what percentage of his salary was based on the average bonus component of the pay formula and whether he had conducted any inspections in connection with bonuses at the Fed in the last five years…”

Read the full letter HERE and the article in Reuters HERE.

MORE… Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Legislative Package to Hold Federal Reserve Accountable

Reuters: US senators seek to reverse ‘Buy America’ waiver for EV charging stations

The Hill: Sens. Warren, Scott push for Fed inspector general’s salary details

Washington Examiner: Sen. Rick Scott introduces bill cracking down on fentanyl sales over social media

Washington Examiner: Elizabeth Warren and Rick Scott team up against Fed’s inspector general

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott Fights Online Sales of Illicit Drugs

Daily Caller: GOP Senator Teams Up With Elizabeth Warren To Sound The Alarm On ‘Compromised’ Fed Official

Florida’s Voice: Scott, Gaetz concerned Air Force may move special ops command out of Florida

The Floridian: Scott Introduces SOCIAL MEDIA Act

The Floridian: Scott Insists IMF Ensure Efficiency of American Taxpayer Dollars

The Floridian: Rubio and Scott Leverage Congressional Power to Block Biden EV Rule

Pensacola News Journal: Special Operations Command will remain at Okaloosa’s Hurlburt Field, 600 others to move

Pensacola News Journal: Matt Gaetz, Rick Scott fear Air Force may move Special Ops command off Hurlburt Field

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Introduces Package of Bills to Reform the Federal Reserve

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Kyrsten Sinema Introduce Bill to Help Customs, Border Protection Crack Down on Fentanyl

The Capitolist: Pointing to potential foreign actors, Sen. Rick Scott calls for FBI investigation following Florida hospital cyberattack

WEAR News: ‘Completely unexpected’: Senator voices frustrations with potential Hurlburt Field transfer

WFLA: Senator Rick Scott calls for FBI investigation into health care data breach

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Jeff Merkley, Florida Congressmen Offer Resolution to End Dog and Cat Meat Trade 




Senator Scott in Tampa

Senator Scott was honored to speak at the Florida Sheriffs Association’s summer conference and thank them for all they do to keep Florida safe.


Senator Scott’s Team in Altamonte Springs

Senator Scott’s team rode the new CraneRIDES autonomous vehicle pilot in Altamonte Springs.


Senator Scott’s Team in Kissimmee

Another event Senator Scott’s team attended was the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce where they received local government developments updates in Kissimmee.



Senator Scott’s Team in Whiting Aviation Park

Senator Scott’s team also attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Leonardo Helicopters Florida Support Center in Whiting Aviation Park.









Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review





Dear Fellow Floridian,

As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Ranking Member on the Subcommittee for Personnel, I have fought tooth and nail to make sure our brave men and women in uniform and all Florida families are taken care of in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act.

I’m especially proud of the big wins for Floridians and our military bases this year, like a 5.2% pay raise for our brave service members, an assessment of the Biden administration’s NOAA Rice’s Whale Rule to ensure bureaucracy and red tape doesn’t impact Florida boaters and business, protection for Homestead Air Reserve Base and improvements to Florida’s other military bases. For more about how this year’s NDAA helps Floridians,

click HERE.

We secured some important wins for our national security, as well, including the inclusion of my American Security Drone Act. This commonsense bill STOPS the U.S. from buying drones manufactured in nations identified as national security threats.

Bottom line: our military should be focused on one thing, which is protecting America’s security by being the most lethal fighting force on the planet. When we do that and take care of the families who support our heroes in uniform, America is safer. That’s why I’m still fighting for more amendments in the FY 24 NDAA that combat the growing threats we face from Communist China, Russia and Iran and stop politicians in Washington from using America’s armed forces as some wild social experiment.

I will not cave to wokeness in our military, and I’ll never stop fighting for the safety and security of our nation and Florida’s families.

For a full list of FY 2024 NDAA measures I fought for and secured, click HERE.


A note to Florida’s citrus growers: With reports of the lowest citrus production in nearly a century, I know the need for relief has never been more urgent. Earlier this year, I joined Rep. Scott Franklin in introducing the Block Grant Assistance Act. This good bill is the best way to help our citrus growers for years to come, and it’s why I’m working every day to get it passed in the Senate and signed by the president.

To read more about my fight to Make Washington Work for you, click HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.



Sen. Rick Scott at Press Conference with Jewish Leaders in Orlando: We All Must Stand Up Against Antisemitism



Senator Rick Scott hosted a press conference at Chabad of University of Central Florida with Jewish leaders to condemn the rise of antisemitism and reinforce his support for Israel and Florida’s Jewish community.

Senator Rick Scott said, “In Florida, we are blessed to be home to many vibrant Jewish communities and I was honored to stand alongside Jewish leaders in Orlando today to discuss our strong support for Israel and the fight against antisemitism. I routinely meet with Florida’s Jewish leaders, and have been blessed to visit Israel five times during my time as Governor and now U.S. Senator for Florida. I just returned from my last visit to Israel earlier this month, and it again reinforced how important our partnership is for America’s national security and prosperity. I hope every Floridian will join me in standing resolutely with Israel and our Jewish Communities every day while shining a light on and condemning antisemitism in all forms. I will never stop working with leaders at the local, state and federal level to support them and their right to live in peace and pursue their American Dream.”

Read more HERE.


Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Mike Braun to Reverse Unfair Biden Mortgage Rule

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Mike Braun and Senator Roger Marshall to introduce the Middle Class Borrower Protection Act. This bill would reverse a harmful Biden administration provision that increases mortgage rates for many middle class Americans. In May, the Biden administration implemented changes to the Loan-Level Price Adjustment (LLPA) that punishes responsible home buyers with good credit to subsidize those with bad credit. This bill would restore the LLPA to its former state and ensure that the irresponsible decision-making that led to this change will not be repeated.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Folks that have worked hard to save up and build good credit shouldn’t be punished for doing so. This is ‘Bidenomics’ in action. People who are responsible, like those who have paid off their student loans or Americans who’ve worked hard to build good credit, should be seen as role models, not piggy banks for the left. It’s not fairness, it’s socialism, and I’m proud to join my colleagues to reverse it.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott and Kyrsten Sinema Lead Introduction of CHECKPOINT Act

Senator Rick Scott and Senator Kyrsten Sinema introduced the Continuing High-Quality Evaluations of Concerning and Known Persons of Interest through National Training Updates (CHECKPOINT) Act.This bipartisan bill will require regular updates to the Checkpoint Program Management Office’s drug seizure data collection categories; require updates to training to best handle what the officers and agents see in the field, and require that the Checkpoint Program Management Office is consistently staffed. This legislation makes recommended changes to the procedures following reports from the Government Accountability Office.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s heart-wrenching and terrifying that fentanyl continues to flow across our southern border and into U.S. communities where it takes more lives every single day. We cannot allow this drug to continue endangering American families. This commonsense legislation will make several updates to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection training and procedures of the Checkpoint Program Management Office to ensure we are doing everything possible to seize these drugs from dangerous criminals before they harm our communities. I’m glad to have bipartisan support for the Continuing High-quality Evaluations of Concerning and Known Persons of Interest through National Training Updates (CHECKPOINT) Act, and I’m hopeful for its quick passage.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott’s Bipartisan American Security Drone Act Added to NDAA

Senator Rick Scott applauded the passage of his amendment to add his bipartisan American Security Drone Act to the FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This legislation bans federal agencies from buying and operating Chinese-made drones.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I thank my colleagues in the Senate for supporting my and Senator Warner’s bipartisan American Security Drone Act, and Congressman Gallagher for leading the charge in the House. For years, I’ve been sounding the alarm on the risks that Chinese-made drones pose to United States’ national security, and for years I’ve fought to pass my American Security Drone Act to STOP the U.S. from buying drones manufactured in nations identified as national security threats. The U.S. cannot and will not sit idly by while Xi and the Chinese Communist Party operate within the confines of our government to spy and gather intel on our nation through drones from Chinese-based companies like DJI. And we will never cater to the whims of high-powered lobbyists backed by these companies attempting to convince Washington politicians and bureaucrats this is acceptable. I look forward to this important legislation becoming law.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott & Jacky Rosen Applaud Steps Taken to Admit Israel into Visa Waiver Program

Senators Rick Scott and Jacky Rosen applauded the Biden administration for taking concrete steps to admit Israel into the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). This follows the urging of the senators, who led more than 60 of their colleagues in a bipartisan letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The VWP enables most citizens or nationals of participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa.

Senators Rick Scott and Jacky Rosen said, “We are pleased to learn that following our bipartisan push, the Biden administration has committed to work with the Government of Israel for it to be admitted to the United States’ Visa Waiver Program. We look forward to that day and the increased travel and tourism it will bring between the United States and Israel which will serve to strengthen the bond between our great nations and people.”

Read more HERE.

Following Tampa Hospital Cyberattack, Sen. Rick Scott Urges FBI Director Wray to Prioritize Federal Investigation

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray urging him to take immediate action to investigate recent reports of a large data breach at Tampa General Hospital. According to reports, this cyberattack targeted sensitive personal records and potentially impacted more than one million Floridians. In his letter, Senator Scott requests that the FBI prioritize its investigation of this malicious cyberattack and quickly identify, arrest and prosecute the perpetrators.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Legislative Package to Hold Federal Reserve Accountable


Senator Rick Scott introduced a legislative package aimed at forcing accountability on the Federal Reserve, ending its bad practices that have cost Americans more than $1 trillion, and reining in the agency’s out-of-control, $8.3 TRILLION balance sheet. This package includes: the Regular Order for Investments (ROI) of the Federal Reserve Act to end the Fed’s bad practices and force the Fed to consider the impact of its decisions on hard-working American families so this never happens again; the Right-Size the Federal Reserve Act to ensure an unwinding of the Fed’s massive balance sheet by mandating that it remain at or below 10% of U.S. GDP; and the Rein in the Federal Reserve Act to interject much-needed scrutiny and accountability of the Fed’s actions by establishing a statutory process for more strict oversight by Congress. Read more about the proposals in the Senator’s Washington Examiner op-ed HERE.

This legislation builds on Senator Scott’s bipartisan bill to require a presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed inspector general to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The lack of accountability and guardrails at the Federal Reserve have allowed the agency to make bad decisions with no consequences, growing its balance sheet to an unsustainable $8.3 trillion, making the Fed the largest agency, financially. Under Chair Powell’s leadership, the Fed has lost $1.3 trillion of your money just last year. It’s time for this insanity to stop. Hardworking American families shouldn’t be worried about the Federal Reserve making risky decisions that waste their hard-earned tax dollars. We cannot allow Americans to be forced to endure continued failures at the Federal Reserve any longer. This legislative package puts forward comprehensive reforms to rein in the Federal Reserve, better protect taxpayer money and make sure the Fed is truly accountable to Congress and the American people.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. Earlier this week, Senator Scott introduced a legislative package aimed at forcing accountability on the Federal Reserve, ending its bad practices that have cost Americans more than $1 trillion, and reining in the agency’s out-of-control, $8.3 TRILLION balance sheet. This package includes: the Regular Order for Investments (ROI) of the Federal Reserve Act to end the Fed’s bad practices and force the Fed to consider the impact of its decisions on hard-working American families so this never happens again; the Right-Size the Federal Reserve Act to ensure an unwinding of the Fed’s massive balance sheet by mandating that it remain at or below 10% of U.S. GDP; and the Rein in the Federal Reserve Act to interject much-needed scrutiny and accountability of the Fed’s actions by establishing a statutory process for more strict oversight by Congress. Read more about the proposals in the Senator’s Washington Examiner op-ed HERE.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


Sen. Rick Scott in the Washington Examiner: Fed Chairman Jay Powell lost more than $1 trillion of your money. This is my proposal for real accountability

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Washington Examiner announcing the details of three new bills to reform the Federal Reserve and increase accountability to Congress and the American people. Senator Scott’s bills build on legislation filed earlier this year by Senator Scott and Senator Elizabeth Warren which would make the Fed’s Inspector General a truly independent auditor.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “The Federal Reserve is burning your money, and for far too long, Washington has let it happen with no consequences. Right now, the Fed has very little real oversight. Not even the inspector general at the Fed is truly independent. Worse still, the Fed isn’t required to comply with standard banking practices like nearly every other financial institution in America. 

The Federal Reserve is burning your money, and for far too long, Washington has let it happen with no consequences…

I recently introduced a bill to require a presidentially appointed and Senate-confirmed inspector general to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. When I announced this bill, the Fed inspector general wrote me an unsolicited letter complaining that his current salary (a cushy $377,800) would be cut to $200,000 if my bill became law. Clearly, changes are needed.

Now, I’m introducing three other bills to rein in this out-of-control agency before even more of your hard-earned dollars are wasted.

Jerome Powell, the current chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, might be the only man in American history who has managed to lose more than $1 trillion of taxpayer money…

My Regular Order for Investments, ROI, of the Federal Reserve Act would end these bad practices and force the Fed to consider the impact of its decisions on hard-working families so this never happens again…

Working in conjunction with the ROI of the Federal Reserve Act, my Rightsize the Federal Reserve Act would ensure an unwinding of this massive balance sheet by mandating that the Fed’s balance sheet remain at or below 10% of U.S. gross domestic product, which lowers risk and better protects your taxpayer money. Right now, the Fed’s balance sheet is equivalent to 30% of GDP. The Fed shouldn’t be this big, and it shouldn’t be in the business of making risky investment decisions when the economy and taxpayer dollars are at risk…

My Rein in the Federal Reserve Act would interject much-needed scrutiny and accountability of the Fed’s actions by establishing a statutory process for actual oversight by Congress…

And to make sure that the Fed doesn’t drag out these emergencies indefinitely, my bill would require that Congress votes to reauthorize any emergency spending programs after one calendar year. The Rein in the Federal Reserve Act also gives Congress the power to vote on ending any of the Fed’s emergency programs. The Federal Reserve has gotten far too big, unaccountable, and reckless. There is no internal scrutiny…

We can’t wait any longer for big change at the Fed. Powell and his board have overseen the loss of more than $1 trillion of your money while growing their balance sheet to $8.3 trillion and risking even more losses. Families must not be forced to endure continued failures at the Federal Reserve. It’s time for Congress to stand up and demand accountability.”

Read more HERE.


Breitbart: Rick Scott: Federal Reserve Supposed to Benefit Americans, Not Big Banks

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott to Newsmax: Radical Left Is Antisemitic

WFTV: Sen. Rick Scott vows to ‘stand up against’ rise of anti-Semitism in Florida

Click Orlando: Sen. Rick Scott to condemn rise of antisemitism in Florida

The Floridian: Scott Talks About his Trip to Israel, Excoriates Antisemitic House Democrats

The Floridian: Scott Co-Sponsors Bill to Address ‘Socialist’ Housing Provision

Florida Daily: Florida’s Senators Champion the PRESERVE Online Speech Act 

Florida Daily: Senate Passes Rick Scott’s, Jacky Rosen’s Bill to Stop Congressional Pensions for Members Convicted of Felonies

Florida Daily: Florida’s Senators Back Mike Braun’s Middle Class Borrower Protection Act 



Senator Scott’s Team in Kissimmee

Senator Scott’s team attended the Homes For Our Troops Key Presentation Ceremony in Kissimmee.


Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando

Another event Senator Scott’s team attended was a Colombian Independence Day celebration to present a letter from Senator Scott.


Senator Scott’s Team in Pensacola

Senator Scott’s team also attended the Feeding the Gulf Coast Summer Meals Celebration event celebrating their program.









Sen. Rick Scott is Fighting to Hold the Federal Reserve Accountable


Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Bipartisan Legislation Holding the Federal Reserve Accountable



Last month, Senator Rick Scott was joined by Senator Elizabeth Warren in sending a letter to Federal Reserve (Fed) Inspector General (IG) Mark Bialek, reiterating the need to make his position a presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed role to provide greater accountability at the Fed. Mr. Bialek testified in front of the senators at a Senate Banking Subcommittee hearing last Wednesday. The letter was sent in response to several concerns he had raised about S. 915, the Senators’ bipartisan Fed IG reform legislation.

Additionally, the lawmakers introduced the Strengthening Federal Reserve System Accountability Act, to improve the governance of the Federal Reserve System and make the Fed more transparent and accountable. The senators’ new legislation would prohibit executives from large banks from serving on Reserve Bank boards of directors, require the Board of Governors and Reserve Banks to disclose more information about the Reserve Bank president and director selection processes, and subject Reserve Bank directors to ethics and financial conflict of interest rules.

Read more HERE.



Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis: Jay Powell is a Trillion-Dollar-Loser
Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation by sharing his statement slamming the Federal Reserve for losing over $1 TRILLION taxpayer dollars in the last year under the management of Chair Jay Powell.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Jay Powell is a TRILLION DOLLAR LOSER. He might be the first trillion dollar loser in American history. Under his watch, the Fed has managed to lose more than $1.2 TRILLION of taxpayers’ hard-earned money in the last year. It’s gross incompetence and when its paired with the wildly reckless spending of the Biden administration, it’s no wonder why we have massive inflation and debt. I am hearing from families all over Florida that are struggling to make ends meet, unsure how they are going to cover bills and save for retirement due to the burden of Biden’s inflation crisis. So when I hear of leaders in this country like Jay Powell, who are supposed to be good stewards of the American public be completely reckless, it makes me furious. The Fed does not have an independent Inspector General, it employs about 23,000 people and is losing nearly $3.4 BILLION EVERY DAY. Enough is enough. We must have real accountability NOW. Would you bank with the Fed?”

Read more HERE.


Since being elected to the U.S. Senate, Senator Scott has repeatedly urged action to address America’s debt crisis and the harmful effects of inflation. Click HERE for a comprehensive list of his statements and actions on this urgent issue. 




111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535